Octatrack MKII Anniversary Edition

Hopefully getting mine today. Have had a love/hate relationship with the Octa in the past, but the 3-hit combo of black MKII + OS1.40 + limited edition was just too much to resist. Plus I’ve built up the Eurorack rig since my last go-around, should be fun paring 'em up.

Some people just don’t have ANY shame, do they… :pensive:

Just received #80, gorgeous looking box in person!


how can you blame them for trying, it’s literally a limited edition collectors item attempting to fulfill it’s name sake purpose lol

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Am I the only one who can’t put the AE box in the storage ? I need to keep it next to me :robot:

Hi neighbor! #79 here


Mate until my lid arrives it’s been going back in the box everyday :laughing: haven’t moved into my new place yet so between there and my gfs right now.


LOl. I ordered the PL2 lid before using it too :slight_smile:


Haha !
Mine is coming tomorrow with the AE Sweetshirt.
Until then, I put a big t-shirt on it. I think that taking the cables out everyday seems to be something bad for the unit. But hey, it looks like I fall in love too much with the unit :smiley:

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number 1)
Which I really did not expect


you received unit #1??!!


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Your Setups

Whats peoples opinions of the wav files on the CF card? Will you be using these or your own?

username checks out

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AE in stock here possibly https://www.long-mcquade.com/216831/Keyboards/Synthesizers/Elektron/Octatrack-MkII-Anniversary-Edition.htm?ref=suggestive-search

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photos just show the black one. and asking $2k for it…?

It’s in CAD, not US. Photo is of the unreleased black version but description and $150 price premium indicates AE. I ordered and will let you know.

Listing is gone now :hushed:

Back in stock, now with correct photo

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Same machine, I know but to me, the AE looks way cooler than the " regular black


I love them all, no such thing as a ugly Octatrack, wonder if any crazy person will end up with 1 of each of the 5 versions:
Mk1 with textured paint
Mk1 with flat paint
Mk2 Grey
Mk2 Black
Mk2 AE