Octatrack 1.40

Yes, thanks, I got that part, but it seems you need to hold a trig and set the midi note to assign it (in my case to play slices from my external drum pads)
Then the trig sits in the sequence, unless you turn it into a trigless trig ? Or am I just not using it correctly. Time to read the new manual I guess :upside_down_face:

Shocked, intrigued, and elated, in that order. Thanks to the Elektron team for once again shattering expectations and breathing more life into an already vital machine. The coolest hardware sampler on the planet remains exactly that and for many years to come.


Default :fire:

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Don’t tell me you don´t read the manual. I’m the one that writes it :crazy_face:
This new functionality don’t have anything to do with the sequencer really. It just selects a separate MIDI map (what incoming MIDI notes will do) for the track. You don’t have to do anything in the sequencer to make this happen. But of course, you need something to send the MIDI notes to the Octatrack, but that is something that is done externally (unless you use that loop back thingie I talked about).


I bough the OT a month or two ago fully expecting it to never get another update. This is just incredible value, and I cannot wait to update my OT after work today!


Lol. I’ve read it a few times … at least the first few pages until I fall asleep :smiley:
This was the bit that confused me …
For tracks configured to play slices or slots when receiving MIDI note data, holding a trig in GRID RECORDING mode while receiving a MIDI note now locks the same slice/slot that is played to the held trig

I’m seriously stoked to have this feature though … I just ordered an MPC One yesterday so I could trigger samples from pads, but might just send it back now

EDIT : I think I’m getting it. You only have to assign it once, and chromatic notes play the slices chromatically from the first note you assign (I think)




If trig preview is pressed, the preview can be heard through CUE or phones, so I’m assuming that means it will silence anything playing on that track out the main outs?


yes, you can copy n’ paste patterns whilst the sequencer is running. (*)

what you cannot (still) do, is paste a pattern without changing to that pattern.

(*) I noticed a slighy oddity in this, you need to wait for the new pattern to be playing before you can actually do the paste… (i.e. not transitioning)

Im not sure if any of this changed in 1.40 or not - I just happened to be playing with it, whilst looking at other 1.40 changes.

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You know how you can hit the SRC button again on the DT and see the start/end points visually? I want that on the OT. I also want the ability to change the start/end times of individual slices within the already set slice settings per step. Does that make sense?

as I only have one Elektron, the OT … can someone explain what this (from the release notes) means


Yes! There are a couple of improvements that could be done, from the DT to the OT for sure.

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Definitely appreciate your great work keeping the manuals updated and clearly understandable! I pretty frequently re-read them for each of my machines, as there always seems to be some awesome new bit that I missed or needed time to let fully sink in.

Also helps me eventually catch up and use all of the new functionality that gets added over time!


This is a welcome surprise. An update for an 8 year old machine. Thanks to Elektron! Been a long time coming.

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Thanks to everyone who worked on this. Its a substantial and important update. Especially happy for the LED tweaks on MKII. That was holding back the machine before!

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Thanks for this update

Totally Amazing! What an incredible company. I have found the TRIG previews so valuable on the other boxes…Octatrack is a total beast

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I guess that’s @Michael_R_Grant meant, and I understood…Possible on other Elektrons.


Messing with slots ! :crazy_face:


Not owning an Octatrack but I have to say the type of support/development we are getting from this company is outstanding.
Only have a Digitakt but seeing the updates that have come my way, I can only state that I would buy other products from them.
Octatrack will eventually end up on my list…