Octatrack 1.40

astounding :slight_smile: thanks @sezare56

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I found a litte bug @eangman

Wrote a support ticket.

Congrats and thank you Elektron for this great update. You are doing a great job !


Thanks, @sezare56! I suppose one could throw an LFO on that tracks velocity parameter to give it some dynamics, so not a deal breaker.

Another question though, can you trigger multiple track’s slices at once? Or is it just the active track that’s playable?

So unexpected other than the LED fix. Can the MIDI Trig stuffs do that Retrokits Polymux trick?? That would make this update completely bonkers.

MAGNIFIQUE :star_struck:

Happy bassday

My very first thought when I heard about Midi controlled slices… That’s going to be so much fun.

What a fantastic update! And finally Overbridge support… :wink:

Us kids in the back seat of the car: “can we have Overbridge for OT yet?”
Elektron: “I swear I will turn this OS update right around!


been playing with the update…
I love how the improvements are so focused on useability…
the page led now very clear, the copy/paste of multiple trigs, trig preview - are huge everyday usage changes.
(oh, also love we can easily see parameter values now in tracks mode!)

the new midi trig mode is also excellent… the ease means, I’ll now actually use it (unlike the workarounds)


Thanks for sending in a support ticket for that one. The nice guys next to me here will have a look at it. :slight_smile:


Thank you for this. Can I just confirm … after you set incoming notes to trigger slices via the holding it down, thing do I then make this trig trigless for the sequencer not to play it whilst being able to trigger it via my midi drum pads ?
Amazing work to you and the team :pray:t4:

Oh man just saw the email come in as I head in to teach - had to come to ‘nautLand to say YES!!! Cannot wait to try this, tempo per pattern is so great for working on Sections, and multiple trig locks will be such a timesaver!

Need to hook a controller up to see what those triggering changes are, but i very much look forward to being able to live record slices. Last project i produced relied heavily on the Octatrack so looking forward to reinterpreting stuff in anticipation of (hopefully) doing shows with this dude next year: https://youtu.be/eHcYYQMfVEo

Great to get joyous news!

Did you have to adjust brightness level yourself, or was this the default after the upgrade?



All the new additions open up so many possibilities, it’s great. Trig preview alone can be used to fire 64 finely tweaked one-shots per track, especially useful for long ambient drones or to record them back as a new sample. Can’t wait to try the new OS.


I was wondering the same, and as I read in other comments, it’s possible! yay!

The amen break is to Octratrak like a battle vinyl to an SL-1200. :smiley:


Hmmm not totally sure I understand you correctly. But this new functionality is to let incoming midi control playing slots/slices/chromatic/quick mutes/delay control (or the good old standard MIDI map smörgåsbord of control possibilities) of the tracks.
In theory this can also be done by using the MIDI tracks and make a loop back from MIDI OUT to MIDI IN on the device (on your own risk and you didn’t hear it from me…).


Was about to sell my nearly 10 year old OT to a friend next week, but slice triggering by midi and tempo per pattern give me the two things I wanted most… I might at least have to increase the price should I go through with it :wink:

Might need to get a second Octatrack.