Octatrack Tutorial: Sidechain pumping effect!

This is a short tutorial on how I prefer to make the sidechain pumping effect, it sounds fantastic so it’s worth learning how to do it!

Also, I am aware that there have been videos made on how to do this. I enjoy creating these tutorials and I wanted to share exactly how I prefer to do it because I think it works best this way. By best I mean no audio artifacts from the Octatrack due to fast closing volume envelopes. Enjoy!

-Matthew (aka EZBOT)


Thank you.

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Beautiful. Another clear concise no bullshit practical tutorial.
Nice idea to use the filter instead of vol.


It is a lot cleaner right? It’s not just me?

I’m keen to give it a try! I thought it sounded clean in your video, I will have a play myself after work maybe if I get the chance. I really should use trigless trigs more often, they are super useful.

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Love it. Great tutorial. Is that marking tape on the bottom of your OT for scenes? That’s a great idea.

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It sure is, I mostly use the same project file for all my performances- I just keep tweaking it a bit.

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I started using mixer tape (got a deal on a package of multi neon colored mixer tape right before the lockdown)… But this is a great idea to get even more organized. I hardly ever use scenes because I forget what I assigned to them. Having a more focused would help.
Thanx again.

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One question… I don’t very often use a typical 4/4 drum beat. If the beats are spaced differently would i need to change the speed of the lfo? Almost every sidechaining tutorial I’ve seen uses 4/4 bass drum’s.

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No just place the trigs so they match your kick pattern.

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Yep! What he said

Sidechain-less sidechain p. effect with trig-less trigs … :thinking: … there seems to be a pattern … :smiley:

The LFO gets retriggered at each trigless trig you set. With the speed you can vary how long it takes to fade back to the normal filter settings after each trigless trig.


Which could be interesting. That was what I was thinking. If you use math you could possibly get more precise, but I’ prolly over thinking it.

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I experienced this too (on AR), adding trig conditions.

When the kick is off, side chain fx is off.
Track 1 Kick, /FILL TRCs
Track 2 audio with Side chain, trigless, NEI TRCs.

When you use FILL with page, the kick is cut, and NEI trigless to, so no more side chain.
-23/384 Microtiming can be used for the first trigless after a regular trig.


I just wanted to say that I recently discovered the EZBOT Octatrack tutorials on YouTube, and I think they are the clearest explanation of specific Octatrack use cases I have seen. Great job!


Loved that tutorial- not too deep or long but certainly enough info to make it worth while - more than just the main focus, ie I learnt that max vol and track vol was unity gain for Thrus . I’ve been stumbling with this and it was super helpful, thanks.
I’ll check you on YouTube EZBot, good stuff.

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Ahhh schucks. Making me blush! Thanks for the kind words, I do love making concise tutorials for everyone.


really cool!

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Can do this on a Digitone too…


What about simply assign a scene to Vol at - 64 for track 1 and LFO depth at 0 for track 2?
In that way it can also work nice with in beetween crossfader positions so at lower kick volume it lower the sidechain fx gradually.
Or you could achieve a nice fx with an HPF on the kick so the more the kick get filtered the less sidechain you got.
By muting/unmuting scene you should get te same results if you’re looking for an instant fx

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