Octatrack Black - Made in Poland?

I had that on a grey OT when it was new, about 18 months ago. After a while it stopped rattling around… No idea how. Maybe it’s just wedged somewhere in there now.

It would nice to read some positive feedback from OT Black owners.

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I have black OT made in Poland and I have no issues with it. No noises, nothing moving inside. My screen is perfectly in place with nothing under it. No lights problem. I have the PSU-3c.
I’m really amazed by the build quality. My DT from sweden have less precises knobs than the poland OT.


Good to know :robot:

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Black Made in Poland Octatrack user here, four weeks in and more than happy with it. I did have a fried CF card after two days, which Elektron promptly replaced, but no issues with the machine itself, which feels rock solid.
Getting to know its ways is another matter, but we’re getting along well so far…


I didn’t order a replacement either. Something tells me to wait awhile.

Love to see this. Glad to know it just was unlucky.

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I have a new black one and it’s built like a tank! Actually, I had a grey one a while back and they seem identical except that on the black version, the screen seems to be sitting a little higher up on the enclosure but it does have nicer rubber feet and its completely level. No matchbooks for this guy here! The grey version that I owned had a little bit of a rock back n forth on a flat surface. I know it’s nothing really to complain about but still rather annoying.


I think the Black AE just raised in price :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Wait… if they’re building these new ones in Poland, then what’re they building in Sweden? Possibly a new Elektron box or 2?

I heard they free’d up all of their production in Sweden to focus on the Battery Handle for the Model series.


Is that for real?

maybe the label was made in Poland :wink:


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got mine in January, still made in Sweden

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No, I was joking about that. I would think that an inexpensive accessory like that might be made in in a country with cheaper manufacturing. Like wherever their power supplies are made.

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Ive nothing against Polish workers. The roofs a bit leaky but heh!

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Nationalism is a helluva drug.


This is concerning in terms of their future and trajectory, when you take alongside a bunch of other recent changes we (think we) know about Elektron -

-Looking for new CEO.
-Pursuing interests in software as a service.
-Ess left. We don’t know the reason but you have to wonder if he didn’t like the changes he was seeing. Pure speculation, but it’s very surprising they didn’t try to hang on to such a talent, right?
-Recent boxes pursuing the lower end of the market.
-No new firmware for a while?
-Now hardware not being made in Sweden; this had very much been part of their credo.

Many of us liked buying from this small, progressive expert boutique hardware company in Sweden. But now it appears at least that they seem to be following a frankly unlovable expansion path that we’ve seen countless audio companies pursue before. That is, cutting costs, chasing more customers, pursing a more mass-market, less interesting and high-end direction, etc. I very much hope I’m wrong but this is what these changes start to look like when taken as a whole and examined objectively with the information we have.


How long is “a while”?

OT 1.40 firmware update was HUGE , and in December 2020.
And it updated a box that’s 10 freaking years old.

I get that you’re trying to read some tea leaves here, but that is one hell of a stretch.

So, Poland bad, Sweden good?


I thought he left to focus on his software instrument company. Isn’t that was talent does, eventually go off on their own?

I really don’t know if this is good or bad. If they expand to another market, and I am not interested in those things, then I just won’t buy or subscribe to them.

I believe most of their machines have received firmware updates in the past year. They even updated the OT a couple months ago, which didn’t sound like they were even going to to do anymore.

This is a smart business move. Both of the Model series were based on similar tech as their Digi counterparts. The R&D cost is lower, and it allows them to get to market quicker, creating revenue for future projects. It also allows musicians a chance to try the great Elektron sequencer at a lower cost. You know, give them a taste, then they will want more.

Unless there are many reports of there being quality control issues, I’m not too worried about it. Plus they have a great warranty, so I am sure it would be taken care of.

Is this definitely bad? I don’t know, seems like companies have to look for a new CEO sometimes?