Offer from label....but

This is exactly what will happen to me in this case. The track is bang average.


Soundcloud is a good playground for spammers, because SC doesn’t do much to get rid of them.
Real labels have enough to do with the submissions they are sent to spent time on SC seeking new artists.

What I want from a label (as a buyer at least) is a true strong identity so that I will listen to every new album knowing there has been a selection from the owner.


well said

Absolutely spot on.
But from my point of view I never sent the track to anyone. It’s not really the finished me…it’s an average Techno track.

I might still do this just for the experience of getting a track signed.

on second thought, rename the track ’ I’ll Master You’, and release it under the new project name of Bang Average, then resend it to them and offer them a consultation for your consideration to allow them to release the track for the sum of $69, I bet they accept and master it for free. :grin:



on a serious note whatever you decide to do I wish you well with your endeavors


Walk away.

100% scam.

Edit: They will get your $69 and that is the last you’ll ever hear from them, no master, no contract, no reply.

Tell you what - send me $50, and I won’t master your track, or send you a contract, or most importantly lie and swindle you, but you’ll save $19.


Sounds odd. You pay for mastering but they commit to promoting and stuff, which is way more expensive and time consuming?

If the track’s solid enough, a one hour session could do the trick to get it in master shape, if it’s a stereo recording with no stems.

But it’s still an odd proposition.

“If you pay just a dime, we’ll commit to the much more expensive stuff.”

I don’t see the logic there. Which smells maybe not scam, but certainly a way for them to unload all risk to you until they have a product even closer to finished before they commit.

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It’s an interesting business strategy. Contact a ton of random artists, charge a random fee to release on the label, potentially do a basic master using Izotope or Landr or whatever, quickly build up a catalogue and possibly some recognition through sheer amount of releases? Dunno if that’s what they’re doing but if so, it sounds pretty generic to me. IMO that kind of thing is only really worth it if you get a physical release out of it, or put on some popular Spotify playlists etc…

This 100%. When I released with 3OP earlier in the year it was great to be part of a label that also released like-minded artists, with a diverse sound yet enough in common that you’re guaranteed to enjoy every release if you follow the label. Plus they mastered the whole album without me having to pay upfront.


Sounds a bit fishy to me unfortunately.

Reminds me of those modelling agents that charge for headshots - that’s where they’re actually making money - I suspect this outfit is making bank off of $69 mastering services framed as a label.

Pure specualtion of course and I hate to be involved in bursting any kind of bubble because that’s a real exciting opportunity.

But I suspect a label that wants to release your music wouldn’t be interested in putting up barriers like that, because they’ve already seen commercial opportunity in it.


I had a fellow elektronaut do mastering of my tracks for Convenience 2 for 60 a track. He did an amazing job and he was super cool to work with.

If you want to take the chance with this supposed label, I’d recommend saving the 9 dollars, going with this awesome guy and not giving a dime to potential scammers.

Msg me for the contact


I feel exactly the same way.
Thanks :+1:

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Good on you for coming here and asking though - a lot of people wouldn’t - good to bring these kinds of things to peoples attentions.

I once had someone contact me on Instagram to ask if I’d make a song for their kids birthday. I played along for a while to the point I attempted to reverse their bank scam and insist they send me $10 to verify their account - they lost interest in me after that :laughing:


Correction - appears they are “a real label” in so far as they will (might) put your track out, get it on the digital platforms on a compilation, “promote it” big deal - not worth $69. You can do all of this yourself for less, without giving a cut to “the label”.

I imagine their contract will be a 50/50 deal, they probably master your track through software - where they make most of their money I bet.

Here is their discogs page, not exactly impressive:


$69 for professional mastering is not a lot. BUT what is the label taking a cut on? And how much? Indie standard is 50% off the master. If they are taking 50% of your master, then they can also have it mastered with the engineer of their trust without making you pay $69. After all, they’ll be owning 50% of the rights to that master going forward.

I’d ask for the terms to be discussed and laid out in paperwork before I’d pay anything, just to avoid being scammed.

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Stay away. Any decent and serious label will take care of the mastering if you sent a proper mix down.


As an artist I never paid for mastering.
Don’t do it! That’s the label‘s job.


If they’re that confident in your track moving units, they’ll be happy to swallow the $69, and get you signed.

I’m signed with three labels and I’ve never been asked for money, nor have I had to ask them for money. This should be transparent at all times.


I get the feeling this is some backdoor nigeria letter. They probably send this to 20000 other underground artists with some bot and if 20 take it they run the tracks thru some masteralgos and autopromostuff and everyones happy.