Optimizing ableton

I try to use overbridge in ableton
MacBook Pro 2020 16 gram 4core
Ableton and overbridge (dt, a4mk2, ahmk2)
Also when i only use a4 i have these anoying issues that stops my creativity
Issue 1) tempo variations while ableton says tempo is steady
Issue 2) audio noises sounding like feedback.

What can i do?
Sample buffer 256, or?
Tried tweaking, but not happy with the result and stability yet
Please help :slight_smile:

Hmm… I know I’m annoying. I’d sell that and get an M1 instead of trying to fix this.

Clean install often helps but who knows what the problem is… Maybe try to record that
feedback sound and post it. What OS are
you on?

Not meaning to be facetious, but can you get rid of the computer? I’ve never had any problem with having a couple of Elektron’s together, but with no computer

Then multitrack with mixer?

No one?

I gave some hints / asked some questions. I guess I’m no one :expressionless:

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When I have had clock issues (speed up/slowdown/lose transport) it is often because I have a midi loop back problem somewhere. You really have to carefully manage how your Elektron boxes are both receiving and sending MIDI to keep things stable, both in Ableton and in the hardware.


sorry for that, didn’t want to ignore you, just doing other things and I tried to reinstall all already. So thanks anyway!

so in my a4, my midi has to be in and out on usb?
And in ableton, midi in and out of the A4 have to be turned on track, sync and remote checked ‘on’?

weird sounds do also happen with MIDI loops


i turned off everything, it seems to work

ai, again hickup, crack in sound, slow audio :frowning:

It really depends on what you are doing. If all you want to do is have the A4 start and stop with Ableton, and you are sequencing the A4 internally, and you are using OB to record tracks individually, then I would not have the A4 send any MIDI data at all, have it set only to receive clock and transport.

If you are sequencing the A4 from Ableton, then set up the MIDI track in Ableton to very specifically target the right MIDI channel in the A4.

But it really all changes by use case. I always start by turning as much off as possible, and keeping the MIDI exchange as limited as it can be to achieve what I am looking to do.


All that said, I am working on a Windows machine, and I understand that it’s been a lot trickier to develop OB for Mac, so my experience may not apply to you

i sequence from my A4
All midi ports in ableton are toggled ‘off’. (picture 1)

In A4, midi config:
SYNC: Receive transport + receive clock checked ‘on’
port configuration input from USB + output to midi (my matriarch receives it).

Audio latency on 256 samples buffersize (Picture 2)

still hickups and slow downs :frowning:

hickups are there only at 6%

Schermafbeelding 2021-11-28 om 17.48.25

it happens when I turn knobs, but also when I sit, don’t touch anything and just listen for some minutes

i am on osx catalina 10.15.7 , just upated to ableton 11 last friday

it works now, no hickups for 30 minutes
no idea why. same settings as shown above

Do you have other apps running? You can also try disabling Wi-Fi. There could be some background processes that are interfering