OctaEdit - Octatrack Software Editor and Librarian [ OSX / Windows ]

Thanks Rusty
Good news to hear its all still on the boil.
I’ll keep my OT then, and patiently wait…

Hey Rusty. Apologies if this has already been suggested but, have you considered setting up a Patreon page so we can donate and keep the tuna coming in?

I have never heard of that website before… interesting concept

There has also been a slight change in strategy; primarily due to being a very busy boy. Basically, looking at doing a couple of staggered releases shall we say.

I think v1 will tick a few boxes, and allow people to throw money down if they want (or not)

Im losing interest, lots of teasing, couple of screenshots and thats it.


Hey Rusty. What problems are you having with the OT for making a live set?
I played a gig a few weeks ago with the OT, A4 and Bass Station 2. 1 hour, no laptop.
Really enjoyed it, although I stuffed up one transition (although I think I was the only one who noticed :P)

Dont get me wrong by the way, Im willing to pay for the software you’re building rusty :slight_smile:

I hope you manage to release a beta version so we can see what it does etc and provide feedback.

Likewise, I’m willing to pitch in. I know a thing or two about maintaining the delicate balance of a feline tuna addiction…

I’m also curious what problems you are having using the OT live. I might be able to suggest interesting options, but a CPU is required.

go rusty go rusty go

im stalled with the octa, cant be bothered to use it

and I need to, or go back to using a sp808!

I have this line up waiting

Tempest > S900 > Octa >

or does it have to be

T > S > S >?

Fair enough on the CPU thing, although if one were so inclined they could have a mini PC with no display boot directly into a kickass MIDI processor. I use a x220 i5 tablet intensively in my setup, and yea I have wasted a good amount of time fine tuning my setup and not making music, but when it comes time to playing a set, there is no need further to interact with the computer and the functionality of my Elektron setup is vastly improved.

So… 2 Octatracks, one A4 in my rack and an AR on the way, 18 channels of audio I/O + Motu MicroExpress, Nocturn, QuNexus, Innerclock Sync Gen and Sensomusic “Hollyhock” as the brain.
The primary magic of “Hollyhock” for this application is the preset manager which stores snapshots of all relevant performance data on a per pattern basis, so each time I select a pattern I have enabled the option of recalling any combination of:

-tempo (no sync drift slaved to Sync Gen!)
-complex audio and midi routings (I’m currently working on a surround layout for live use… ooh the possibilities! :slight_smile: )
-VST or native Usine FX, new selection of FX possible per bank and snapshots of FX per pattern
-track mutes
-track labels
-scene selection
-Specific PC messages to connected hardware, ie: AR, A4
-crossfader mapped to A4 perf knobs or… ???
-Nocturn / QuNexus assignment
-RME Totalmix settings
-“PLocking” any imaginable external parameter to OT MIDI tracks.

I treat both OT’s as master, one for percussion and eventual master of AR, the other for “instrument” and master of A4,. Percussion and instrument sections are separate in Hollyhock for individual processing, and I often do transitions by bringing in just the perc or instrument from the next song.
Once set and tracks are layed out for live mixing, I only use the screen to refer to track labels, super useful in a 20+ track setup!

Anyways, the point is here that even though the Elektron boxes do have some shortcomings, there really is an almost unlimited potential for expanding functionality with a little creativity. Even without all the complex audio I/O and Elektrons plugged direct to a mixer, adding an “invisible” CPU and Sync Gen to your setup might be the ticket, although this wouldn’t let you remotely select parts but personally having parts linked to patterns is enough for me. I would be more than happy to share some of the key patches in my Hollyhock setup, though I wouldn’t be surprised if you could just as easily code an app to take care of all the MIDI stuff.
For all the quirks the Elektrons have, I think it’s fair to say many other brands also suffer such a fate, always evolving never finished OS’s, chronic bugs, aloof support etc. I’m not convinced there is any less of evils available for the kind of stuff we do, and for me the workflow of the Elektrons is just where it’s at.

The only major malfunction I suffer from with this setup is the inability to with any ease swap banks between projects! (and once I accidentally disconnected an ADAT optical cable just before a set… booo!)
So about this Octatrack Editor…? :slight_smile:

In that regard, DSI and Elektron seem to be in a race to the bottom to see who can piss off their existing customers faster.

I was so sad when I saw the new hw announcements from Elektron then the Overbridge announcement. At that point I figured the Octatrack OS was basically as complete as it ever will be. Maybe in 2 years we’ll get an update if Overbridge hasn’t sunk Elektron, but I’m not holding my breath.

The OT could have been one of those ‘once in our lifetime’ pieces of gear with a few small design tweaks and a stronger commitment to ironing out the user-discovered bugs.

I’ve said this before both dsi and elekron bit off more than they could chew with the tempest and octa
flaw geniuses they are and seems neither company wants to or is able to put the effort in to finishing them.
both companies have moved on to “easier” projects
and still far better forward thinking than aria 08 03 01 or ms20/oddessy re-issues

Hmmm… interesting… the proof of the pudding is in the eating no?

I’d imagine that they must have something fairly solid, if they were announcing it so early?

Of course, Access have been doing this with the TI for what five years now? Doesn’t work for you? C’est la vie.

Me personally, I’d probably just write my own DAW to handle it all, cut out the middle me of other DAWs, audio interfaces etc.

Hmmm… interesting… the proof of the pudding is in the eating no?

I’d imagine that they must have something fairly solid, if they were announcing it so early?

Of course, Access have been doing this with the TI for what five years now? Doesn’t work for you? C’est la vie.

Me personally, I’d probably just write my own DAW to handle it all, cut out the middle me of other DAWs, audio interfaces etc.[/quote]
It’s not so much whether it works for me or not. It’s more the daunting idea of a (primarily) hardware company trying to write software that runs on multiple computer platforms and DAWs and integrates all their gear.

You clearly know your way around coding. Is that the kind of task you’d want to take on while trying to support/update existing products and trying to develop and release new ones? I’m sure it will come out. I also seem to recall it took Access quite a while to get even the initial operating capabilities of TI smoothed out.

I love the OT; I really do. I started out with an Emax SE back in the late 80’s and had an MPC (60, 3000, 5000), Fairlight IIx, PPG+Waveterm, and other sampling platforms, but the OT is the first time I ever thought – this is the way I thought sampling should work. These are the kinds of ways I want to manipulate audio with hardware.

The way that the Notron sequencer makes MIDI fluid is the way that the OT makes audio fluid.

With what OS? I can’t say I’ve ever had a problem with this.

rusty is absolutely right!
yes OT is running ok but there are dozen realy smart feature requstest out there and the elektron closed and frosty silence strategy is a shame and frustrating. actually OT is infinished and this guys really misunderstood what freedom means. and they misunderstood what suspence means…
it is too bad because OT could be really, really one of the best peaces of gear made in the last 10 years… but so how it is- it is sadly just a poor attempt…

PS: If you’re a coding stud, feel free to pm me.

very interesting

w8 here

Rusty - check your email - I got the OT dump checksum correct.

(delay was due to slight user error/assumption about how Hex Workshop was doing things)

(assuming you’re not completely fed up w. Elektron and the OT that is…)

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :+1:

Totally and absolutely. All my Elektron gear is boxed up and in the cupboard at the moment.

I’ll have to bust it out and get the checkum calc working.

There will be a lot of sad Elektronauts if Rusty gets totally fed up with the Octatrack before his editor can be finished.

Seriously, Elektron, can you throw this guy a bone so this can be completed?