Octatrack Black - Made in Poland?

Eh, brands have moved their manufacturing around when needed since the dawn of industrialization. As long as “Made in Sweden” hasn’t been used in marketing, I don’t see any reason for them to address this publicly in any way.


Whilst I don’t share @1zerozerozero1 concerns…

I can’t agree with flagging for what he’s said. This site will start to lose people if it carries on much longer.




The important point - for me at least - it was “Designed in Sweden”.
Think about the user friendly and smart interface, the quality support, care about every little details. I am sure Elektron takes care about manufacturing with the same expertise.

Actually Chinese or Eastern European build quality can be very good. Everybody want to make profit, therefore give competitive services, accept highest quality standards, hire skilled workers. There are lower quality manufacturing, for sure but they meet with the cheaper market segment. In China, domestic and export quality and prices can be very different.

I think about Polyend and Erica Synths as big players in 10 years. They are very ambitious and innovative.
Or there come the Chinese. My Chinese phone is quality. If they can design a competitive phone, sure they can design good instruments like a MaChinaDrum :slight_smile:

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Things happen if the opponent seems to be a moderator, LOL. If I did not misinterpret the UI, I got a “Thanks for letting us know. We’re looking into it.” from the exact person whos comment I marked for review with “Unnecessarily and propably deliberately provoking another forum member. It all leads the interesting discussion astray”. Funny world.


All I did was ask the dude to clarify his position. And then he did.

Also, I’ve been off the forum for the last 3 hours, other moderators handled all the flags.

@1zerozerozero1 thanks for clarifying your position.

My thoughts… I think Elektron is doing okay. The Model series shows health in the company, IMO, not the other way around, and the 1.40 OT update 3 months ago was a good sign that they’re interested in supporting their vast user base, even those who may not have spent a dime on the company for 10 years.

I don’t think that assembling a box in Poland is bad. I don’t think it says much, really.

That’s really all I have to say about it.


This thread is so sad.


They have indeed. But a lot of companies have the courtesy to inform their buyers beforehand. Nikon did this when they switched from Japan to China after the contamination of one of their plants. Its not a prerequisite but it is courtesy, especially a niche company like Elektron.

I’d appreciate good and strict QC. Sometimes it is not a question of the country but of the specific factory (like with those HP12 calculators wich, p unintended, and to stay on topic - use reverse polish notation :wink:

(sometimes frame shift moves meaning, too, you see, LOL)

well, if it’s totally irrelevant where they produce their boxes then ‘‘Made in Sweden’’ never actually meant a thing, right? is that what majority here are saying…that it’s totally irrelevant?

It tells you where the product was made.

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Sorry to wake you from your dream but BMW has factories in Europe, Asia and America, as do the other Germans…

AFAIK that whole “Made in …” initially has been made mandatory by the British (Empire, not people of course) to inform their people when they were about to buy inferior foreign products, like from … Germany. (Merchandise Marks Act 1887 - Wikipedia // Original text of the law (p. 55): The Merchandise Marks Act 1887: With Special Reference to the Importation ... : Howard Payn : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive) That backfired somehow. (NO pun intended).


Yeah, all cars come from the same factories now. You’re essentially paying for brand and extra features.

Take my example in the spirit in which it was intended - so take high end boutique brands (such as Porsche) - and the point remains.

My last post on this thread is to point out that the gist of my initial post was to draw a bunch of changes together and make a general observation. That is all. Clearly in no way was it ever about putting one country above another; anyone reading my post can see that.
We’ll see what pans out and hope for the best.


Surprised any of you care where your equipment is made/assembled/designed.

I only worry if what I’m doing with it is any good - and sadly, most of the time it isn’t. :frowning:


I just found out my Erica Synths gear was assembled in Latvia…



Kinda doubt that. But Bosch delivers parts to all of them if that’s the direction you meant. Audi and Subaru do not come from the same factory. But maybe I just didn’t see the irony :slight_smile:

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What? Latvia? Well, I mean, it’s still at least assembled by someone named Erica right?


I’ve been led to believe there were cats involved, at least that’s what I’ve gleaned from Erica’s marketing.

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