Offer from label....but

Site should be easy to make.

Releases…is Dall-E still a thing? Eh, I can figure it out :smiley:

Various emails:

All forwarded to my personal email.

Write a python program that will randomly choose a from email and signature to seem like its a operation with multiple people for response emails if I choose to respond at all.

Its a shame I have a moral compass, because it would be so easy to create the illusion


If you can figure out a way to distribute the music and get enough plays to make money, it’s not a scam just “disruptive”

None of these scam labels make significant money off of distribution and plays, it’s all from the initial “mastering fees”.

You’re sort of using circular reasoning to say that non-scam labels have an actual product that people will pay, duh.

But those people aren’t trawling Soundcloud and mass-mailing everyone with a pulse!

Minor lol at “it’s not a scam! It’s disruptive” :slight_smile:

It’s sort of the “sigma grindset” of the zeitgeist-

I think with my or your “scam label” we would put in far more energy than the lazy, dim persons trying to hustle their way up.

Simplified workflow is one thing, obviously legit mastering experts and professionals have that down.

But I think even my laziest attempt would be too far grounded in how people and art, networking, and labels should work compared to these shell operations.


I might actually make the site just for kicks. When people try to submit the music, take them to a page explaining how they could have been scammed out of their money- and explain how the page was all lies


There was an if, mind you.

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I know, I know.

The funny bit in the context of scams is that “disruptive” as a term means “our company will not comply with existing regulations meant for this practice of business”.

But seriously you don’t need to read many band memoirs from the 80s and 90s to realise that this is how the music industry operates. All initial expenses are a loan, to be repaid from the profits back to the label. Difference here is the scale, this is a bedroom label doing business with a SoundCloud demo level artist. If the label does what they said they will, master the song and put it out digitally then it’s not a scam. Not worth it, probably but then again, what are you expecting as a musician with a few SoundCloud demos and nothing else?

Large labels with actual employees and potentially concerning contract terms, hobbyist labels that curate persons of a similar aesthetic and who coordinate local festivals, some 15 year old mass-spamming Soundcloud nobodies exclusively to sell their shit “mastering services”, basically identical!


They did say you could master it yourself, as long as it’s pro level. So in theory you don’t even need to pay them.

But yeah, same principle.

Their entire operation exists to sell you their mastering service.

They tell you yours isn’t “pro level” to get you to pay them.


Deleted user :heart: :heart: :heart:


I don’t know about that. Do you? Seems like they actually do release songs digitally, so it’s not merely a mastering service.

If they’re getting their “label” accounts deleted en masse from SoundCloud I would say that paying $69 to receive nothing is a scam.

This comes off as more naïve than skeptical.

Big business has potential hiccups but bad deals are not “scams” in the rolling dice in the alley or “Nigerian Prince” sense that SoundCloud labels can be.

Their SoundCloud accounts disappear because SoundCloud knows they are scammers through some mal-action or other.

There is no “digital release” when there is no label.

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From earlier in the thread

If they liked that track in particular enough to reach out to promote it, why would they no longer be interested when it is properly mastered?


I get that capitalism and industry are complicated at many levels of operation, but “don’t hate the player, hate the game” is a really silly and reductive way to ignore a blindingly obvious and well-known scam that preys on optimistic creatives who want to feel good and seen.

This scam has been around since well before the internet*, but like the Spanish Prisoner scheme became the Nigerian Prince scheme, technology and communications give new life to old tricks.

*I knew people who bought their teenaged poetry in books! they “won awards” and their parents got the privilege of paying a great deal of money for being “published”. Which, honestly is still a scam and you can probably read a bunch about that industry elsewhere. But at least they got a book decades down the line to cringe at, if it lasted into adulthood.


that is the truth! this platform has millions of users and charges pretty $ for it’s services, there’s no way they can’t fight such repetitive spam unless they are in it… like… maybe… people don’t buy their own shitty mastering?? this one?

so they use bots to sell the same thing with DM’s as social engineering? maybe???

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Eh, moderation is difficult. And they’re not super profitable so it’s a game of whack-a-mole.

It’s easier to script up new accounts than it is to auto-detect bots and their content.

I don’t think they’re getting money from these scams, bots aren’t paying for premium accounts and I do think they’d prefer to root them out.

But their staff probably is doing a ton of work for how few employees they may have at this point, on life support so a lot less energy is going into preemptive screening algorithms or human moderators to follow up on reports.

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Lol “if people are going to be scammed by mastering grift labels then they should waste that money with us”

I mean, at least all SC promises is only a mastered track- not preying on a musicians vulnerability of acceptance

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Me give answer. I sent them a signed photo of my balls!


maybe you are right but I personally don’t believe it, it’s not THAT hard, the content of the spam messages hardly changed in the last year, implementing the most simple thing like Askimet or something similar could definitely help.
again, that’s just because it’s super repetitive:

Would you wish sign a deal??.Hello Alechko, your job‘YATJ #2’.Masterfully!..Please drop that track to our crew,they will contact you about further moves…

Would you wish sign a label deal?..Hiya Alechko, that record‘Analog Rytm & Digitone Jam#6’…epic!!!.Send your unsigned tracks into my A&R,and they talk to u with the next moves.

Valid for an agreement?..Hi Alechko, your job‘Analog Rytm & Digitone Jam#6’…Asightforsoreeyes!!!..Please send your one to my crew,they will contact to you with the following levels…

Reachable for a deal???..Hey Alechko, that track‘AnalogRytm & Digitone Jam #3’…Masterfully!!!.Pls submit that track into our staff,guys get in touch with u about following levels…

I’d to sign this???..Hello Alechko, the record‘AnalogRytm.Jam#7’…Enchanting!!!..Submit this track to the label A&R,and guys will contact you with the further moves…

Affordable for a label deal?..Howdy Alechko, this record‘DigiJam.7’.Amazingwork!!!.Submit this demo into my staff,and they speak to U about following levels.

I need to sign that!?..G’day Alechko, a song‘Thrash’…Justabomb!!!.Submit this track to my staff,and they communicate with you with the further levels.