Offer from label....but

Pretty much every track I submit on SoundCloud gets random ‘people’ offering to release my track. Invariably these are scams.

These people prey on hobbyist, starry-eyed amateurs wanting to make a name for themselves. They take your money and do a runner.


I always respond asking to be paid in cheese and pickle sandwiches.

They never get back to me.


Are those any good?

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I dunno, no-one wants to send me any.


…first of all…nice oppertunity to stem out ur tracks or busses “naked” and mix it down fresh from scratch again…
and do ur own mastering in one go…which becomes the new real out there anyways…
even hi end pros, if not “only” specialized on final stereo signal treatment start their mixing sessions more and more by mixing into their masterring bus right from the get go these days…

69 bux is no legit pricetag for a truu pro master job…but it’s half the price of the god particle plugin by cradle…and i can assure u, even without the luxury of a fresh pair of ears and solid know how of an outsourced mastering mission, this damned little thing is an easy to handle but full fledged masteringbus from multiband compression and eq’ing, perfect stereo spread and mid/side relation all the way to final brickwall limiting in one rush and will do totally fine for a single random track of urs when it comes to mastering…

so invest 120 bux instead and start further growing in experience instead…
send them ur mastered track next week and if that label is truly legit, everybody is happy end of the day…

but hey, no matter what…U and only U keep ur master rights…so read all small print and make sure, whatever the shares might be, all copyright falls back to u, also end of ur day…
and not in ur next life…

but don’t get ur hopes too hi, the propability is also pretty hi, all they want is nothing but 69 bux from ur pocket, no matter how “legit” their internet appearance might look like…
but as said, take the oppertunity and get urself ready for the new times and gain the confidence that all ur final tracks can become legit for real fom now on…no matter who’s asking…


I’d avoid this, tbh. If a label contacts you and starts asking for money for any reason, that’s a gigantic red flag. They should be covering any costs, and at the very most they would be recoupable - you absolutely shouldn’t be paying anything up-front.

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Surely they’re gonna take your $69 and do absolutely nothing.

I imagine they’re sending thousands of these emails / messages per day to different artists on Soundcloud and if even a few pay the $69 each day, they’re probably making a tidy sum each week.

Feels like a complete scam to me.


These guys think you’re a cash cow.


Got this message last week from “Demo Submission” on soundcloud. Don’t think any “real” label would communicate like this?

Valid for an agreement?..Saaap Electric Bear, that song‘164 (Live version)’…Wow,Whalesdidaverygoodjobonthis!!!..Pls submit your track for the label staff,and guys speak to u with the following moves…

I didn’t respond and the user is now deleted from Soundcloud.

Just sharing this to make people aware of possible scams on soundcloud :wink:


Sorry to say it but yeah, this is a really common scam. Avoid!


Start your own label and release on Distrokid for $20 a year.


Once I lost 700 EUR on prepaid mastering and release service by a well-known techno label owner and producer. All I got was shitty excuses.


In general, at least in the publishing world and I would strongly assume here too, the money should always flow toward the talent. If you’re bringing someone on directly as a service to you — like hiring a mastering engineer — that’s different, as is paying for a specific service like distrokids, but if you’re working with a label who have an actual business proposition and will take a percentage, you don’t pay.


Don’t waste your time on anyone who tells you you have to spend money on something

They don’t believe in you

You’re better off promoting yourself on Bandcamp


definately scam… learn to master your own tracks. Its not rocketscience…

start simple, little compression on master, little saturation, little eq, limit as needed. Then slowly learn and adjust…


This looks like a long running artist scam where the scammers churn through posted art and offer to promote you for “just a small fee”. The “promotion” is either nothing or slapping a link up on some obscure site. It targets artists of all types with the flattering conceit that you’ve been “discovered”.


Keep your money.

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Yeah, I’ve actually never received a message that wasn’t spam. And they want money before you can even see the contract? Sounds totally Sus.


Yog’s Law: Money flows towards the artist. Others may get their cut, but it should be a percentage/flat fee out of money already coming towards you.

“If a publisher ever asks for any sort of financial contribution from [an artist], they’re trying to divert money away from the [artist], in direct contravention of Yog’s Law”


Hey, if you send me your track, I’ll master it for $59

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