OctaEdit - Octatrack Software Editor and Librarian [ OSX / Windows ]

Cheers Rusty

Seems to load using Wine on OS X but thatā€™s as far as Iā€™ve got with it. The GUI is glitchy, text on the buttons is unreadable as itā€™s a black font on a black background, the file selector is obscured and the drop down menus only display text when rolled over.

Still, maybe itā€™s possible to get round this using wine tricks. Iā€™ll keep playing around with it.

Cannot set source or target on Win 7 x64. Selector popup is blank.

2 seconds laterā€¦ Edit: Need to click in the empty black area above where it says ā€œProject:ā€ to select the OT set

skillz rusty!..

iā€™m on osx and no bootcamp here but look forward to seeing what they others make of it.

Can you guys please report back with your experiences. Very interested.

So would anyone like to contribute to a rusty 4 rytm fund?

Okay hereā€™s how I got things working on mac:

  1. Download wineskin from here: http://wineskin.urgesoftware.com

  2. Open the app and click on the + icon to add an engine, I used WS9Wine1.7.23

  3. Click on the ā€œCreate New Blank Wrapperā€ button

  4. Name the wrapper and click ok. Wait while it sets up the wrapper.

  5. While youā€™re waiting, move the file ā€œOctatrack Software Editor Lite.exeā€ into itā€™s own separate folder

  6. When this is done, select ā€œView wrapper in Finderā€ and then launch the wrapper.

  7. Select ā€œinstall softwareā€ and then ā€œCopy a Folder Insideā€

  8. Select the folder you created earlier, in the next window click ā€œOKā€

  9. Click on ā€œAdvancedā€ and the select the ā€œToolsā€ tab

At this point the app will work, but the GUI will be messed up, to fix this:

  1. Select ā€œConfig Utility (winecfg)ā€ and in the new window that pops up click on the ā€œDesktop Integrationā€ tab

  2. From the ā€œItemā€ drop down menu Select ā€œWindow Backgroundā€ and change the colour to something other than black or whiteā€¦ Then change ā€œControls textā€ to white. Then Click apply.

  3. Close the Wine config windows and select ā€œtest runā€. If everything worked correctly, the app should work as intended with a useable GUI.

Now you can use this very handy software (thanks Rusty!) as if was a native OSX app.

Probably, work mentioning the OT is recognized as drive D:/ on my laptop, this might be different if you have have other external drives attached.

^^ thanks for the instructions ! works great. will be a couple of weeks till I get back to my OT and run some testsā€¦but for nowā€¦

rusty is the king of the castle :alien:

Thank you for the positive responsesā€¦ but has anyone actually done anything with it yet? Itā€™s really nothing to get excited over.

And, you should all say a big thanks to OldGearGuy as well :heart:

lol, I figured Octatrack users where smart cookies and wouldnā€™t need any doucmentation, aka, I couldnā€™t be fucked writing any.

Very interesting! Thanks for doing that and documenting the process.

Haha, nope. Well I did back up my project files files and then went through the motions to copy a bank from one project to another. Presumably, That is what it does, but I did not check the results. Figured I would need to put aside a bit of time to figure out what the app is actually doing, ie: does it do any clever sample slot management when swapping a bank between projectsā€¦? I really hope that is the idea? Tomorrow I will have time for a closer look. Regardless of where the app is at in terms of functionality, Iā€™m glad itā€™s at least out of the closetā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Haha, nope. Well I did back up my project files files and then went through the motions to copy a bank from one project to another. Presumably, That is what it does, but I did not check the results. Figured I would need to put aside a bit of time to figure out what the app is actually doing, ie: does it do any clever sample slot management when swapping a bank between projectsā€¦? I really hope that is the idea? Tomorrow I will have time for a closer look. Regardless of where the app is at in terms of functionality, Iā€™m glad itā€™s at least out of the closetā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:[/quote]
lol, nothing that sophisticated. No it doesnā€™t do any clever sample management stuff, thats is a case of a) Need to double check my alogrithms around that and b) Will probabyl save that for the full version. So at present, you need to figure out which samples and slots youā€™ve used. Hence the little grid on the side, then copy the samples over into the target ā€œAudioā€ folder and assign them in the new project.

Ok gets it I thinkā€¦ At this time the app is mostly useful as a reference to which sample slots would overlap between source and destination projects? And it will copy the bank.work file from the source project to the destination project but most definitely not any of the samples, this has to be done manually from within the OT. What it doesnā€™t seem to do that would make this a little handier is show which samples are in use by a specific bank? Or am I still not getting it? Sorry, the summer heat is making me a little ADDā€¦



Process Bank: Copies the bank.work file from Source to Target.

Process Pattern: Copies the source Pattern from the source Bank to the Target Pattern in the Target Bank. This allows you to copy any Pattern in any Bank to any Pattern in any Bank.


All of the above can be done, and I can do, it is just that the algorithm to do so is quite complex and is tied into quite a few other thingsā€¦ i.e. tied into everything else / the proper ā€œFullā€ version.

Thanks Rusty for putting this out!
Even this light version will come in handy for me soon

Hi Rusty - is the difficulty in developing this further due to lack of protocol docs/api from elektron?

If so, perhaps we can get a poll/vote thread going to highlight to elektron how HUGELY interested users are in elektron opening the kimono a bit and sharing this information?

A fully developed app like this can only serve to dramatically enhance OT manageability and bring in new OT purchasers who may be put off by the arcane awkwardness of set management. Which is a positive kickback for elektron in return for their publishing how they encode OT CF files.

Iā€™d also like to see a full midi-NPRN-sysex implementation to allow automation of ALL OT functions (e.g. OT multi button press sequence macros) to external controllers.

Been plenty of noise here and Rustys made overtures to them.
They are full aware of the issues
and are ignoring it, him and usā€¦

Hopefully it provides some kind of use to someone whilst I get round to more.

Who knows, you could be that lucky someone :slight_smile:

With due respectā€¦ do you want a serious answer?

If so, Iā€™ll provide one, else refer to Clunkyā€™s response below for the nuts and bolts of it.

What a community!

Cheers to Rusty for his hard work and 100 Elektra for sharing how to run the software on Macs.

Been plenty of noise here and Rustys made overtures to them.
They are full aware of the issues
and are ignoring it, him and usā€¦[/quote]
Probably because Elektrons wants control over the evolution of the Octatrack. Maybe they though of developing such a tool in the near future and they dont want to help someone else beeting them to the point. :confused:

this would fantastic! iā€™ll pay whatever it costs to see this become reality.