Octatrack Black - Made in Poland?

Yes. If you’re a boutique hardware company that has very much sold itself on being locally made in Sweden, yes. I also for example use Prism Sound gear made in the UK. If it was outsourced I’d be equally concerned. My Italian Rancilio coffee machine is made in… Italy. German cars are made in… Germany. It’s a sign of quality, honesty and authenticity, especially when the companies themselves are based in countries with a pedigree in their area. So, yes, I’d expect my high end Swedish drum machine to be made in… Sweden. Elektron know this and used it as a major selling point for years. All over their website and marketing. Come on now, we all know this.

Please don’t try to turn this discussion into some nationalism thing - that is clearly not what this is about or being discussed and it is a strawman question that you posed. Exactly the same discussion would be being had if Elektron was based in Poland and outsourcing to Sweden.

When companies scale up, there are plenty of concerns about direction if you like buying from small, bespoke companies. I’m not sure that’s something in doubt and it appears to me that is whats going on; it seems to the outsider that Electron is beginning that scaling-up process. Cost savings have costs, of course. That is my point.

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Oh sure I’ve done lots of conjecture here but just putting the pieces together that, to me, seem like linked factors. I hope I’m wrong, like I say, and that we’re all pleased with Elektron’s future direction.

When a company loses 1.8m on 16m of sales (2019, in usd), seeking ways to reduce manufacturing cost (without compromising quality) seems reasonable to me. https://www.elektronauts.com/t/sales-numbers/150289/14

Edit: I do not know their current situation, but I think it is important to keep the economic aspects of this industry in mind.


Oh yeah I don’t doubt it’s good business sense from their POV in the short term at least. My points are from the perspective of wanting to see the company continue to make interesting, progressive products, not the POV of worrying about their bottom line. And yes I’m aware the two aren’t mutually exclusive!

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You’re still 100% wrong about no firmware updates though :tongue:


Very happy to hear I’m wrong about that. I don’t have an OT so missed that one. I hope there are more on the way soon.

Would you rather they change their ways or lose the company completely?

HQ still in Gothenburg & the warehouse is still in a shipyard in Gothenburg.
Seems their staff is very small also. One person works their fairly small warehouse, and one person does the repairs. It’s definitely not the largest operation.

It shouldn’t be a problem as long as I can still get an ethically built A4 & an Octatrack with Elektron getting a cut of the profit, I’m completely okay with that.

They’re still not a mass industry outsourcing from horrible places. I understand it’s the authenticity people appreciate, but as the records show their previous fiscal situation wasn’t the best.

Who knows, maybe it’s only a contract while there’s a high supply for the black units.


No. Taken on their own, none of my points are necessarily particularly bad. Natural course of business type of stuff. But taken together, to me, they potentially indicate a change in direction that add up to something that could be concerning. YMMV.

Analog Four and Analog Rytm got new firmware in October. That means the three oldest machines in their catalogue all got major new features in the past six months.


Hi. I feel you spread a bit of panic here.

  1. I would recommend You to read what “Made In” label means in those days.
  2. If you will read more automotive business which is very demanding in terms of lead times and quality you will see how and where cars are produced nowadays. Check map from Poland I’ve attached for you to see how many big automotive companies are in Poland. I recommend you two check other east Europe countries, Mexico and obviously China.
  3. If you will learn more about how to make business in manufacturing companies you will stop writing such a things you write. I already decades since when companies are spreading divisions of production to different countries. Sometimes is low cost of production, sometimes requirement for higher quality and in many cases is just logistic reason. Passing good trough Russia isn’t a most convenient way. Check map of Europe you will understand.
  4. Word about Poland a country where I come form. I do not know what you know about Poland but we do not leave in tents anymore, after we survived second war we had to rebuild whole country from scratch. This made as very poor country but people are smart here i kine to work hard. Current political and economical conditions made us cheap. So if you will learn that you will understand why companies are moving here, they just simply get the same quality for less money and I do not need to prove that to you. Just start readying news in solid newspaper.
  5. Going back to topic I believe in Poland they just final assembly and packaging + logistics. You do need to worry about your electronic parts onside elektron boxes they are still from China as they were in the past :wink:

Oki i wrote already more than Iveyused to :slight_smile:

Regards from Poland,


Here’s a nice contemplative picture to look at. Taken barely 24h ago, 20km from where I live. Isn’t it beautiful?

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Wait… you came to this awesome country and spent it inside pubs? :man_facepalming:don’t they have those in the UK…?

I would like to make it known to the Elektron
community that all Australians disassociate themselves from that goat urine flavored beer, but they do indulge in many crappy others…

Can’t relate that info to anything to do with the OT other than to say…



Thanks for this clear post.
Long live to Poland to keep assembling theses amazing devices to the rest of the world :slight_smile:

Talented people everywhere !

Yep, people tends to forget their authentic “made in sweden” are 90% made in China :upside_down_face:


A Google search for: elektron “made in sweden”

Led me to this 14-year-old discussion, via the second search result.

I can’t speak to their marketing, but manufacturing outside of Sweden only seems to indicate the downfall of Elektron if you think they’ve been on the decline since they moved on from the sidstation.


I’ve honestly never bought anything in my life based on where I think it was either manufactured or assembled. In this day and age it strikes me as quite odd that people do, beyond the obvious ethical dilemmas about sweatshops etc, which doesn’t apply here…

I’ve never seen any Elektron ads or promos highlighting made in Sweden (it doesn’t mean they don’t exist, I’ve just never seen them) and I’ve been buying Elektron gear for about 5 years.

All these voices moaning that Elektron haven’t released a proper flagship in a few years are the same people that would be moaning to high heaven if their beloved flagship got replaced by another one after a couple of years. I’m personally very happy that Elektron support their customers for as long as they do. I can’t think of many companies still putting out firmware updates for 10 year old gear.

The Digis and the models are great bits of kit and just because they’re not what you personally like, doesn’t mean that Elektron are doomed or whatever, it just means that they’re currently focused on things you personally don’t like.

I’m sure they’ll get round to making the flagship all the naysayers think they want, but I’m sure most of you will still find something to complain about when they do…


First of all; who is “Adam J”?

Second of all I asked you a question, I didn’t summarize as a statement I asked you if the summary was true.

To which you answered,

Sorry you don’t like discussions or having to defend your tea leaves, even when some of them are patently false but remain unedited in your narrative (OT firmware)


Hi All,

I believe we will all agree on a statement that we expect highest possible quality of Elektron gear we all love. I truly believe in Elektron company target too.
High quality can be established everywhere, it’s just matter of proper quality implementation in new mfg plants and I believe Elektron know how to do it. My boxes are build like a tank and I cannot be happier as an owner.
We are leaving in hard times now so we should not be surprised that many companies have to make some cuts and moves to reduce production costs.
At the end we as customers can only observe and keep fingers crossed for our beloved Elektron to survive this heavy global storm.



To avoid the confusion perhaps Elektron should have made an announcement about relocation of factories. Just out of courtesy to the community.

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Sorry, got some cleaning to do, hang on a sec.

OK, branches are too large, I was about to cut the whole tree.

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