OS Upgrade: Digitakt 1.30

I have this on the AK, great for fancy keyboard splits. What would be a good use for it on DT? Multiple sounds from the pool in one track via chromatic mode?


That’s what I always imagined basically it would take place of a slice mode and let you play sound locks on a single track live.

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More LFOs on the midi tracks would be cool. Use DT with euro a bunch.

midi retrig :slight_smile:


That’s a damn fine upgrade … Thank you gentlemen !!

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Any chances that a second LFO will show up in future updates for the Rytm? This update is impressive.

Exactly, really would like this to lock sounds from the sound pool by holding a trig and pressing a key on the keyboard like is now possible on the OT!


Had a play with this last night. So nice to be able to hook up a small synth (I used the SH01a) to the DT without needing another device for mixer/fx. For someone like me who makes better music with a small setup on the sofa, this is massive!

Have to say, the double stop cutting off effects until you play an audio track behaviour feels more like a bug than a feature to me but whatever!

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Something I’ve noticed with the various updates of late is the box refresh. I think the DN got the same box look around the release of the DKeys, likewise the manual. And now the DT I can only assume has the same box that matches the new manual as well as the Cycles, Samples, and the recent black additions of Rytm and A4 also got the new box look. Did the OT box update from the white box at the release of the black and AE editions? I imagine the line is all fully refreshed in that regard but do wonder, does Elektron recall back the old Blue Digitakt boxes post this release, before shipping out reboxed versions?

Curious thing to be asking. Why would it matter what kind of box these things ship in?

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You are very right, it is a completely hollow question, still as a total Elektron nerd I am curious nonetheless. Based on the manual I am assuming the DT is now shipping with a new box.

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I feel like a lot of the love for OS 1.30 is towards the 2nd LFO and 2nd filter page… and rightly so… but;

I feel like I’ve gained a master buss stereo compressor!
Being able to set it globally across patterns is fantastic. Personally, I would always set it 100% dry at all times as to not cause myself confusion… but now it can safely be left across a projects worth of patterns. Love it. :heart:


And you can use this on all your outboard gear as well. And you can use this compressor when using the digitakt as a soundcard. And for recording external stuff. And…

Conclusion: this external mixer with the master compressor and fx is really, really awesome.


Thinking about a potential base width filter on the Rytm, which obviously lots of us are now clamouring for, what do we know about the AR’s signal path and how that might relate to its feasibility/placement? The DT is of course fully digital so can be tweaked in firmware anywhere along the chain, but I’m trying to recall if the AR’s VCAs are analogue or not, and thus where the ADCs bring the signal back into the digital realm where a new filter could be implemented. If the VCAs are analogue (which I believe is the case), I highly doubt there is an ADC/DAC pair between each filter and VCA, so a new digital filter being placed at the actual filter stage would not be possible, thus it would have to be placed after the VCA, which isn’t necessarily a problem but I’m interested to hear people’s thoughts on how that affects the sound relative to “traditional” filter placement.

Another possibility is that a digital filter could end up being only provided for the sample engine, before it feeds into the analogue filter via a DAC, which might be controversial!

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Ok looking at the sound architecture (page 13 of the manual), the VCA is in grey so is indeed analogue, and in fact the mixer is too, indicating a fully analogue signal path from engine to output, possibly meaning that digital filtering of each voice isn’t possible, if there are indeed no ADC/DAC pairs anywhere along the chain. It’s possible that the only DACs are sample engine > filter and the only ADCs are for the individual outputs/FX sends and on the main output, so a digital filter could only be placed either in the sample engine section (as mentioned above) or on the Overbridge individual outputs only, which wouldn’t really work as then you’d have a major difference between your individual output sounds and those that are going into the FX/main outs.

So unless I’m getting something completely wrong (happy to hear from those who know better), a base width filter on the AR is either not possible or may only make sense to implement on the sample engine only, and would not affect the analogue engines at all.


That’s quite a deep post into the AR’s architecture for a Digitakt OS thread… jus sayin :wave::partying_face:.


Yeah, not much chance of a digital filter being added to the Rytm, for the reasons you identify.

Still hope for a second LFO though! :smiley:

Heh I know, could possibly have been its own thread, wasn’t really planning on the wall of text :sweat_smile:


I hope the global compressor and mixer goes over to the AR though, anything else would be a bonus.

I think the latter would be the most logical thing: an extra base filter for the sample engine before both the sample and analog engine go through the analog filter together.

I’m happy i’ve kept my DT after getting an AR, because this update now gives the DT more soundshaping options than the AR.

I really hope the AR gets the same updates, and also gets the DT’s sample finetuning…


Yeah it definitely wouldn’t go amiss, if that’s all that’s possible!