Octatrack MKII Anniversary Edition

025/350 lives in Denver Colorado now :slight_smile:


I think I got em all down to see which number units are left (50 spoken for)

11, 18, 25, 32, 37, 58, 61, 63, 64, 67, 71, 78, 79, 80, 85, 98
102, 103, 123, 139, 147, 157, 161, 183, 184, 186, 191, 195, 199
203, 217, 218, 235, 238, 241, 244, 266, 268, 274, 278, 280, 282, 288, 293
302, 305, 325, 340, 343, 347

Happy New Year Everyone!!

reply here to add your new friend to the list


Thatā€™s alredy the case! It is the same size as AR/A4 MKI. :wink:
For me AR/A4 MKII size doesnā€™t make sense. I wonā€™t buy them.

266 here :+1:


so I was finally brave enough to take that little plastic sheet off my new friend
because you know im pretty sure were going to be friends for a long time and what do i discover?
there are freakin smudges of some sort that are somehow on the underside of the screen
whats the deal yo?!!
are these quality control issues? im seriously shocked they would let an anniversary edition unit out into the wild like this.
Does anyone else who got a new anniversary edition have this issue as well?
Man, now im wondering how to get in there and wipe it off but that sure does sound scary.
SO SURPRISED they would let it leave in this condition man tskk tsk Elektron, tsk tsk!!

:expressionless: :pensive: :grimacing: :unamused:

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Enjoy your LimitedĀ² Edition ! :tongue:

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Maybe itā€™ll be like Beanie Babies. The ā€œerrorsā€ on the tags make them more valuable 30 years later.

Getting in there would void your warranty, so Iā€™d contact Elektron directly to see what they say.

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I have yet to peel mine, I think I will now.


Tell me if you change your mind and want to sell it to me. Grey is much better, no? :content:

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#263 reporting for duty!
It is way more elegant than I had anticipated!

What a beauty!


Happy birthday!

Ah they didnā€™t changed the logo at startup!

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Its really a good looking device!

It is a gift part of the Anniversary celebration :joy::crazy_face::wink:

No seriously you should contact Elektron support straight away

Definitely not a simple looping device.


Iā€™m jealous of everyone who has this AE edition of the OT. Non-AE OTā€™s look like humans without nipples to me now.


Yes, mine has a little scratch on the underside of the lens.

Just peeled mine and no blemishes thankfully, I did notice when peeling that the bottom corner lifted about 1-2mm away from the chassis then went back - so it might be worth trying to lift the bezel to clean if you have blemishes under it? Obviously at your own risk, but if it were me Iā€™d try a suction cup and plastic spudger to carefully lift the bezel to see if you can clean it, it should stick back ok.

Scaramanga edition :joy:


OS was 1.31, btw.
So I took a bit of time to upgrade it.
And load a few additional samples.
And browse my sample collection.

F*** got to get back to work!