[Off topic] Mission discussion / copyright

I already pulled down the playlists.

Its over.


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This thread is a perfect example why humanity canā€™t have nice things.


I just realizedā€¦ It was actually COSTING me money to host thisā€¦ I upgraded my Soundcloud to Next pro just to accommodate all the tracks.


itā€™s awkward to comment on this without making it appear as though one is taking sides, but without commenting on the issue itself, in general you as a person are a super nice dude and as I am not an alumni forum member, I can tell you that not everyone here is as accepting of new members/all members as you are.

Do what you want with battles, donā€™t do anyone any favors you donā€™t want to, donā€™t get involved in any endeavor which you arenā€™t prepared to be criticized for or critiqued on.

some people choose to shine their own shoes, many are too lazy to do so on their own. Replace the words ā€œshine their own shoesā€ with ā€œhost their own tracks anonymouslyā€.

this is my take away from this as well,

but also as someone who as a result of similar concerns about intellectual property, has a lot of unreleased music which will now probably be forever tied up in perpetuity due to creative differences, as I move in a different direction - on my own - I can appreciate that there is more to this than just intentions.

This is not a fun game when people start signing waivers or paying fees or doing any of the things that would make this function in ā€œthe real worldā€.

Iā€™m literally only commenting because I think rabbit is a good dude and thereā€™s no chance anyone is going to pick up the torch on this if he puts it down. If people want to be involved in anything where they arenā€™t judged based on popularity of username, there has to be some method of maintaining anonymity - the productive thing to do would be have a discussion about ways to do that.

Now that Iā€™ve painted a target on my back Iā€™ll just post a meme and go fuck myself.



This is very sad.
And if it has anything to do with the way I tried to handle this, my very sincere apologies.

Iā€™ve found youā€™ve injected an appreciated energy in these battles, and I am grateful for this!
Youā€™ve been welcoming, and pushing others to make music, and this is very respectable.


Thats very kind of you.

Im not an OG myself, but I never seen a diss track made about another user here on any thread I ever been onā€¦ This came wildly out of left field.

To be honestā€¦ Ive been feeling a shift on here a bitā€¦ I thought it was just my imagination, but it seemed like there were some kind of change in the temperment of the forumā€¦ It was great over the holidays, but now, it seems less welcoming. Almost like facebook.

My concern is the forumā€¦ the battles made helped with engagement, fostered community, and added variety to the threads, but as you say, why would anyone put themselves out there to be criticized?


This fucking forum latelyā€¦

How hard is it for people to communicate their concerns without being a patronising twat?

We all know very well about the link between creativity and mental health, so maybe, just fucking maybe try thinking about how smart arse ā€œadviceā€ and name calling might affect people before you go off on some crusade to prove how much fucking smarter you are.

And yes, Iā€™m aware of the hipocrisy of what Iā€™m saying, I just donā€™t give a shit.

My guy goes out of his way to do something for the community and you canā€™t even try and discuss your concerns like a fucking grown upā€¦

But yeah, look at you, arenā€™t you the clever oneā€¦


Diss track for reals? How fucking petty.


my point is that you must be prepared for criticism, any time you take a step out into the world. even more so if you bring attention unto yourself, thatā€™s just life.

I also believe that you have to understand the difference between the argument that guns kill people vs you are trying to kill people with that gun.

I donā€™t think anyone was saying this is what youā€™re trying to do, more that this is what can happen if - and that escalated the situation.

Anyways, Iā€™ve said what I wanted to say, I donā€™t think itā€™s productive for me to say anything else at this point.

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I appreciate that.

It was starting to go this way once the conversation turned from making music to criticizing the format. And I didnā€™t invent the format, I just borrowed it to make DnB.

And there are literally no alternative proposed without changing it from a battle to an open challenge, and I liked the sport of it.

I equated it to blind auditions with a symphonyā€¦ it let the music stand on its ownā€¦ thats why I used the same icons for the playlist and revealed everyone laterā€¦

All this talk of money and copyright has nothing to do with making music for the battlesā€¦ it is implied that any sumbmitted tracks were free use and sole ownership was with the artistā€¦

My Soundcloud page was upā€¦ you could watch it to be monetizedā€¦ and Soundcloud has a copyright takedown system in place.

But I cannot tolerate being attacked in a public forum. Having a diss track is not good for my mental healthā€¦ Ive been vocal about how I suffer from PTSD from my time in Iraqā€¦ i am a disabled veteran who served in the Marine Corpsā€¦ so I have to manage my anger and hostility, and having random internet people write music about how I suck isnā€™t compelling me to keep paying money to host a battle.


Iā€™d be happy to chuck in a few quid for a forum SoundCloud account if it would avoid this problem?


ā€¦suspicious mindsā€¦!?..greedā€¦!?..hereā€¦!?..about some eventual penniesā€¦!?..seriouslyā€¦???

cringe 'n cruuuuuudeā€¦

i like this little producer challenges hereā€¦

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Thats kind of youā€¦ but whoever managed it would come under fire in the exact same way. Its a false issue.

Iā€™m happy to take the flak and tell people to ā€œdo oneā€

These battles are important to me, but I donā€™t think you should have to shoulder the costs and stress on your own so you have my sword my friend.


Can we start a diss track amnesty challenge?

Cathartically vent all your bitter resentment, jealousy, reflected insecurities and unhealthy feelings in musical form about a forum member whoā€™s affected you. Post anonymously as an audio clip.
(What rhymes with fin? Itā€™s a sin, put him in the bin, moaning about things, heā€™s never gonna win)

Pettiest shittiest track wins. Although the blkrbt one might already have clinched it. If youā€™re gonna hate make sure you bring the heat or youā€™ll come across as a total twat.

(Disclaimer for sensitive internet misunderstanding types): all of this post is non real waft


Big love to you @BLKrbbt. Many here appreciate you and what youā€™ve been doing with these battles and for the community. You are a good dude and Iā€™m sorry this has happened.

I donā€™t/wonā€™t get drawn into beef with anonymous people on the internet, but the diss track was a low blow. Pretty pathetic. Not funny. Was it supposed to be? Thereā€™s a human being on the receiving end of it. No one needs that shit. Life is complicated enough. Feels like the SP forums of old. What a shame.


Compared to what my kidā€™s say to me, you fuckers couldnā€™t even get close.


Please let not this thread turn into user shaming.

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This is embarrassing. @BLKrbbt works so hard. Some wiseman once said:

Donā€™t start no shit, wonā€™t be no shit