Octatrack 1.40

They cleaned out the EPS manifolds, ran a level 3 diagnostic and realigned the warp nacelles. :laughing:


Love this update the one thing I have wanted was an easy way to trigger slices with an external controller, did not see this coming.
Anniversary Edition OT (yeah not surprised) but this is major. Will update over the weekend and try out, key mapping is going to change everything. I wonder if based on @sezare56 videos if this essentially allows a limited form of multisampling as shown where he is playing Rhodes sample on Taktile?
Duh ! nvm RK-002 which I have !

Whoooohhh!! Super happy with this update and I don’t even know what these two things bring me:)

Thanks @Elektron, I’ve been happy with my OT since I got it early 2020 and I’ll be happy with it for so much more I’m sure

You know there is a manual out there where you can find such pearls like:

Press [FUNC] + [YES] to switch between PROJECT and PATTERN tempo mode.


BTW: the icons on the tempo menu (F & Y) also indicates it.


The good news is that I won’t have to do an update when my OT AE will arrive, right?

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Dear Elektronauts, if you have questions about a device other than the Octatrack, you will have to wait a few days. Let the hype pass please.


Yeah, this… Haha


I used a 64 slices sample I made, but I guess you mean you’d like multi sample depending on velocity? Doable with midi processing, but you’d divide available notes. 16x4 multiple sample challenge! I’m 100% sure it’s doable.


Such unexpected news. This update is awesome!

Every day since getting my OT mk1 I have always felt a littlebit happier just thinking about it. I dont even haveto use it. Its love!

Thank you @Elektron and thank you elektronauts


This is remarkable. I wish my 10th birthday was this great. Randomization of the “playback” parameter page is so much fun. Has anybody noticed the LoFi effect acting weird on reload after randomization? My values come back weird. DIST47 AMF127 SRR0 BRR127 AMD0 Its an easy enough fix but maybe a bug?

ETA: I should note that is on effect 2. On effect 1 the LoFi comes back zeroed out except SRR64 and AMD64. Well it looks like the Chorus, Phaser, and Flanger are misbehaving too. I’m just grateful to have this functionality, even if it’s a little wonky.


Thank you Elektron for this surprising and unexpected move :thup: :heart:

I think I love you now. :heart_eyes:


What controller are you using there?

Taktile 49 Korg, its arp synced by OT midi clock.


Yes, it works!

Yes marvellous update :pray:
I’ve been hoping for Trig preview and tempo per pattern since I got the OT and requested it many times and finally it’s here :smiley: Trig preview is such a helpful feature and makes the OT much easier to program and edit. Remember to turn off “Preview without effects” in the Personalize menu if you want to preview effects PLocks. Also I really like the new lighting on the Scenes - looks sweet.


What does trig preview mean? You can hear what an individual trig sounds like without the unit playing? Meaning like on other units you can hold down a step and hear the note it’s going to play and manipulate as necessary?


Yeah, press a trig and yes or cue to preview that trig and all its p-locks. Really nice for editing the last few trigs in a 64 step pattern!


Checked it out. Updated, no problems. Much of it is new and confusing. Currently RTFM!