Octatrack 1.40

The weird thing for me it that I had that bug with 1st Beta, not with the last one…I’ll probably wait next update…
@Chancla, désolé si j’ai mis le doute, comme ça marchais pour moi…

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Indeed, I was used to tick this one for preview, now I’ll surely untick it. Isn’ t it unticked by default?


Classic. I used to answer “yes it’s brocken, send it to my cemetery” but I did it too much… :smile:


‘No YOU are BROKEN, leave the OT out of this’ :joy:

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Peter Hanes is a saint! =)


I sense an all new “modenized” Octatrack version in the works. The anniversary edition and OS update are in part to help re stoke the hype. Call me crazy but I think this will be a thing in the not too distant future. Will definitely have overbridge, dedicated outputs per track, 9th master track, midi scenes, full poly, fresh fx (plus classics), much improved time stretch and pitch algorithm etc etc.


Would be great - but I’m not holding out hope


This is a great update. I wasn’t expecting this. I thought Octatrack was done getting new features and Elektron was only going to do bug fixes. This is a nice surprise.

Great work Elektron and thank you.

That is the best customer support story ever told.


Wow, great story!
In my opinion that is way more impressive than it sounds in the first place.
This is a really old machine. In that time Computers changed a lot. Software changed a lot. So it is not him making changes to the firmware for one guy after all that time. It is also he maintaining the possibility to do so. He must have a computer from that time or at least a virtualization of one, running with an os, a development environment and compilers for that long. That is nothing you just have laying around waiting for use. You need to either maintain an old machine from the path, or constantly invest time into keeping the virtual machine running.
I am way more impressed, that he WAS ABLE to do so, than he did indeed do so :wink:


MIDI P-Locks are overridden by LFO

I have CC1 values P-Locked. and have an LFO running so CC1 trigs that are not P-Locked will randomize. but all trigs are affected by the LFO. the only way to lock out a trigs CC was to P-Lock Depth and CC encoder.

I thought trig values that were P-Locked were not supposed to be affect by LFO or other modulation.

[can we get MIDI retrig]

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Thank you, Elektron team!

Having started with DT and more recently OT, this update is exactly what I needed!

When I recently picked up OTmkii, I had already accepted that the machine was likely in its final form and learning 2 different muscle memories was inevitable… To see you continue to put effort and fine tune your products after so long makes me a very happy customer :slight_smile:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Octatrack OS 1.40: bug reports

The trigs just flash on mk2 for parameter locks, not sure it ever did show anything for that…
For scenes it shows you the the setup and tracks show where things are locked…
Maybe you were confusing the scenes/locks?

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That’s awesome!

It is possible my memory was playing tricks. I may have been applying my own logic, but it sure felt wrong - as if I was used to it working. Otherwise, finding what each p-lock pointed to would be a laborious manual process. And by ‘laborious’ I mean, of course, mildly annoying.

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Pretty sure that’s how it works for p-locks. Only scenes have the green leds.

I tend to confuse these two things as well, or I have in the past, because it feels logical to have that funtion on scene locks and p-locks, so I’m not 100% sure…^^

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Thanks - seems such an obvious thing I probably wished it into existence. :wink:


Normal behavior imho.
Did you try retrigs with arp and trig counts?
Trigs counts are faster to set with multiple selection with 1.40.


Great that this machine gets future support. I am happy for all who are happy with it :slight_smile: I loved the introduction of propab. trigs in the last updates. Some of the new features of the 1.40 are half-baked:

  • LED dimming dims screen, too // only with 3 settings, the lowest unusably dark //
    in middle setting the backlight of untriggered buttons is too weak
  • randomization only per menu page, not per trigs or selected parameter of the trigs of one track

I had wished for much other things like:

  • transpose sample tracks
  • auto slicing with threshold settings (like MPC or maschine)
  • active steps (like korg)
  • more gain on the quiet inputs of the MKII (yes, I know, more headroom…)
  • send FX (e.g. to the master track)
  • reverb for FX1
  • instant sample screen with normal gain setting (like digitakt or rytm)
  • looping envelopes
  • trigless parameter triggers for neighbour track (then set them to different track lengths)
    etc. etc.
  • make cue track master track bypass optional

But I am very happy with the octatrack 1.3 and 1.4, know its quirks and live with it. Just set to 24bit, deactivate filter and time stretching when not needed, sample hot, get creative with the cue tracks (can isolate the basedrum - because the cue track does not pass the master track), use sliced samples as kits (like PO-33), think of it as the better digitakt and not as the worse ableton, be happy about stereo samples (great for drum hits from vinyl) and think of it as your Aspergers brother: brilliant but ideosncratic, can do most things, some of them overly complicated, and has sometimes difficulties in doing basic stuff. He does not mean to annoy you. He just thinks differently. :wink: