Octatrack As Mixer?


If I have four synths, two of which are mono and not stereo, can I plug all four synths into the OT and then have different effects on each? (And that would then supposedly eat up 4 tracks on the OT.) That would of course mean that I have to use my stereo synths (like the A4) as mono and not stereo, but I’m ok with that.

Or can I only have two stereo synths if I want to use the OT as a mixer?

Thank you!

The channels don’t have to be stereo . Personally I send 4 mono channels out of Pro Tools and into there own track in the Octatrack and then send the processed signals out of each track in the Octatrack back to the computer. You could set up the Octatrack like:

Synth 1 mono - Input A

Synth 2 mono - INput B

Synth Stereo - input C D stereo


Hi there!
Yes, you can plug all four synths in mono to A,B, C & D respectively. Then you set up four separate tracks using their separate fx. You can also chose to have ABCD on one track or AB on one and CD on a second, sharing FX.
One last option would be to not use any track at all, but send ABCD directly to the outputs (under mixer settings) Very convenient solution, but no FX.

This is so great. Thank you!

and also don’t forget that your Analog four has 2 inputs as well, so you could let two mono synths come in there , and use the effects of the A4 instead…
would be a shame not to use you A4 in stereo !

Wow, cool! I didn’t know the A4 had inputs to process external gear. stupid

I’m trying it right now with my Bass Station 2. The thing is though, the sound isn’t as clear (it sounds muddy and as if I’m losing a lot of high end frequencies) as when I’m having it plugged into my exernal soundcard and then playing it in Ableton. (That’s the way I’m set up at the moment, my OT hasn’t arrived yet.)

Am I doing something wrong, or is the A4 just not as good at playing external sound as my Focusrite soundcard?
Thank you!

I see now! I had the A4 filters slightly turned down. Now it works, cool!

Thanks a lot MDM.

@ Credo:

Is there a way to have 4x Mono to the inputs and with the DIR in the Mixer settings send them all to the main outputs, but on both channels?

I tried that, but I only managed to send 2 pairs of stereo with DIR, the 4x Mono were only heard on one side each. So I had to use the thru machine to get them to both sides.

you can also just route the audio through the A4 without processing it in the synth section
just levels and balance and send effects … that would give you the best signal.

You mean without using up a voice? And still use effects on the external synth? How? :open_mouth:

They way I do something similar is have 2 thru machines, One for input AB and one for input CD and I then use 4 flex machines playing back the the recorded inputs and I pan each one like :

1 Flex Thru Input A left > Main Out Left

2 Flex Thru Input B Right> Main Out Right

3 Flex Thru Input C Left >Cue Out Left

4 Flex Thru Input D Right>Cue Out Right

This way the tracks coming in get processed in the Octatrack and then get sent out without each track interfering or getting mixed with each other. Also you don’t have to mute the source you can just mute the channels on the Octatrack. From there you setup transitions between the Thru’s and the Flex’s enabling you to mangle and effect the inputs and have each kept separate when sent back to a daw or mixer.

You mean without using up a voice? And still use effects on the external synth? How? :O[/quote]
Go to the OSC section on the FX track (best section on the A4!) :slight_smile:

You mean without using up a voice? And still use effects on the external synth? How? :O[/quote]
Go to the OSC section on the FX track (best section on the A4!) :slight_smile: [/quote]
Very interesting, I will try this right when I get home tonight. Thank you!

PS: read the manual :slight_smile: it’s not that big for the A4 :wink:

But then I can’t affect the A4’s sound with OT effects and such without also affecting the two synths I would have plugged into the A4, right?

Just got my OT today, can’t wait to get off work so I can get home and dig in!

well you could always sample elements in the Octatrack separately and treat those - you will always have to make some choices about how to set up or route your gear and not everything will be possible at the same time, you have to work with the inputs you have and find out what works best for you, but try everything :slight_smile: So far I haven’t found the need to use any of the Octatrack’s effects on the A4 whatsoever, the A4 has plenty of amazing effects and so does my Nord Wave - so I just use all 8 tracks on the Octa for internal Octa sounds…


well you could always sample elements in the Octatrack separately and treat those - you will always have to make some choices about how to set up or route your gear and not everything will be possible at the same time, you have to work with the inputs you have and find out what works best for you, but try everything :slight_smile: So far I haven’t found the need to use any of the Octatrack’s effects on the A4 whatsoever, the A4 has plenty of amazing effects and so does my Nord Wave - so I just use all 8 tracks on the Octa for internal Octa sounds…[/quote]
Right, awesome!

I look forward to this setup when I get my AR:

A4 and AR going into the OT’s 2 stereo inputs, and my other synths going into a small mixer which goes into the A4 1 stereo input. (Alternatively two mono synths into the A4, or one mono synth into 1 A4 input, and several synths into my mixer which then goes into the other A4 input in mono).

I think that is going to be great!

I personally prefer not to use OT’s inputs as they slightly destructs quality of input signal due to its A/D and D/A converters. I route OT’s outputs to A4’s inputs in my setup. For other gear I use small external mixer. But sometimes it is needed to use OT’s effects.

really ?

i thought the Octa’s inputs were analog as long as you use them in Direct mode… ?
and only uses AD/DA when you start sampling/processing ?

Hi all,
Im new to the octatrack and recently noticed the following.
I have a synth going into inputs A/B and mix it in via DIR, GAIN is set at 0.
When i increase or decrease the DIR level, i can hear significant stepping/aliasing on the synth audio as the volume increases/decreases.
Is this normal, does it happen for you guys as well?
