OctaEdit - Octatrack Software Editor and Librarian [ OSX / Windows ]

If I was a hopeless optimist, … I’d say they are not helping now because the OT OS is undergoing a huge rewrite and it’s going to be new and awesome and the internal structures are changing to accommodate the bug fixes and missing features we’ve all been waiting patiently for…

Now that I’m older, I’m more jaded and figured they were focused on their Analog gear and Undertow…I mean Overbridge.

Guys Ive corresponded with Jon from Elektron since this all started. Im kinda amazed that Rusty has come up with a solution that apart from the live OT OS makes all the saving, housekeeping all extremely easy. So Jon likes the idea which is nice - he was asked for some very simple info which would have got it to where it is now a lot quicker but as its done theyre not needed. So Rusty how are you going to monetise this? Once off license, crowd funding? I for one would like an OSX version but if worst comes to worst Ill get a bootcamp partition

“so Jon likes the idea - which is nice”

“likes”?.. so promising…(not)

To Electron :-
the ONLY reason I have not dumped my OT is because of Rusty’s EFFORT!
Whilst you have made ZERO effort to help him.

Rusty what a great effort - thank you = respect 100%

Jon & Electron = respect… absolutely none sorry to say.
History indicates they will do FA to help Rusty & us all out…

Prove me wrong Electron!!!

lol undertow lol, got love that cynical humour tho
im still optimistic they will do something, how far that will go, is anyones guess.
to me it only needs a few tweaks to make it infinitely easier to use, but those involve the upper file structures, so more than likely
impossible without, as you mentions, a complete re-write.

Yeah “likes” pretty amazing huh. Id be breaking down Rustys door but hey. They wanna see it and seem enthusastic but have offered nothing in the way of support. But all thats by the by as Rusty and Older cracked it so the full blown editor really does take away most of the pain - And Mayo Im with you - the only reason I still have my OT is the promise of this editor

Would definitely contribute to any sort of crowdfunding for this (or simply pay for a full version), very cool where this project is heading. Just got it working on OSX also, thanks 100 Elektra.

I swapped my OT for an A4 but would get another OT if there were a better/faster/clearer way to set it up ready for a performance. For me that means a nice Mac front end and some of the OS improvements of recent gear (e.g. ability to save/reload individual patterns and undo certain operations). And yes, I’d pay.
The OT is unique amongst hardware devices and although often a PITA, I still have hopes…

So many users are willing to pay for this.
I’m totally into paying, BUT - I dont feel so happy my $ is spent solving issues that can be instantly resolved with Electron supplying the tech back-up for Rusty.
Its not like they have to give the software code out - just help the guy out!
So we can all benefit - including Electron.

I’d like to see Rusty make some bucks too!

Or at least take the time to send Rusty a NDA to sign so that in order to save him from wasting any more time and effort on this and from getting everyone worked up about it, they can tell him that they are planning on releasing their own OT editor or major OS upgrade in parallel with Overbridge . (not that I think it is a waste of time, but it might be if Elektron has other overlapping plans for the OT)

Rusty is the man
so please elektron give him a serious chance
in the end it is just all about the music

Some of you kids need to lay off the kool aid…

What, you have Kool-Aid now too?!!

So, Kool Aid… look, Elektron don’t give a fuck. Feel free to contact them yourselves and ask them.

Despite a number of requests, not just from me, but from certain other people, who I won’t name, the best they can say is they “Like” the idea, and that came to me via a third party… see Dogma’s post above.

Maybe they are trying to make their own editor, but think about it a little bit. The Octatrack is three years old now, is incomplete and still in a beta state, is littered with bugs, and does not function as advertised / expected in quite a number of scenarios.

If they were making their own software editor, they’ve fucking failed as far as I am concerned, fives years, and no alpha? Yeah, you fucked up.

I don’t know, maybe they don’t actually know their own code base that well, wouldn’t surprise me given that they have four incomplete products on the market at the moment.

Like certain other people, I’m old, jaded and cyncial. Got better things to do with my spare time then fight dodgy / buggy gear.

For your general persural, people suggesting that I talk more to Elektron, or maybe sign an NDA, or whatevers, here is the last communication from me to Elektron, one of a number of overtures stretching back greater then a year.

For you? Anything you want.


Wow Rusty. It is shocking to me that Elektron would A.) not reply to your letter which is obviously of critical importance to one of their products, (especially seeing as how you have already created proof of concept) but also B.) show up in this thread at random, seemingly ignoring this 12-page thread.

Have you tried calling their LA office? Has anyone, in regards to this? Might be easier to get a response once you have a human being on the phone.

Ive conversed with Jon from Elektron about 6 or 7 times about this and tepid interest is how I would describe it. So do something about it. Email them - repeatedly - on facebook because here they know theyve got us - out there they still have to look like theyre interested AND the OT has been on backorder periodically so people have arrived at it in waves. Make some noise as a quick clean up visually and of the code and well have some thing cool. If no one makes a noise history shows nothing will happen.

This is a great point. I’ve been commenting on every single thing they post on social media, politely reminding them that they need to update the Octatrack OS. If they refuse to communicate, the musicians (customers) using their instruments need to make their voices heard. It would be very simple for them to support Rusty. If they won’t even provide us with a basic software editor, at least provide support or a go-ahead to someone who’s willing to make the effort.

I dont use Facebook but cant you start “groups” and get numbers joining then kinda “campaign” them? Its really the dumbest thing in the world. Ill try a bit longer but Ive got my OT in tjhe classifieds. Cant really be assed with it all anymore. After getting the Op-1 and seeing how easy things can be…

Anyone? Anyone?

just wanted to say that I´m willing to pay for this…support 100%

Elektron please answer Rusty…we all spend a good amount of money for the OT…

please don´t do the same Dave Smith Instrument did with the Tempest…releasing a half baked machine and let us months and months waiting for basic features and bug fixes than should be done ages before…some of them still there!

I personally sold my Tempest out of frustation of having an almost usd 2000 machine half done…

I got my OT with that money…

please please please get it right…

Plot thickens. Elektron have replied. Rusty check your messages.