OctaEdit - Octatrack Software Editor and Librarian [ OSX / Windows ]

Don’t anyone get too excited though.

What does it mean?

Go back in the dark room and start to cry?

What does it mean?

Go back in the dark room and start to cry?

It means there was another response from Elektron, but as usual, it means nothing.

HOPELESS communicators.

Some companies have pathetic understanding of interactions/goodwill with customers…
Electron have not enough respect for us to even post an answer here, …
At least they are consistent.

Thanks Rusty - don’t waste your time with them. They don’t give a shit.

see ya!~

Two weeks later… no comments, feedback from anyone at all?

First off, thanks you Rusty and OLdGearGuy for the hard work and support!

Maybe you presented it in a unclear way. Just a link, no pics, no vids and presented it as stuff and things? Don’t get excited…
I’m sure many people don’t even know its’ available.

It surely will come in real handy for some that need to build a live set and cram a bunch of different projects in to one.
But for me I see no real use for it immediately.

On the other hand I can’t wait for the full blown editor

Keep up the good work

still haven’t switched my octa on

got 5 things in bits atm and that’s ugly


Dear Rusty,

i saw in the other thread : STROM for iPad
that you are also active. Maybe with void we get something very special :wink:

All the best,


100% agree with all of this. And I still think you should consider Patreon (or Kickstarter). No-one expects you to work for free.

Or post a Paypal address for donations . Kickstarter etc take a cut…

Can’t try it out as I no longer have an Octatrack. Swapped mine for an A4 (and have not missed it so far).

No comment. Literally, no comment. So don’t read anything into that.

Bus as I said in the thread, love Void’s work.

100% agree with all of this. And I still think you should consider Patreon (or Kickstarter). No-one expects you to work for free.[/quote]

All fair calls, but I’d feel guilty taking money prior to delivery without guarenteed results.

In my line of work, things have to work perfectly, else, well, you can get sued.

No comment. Literally, no comment. So don’t read anything into that.

Bus as I said in the thread, love Void’s work.[/quote]
I had a dream today that’s all.

We are waiting patiently with cash ready Rusty , there are more of us than you think, the software you released is good but not functional enough to be able to give a good feedback or comment …and do things like talk about it on social media …yet.

We have faith you will do a good job.

I spent a good few hours today refining and testing some of my algorithims… lots of fun. :dizzy_face:

Got a slight issue around the core algorithim that I have built for this… It actually works across an entire Project (or bank, pattern etc), but that is more to do with some of the quirks of the Octatrack / Elektron’s coding… have had to take a step back whilst I decide how to handle that scenario…

Rusty you are a lifesaver. I have a gig coming up this monday and I have been having to keep a notepad with me that has notes on all my tracks.

I am gonna spend some time trying to merge the tracks I want into a set. I will make notes and let you know what problems I run into.

Oh man, time to back up and get busy!

So I spent some time with the app and I can’t get it to work.

Here is a screen shot.

So I have a project loaded and a bank selected as the source.
I have a new blank project and bank selected as the target.
I press process and everything looks good, but when I load the
target project none of the samples load.

I have all the samples in the same folder, all the projects are in the same set.
Am I doing something wrong?

Look fine to me…

Reassign the samples in your new/target project.

PM me if you have issues.

Oh I see, I was under the impression that the app reassigned the samples for you. Guess that would be really difficult to do without proper documentation from Elektron.