Octatrack MKII Anniversary Edition

I love the textured paint on my MK1. Hadn’t realized there was a different one that rolled out but it makes sense now, to match the analog MK1s.

The texture hides my fingerprints so well!
On the other end of the spectrum is my non-textured Typhon which, when I make videos with it, I have to study up on cinematography prior to recording, or else it looks like I am in the process of eating a 2-piece and a biscuit. :chicken:

Is there any texture at all on the AE?


Not really, it’s the same matte finish as the Digis.


Yeah the textured paint is great for not getting fingerprints and going shiny around the buttons, I think it looks nicer too.

I think the Digis paint is somewhere in between the flat and textured, sort of matte but not flat, comparing my DN to AK the DN looks like a slightly rougher surface.

Haha, this nerdy minutiae, I need to get outside more :joy:

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Yea! Agreed!
Well, cool that AE and Black MKII have that “satin” kinda digi texture then.

I used to print my own photos and mix my own film developer chemicals. So the different paper textures available were always something I used to nerd out on.
And would ya know, I always preferred the paper that had as much sheen and contrast possible without showing fingerprints. Ilford FB Satin was always the go to, and I also need to get out more!

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Is it like the texture on old the old ARP odyssey?

I think so, years since I saw one IRL though.

Hopefully @AdamJay can give us the lowdown.

What do you want to know?

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What is the texture of the mk I is similar to. Is it like the Arp Odyssey? or am I envisioning the wrong texture?

side note: just how silly this question is is apparent to me now an hour after asking it. 100% curiosity run amok.

I just gotta know why they’re still using CF and not SD, (besides the fact that there would be work and costs associated with updating the OT to use SD instead of CF).

Is there some kind of superior quality to CF that makes it the best choice for removable storage on the OT?

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I think it’s a good question, SD cards have evolved. I have a RC505 looper, 5 stereo tracks played from a microSd card! Theoretically 3h30mn max recording per track (2GB max, not depending on card capacity)

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I’m curious whether anyone has tried an SD to CF adapter in their OT?

if that works, then you get the the SD card option without the need to remove the CF card and risk damaging the pins

No. But there are also not enough benefits to upgrade to SD that late in its lifetime. CF cards were used for decades in professional gear and are a solid solution. The “huge” danger of breaking or pending pins are simply exaggerations.


Just got the Sweet & Lid :slight_smile:


You would have to do a full redesign of the software and hardware just to change the storage. You should consider this device as a vintage sampler. There will be no MK3, there will be no overbridge, no midi over USB. It isn’t as easy as just changing the storage, adding midi support via usb, and a sound card for overbridge. Electronic engineering / software engineering doesn’t just magically happen like that. I hope that makes sense.


Re: SD vs CF, CF was for a long time a pro grade medium, SD a consumer medium, performance of SD greatly increased during the life of OT - although SD might have been sufficient at time of launch, it may not yet have been at time of design.

Also AFAIK you have to pay a license to use SD (although I don’t think it is policed) but not for CF.

Re: bent pins, never happened to me in 10 years and I always take the card out and put it in a reader, never used disk mode.


How does any of that reply to my inquiry about the paint job?

Yeah, no. I had a SP-202 before this. THAT was a vintage sampler. The OT just has a classic video game sensibility for pixel economy but is a completely forward thinking device.

Ok Nostradamus.

Again, I was inquiring about the paint job, why are you telling me this?

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Whoops, replying to the comment after about the SD card :confused:

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Ok :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My bad at taking umbridge. Although it was mostly confused umbridge.

There are 2 in stock here for list cost if anyone is interested. If the gas has burnt out, so be it :smiley: