It was a bit tongue in cheek. I have read where people don’t send everything through the Boum, or mainly use the 1st distortion setting lightly,etc.

I am finding you can go pretty hard on this thing and the way it breaks up is glorious. But I like dirty sounding stuff and not everyone is into that.


Same settings here. And dry wet at 50% parallel compression. Sounds amazing


Yea same again - that seems to be the preset sweet spot ha

I actually find about 75% on the Mix knob works well for me but 50% hits hardest

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I think the rule is actually something like don’t send the full mix through a compressor that costs less than $2k :upside_down_face:. Like, don’t send it all through a rnc.

I think, for now, I’ll experiment with my Boum and then send tracks to someone with such a compressor and the ears to use it properly.

There’s no rules man, it was a joke since I see guys demoing this on YT (case in point a few posts up) saying how aggressive and unusable the Boum can be once you go past a certain point, or that they wouldn’t use it on the master.

I say try it on the master, try it turned up. It brings out so many harmonics that the tune will sound much differemt, many times in a good way - for my tastes at least.

Are you hearing some « hissing » with the Boum when the HPF is fully open?

Yep, a little bit. Thats the beauty of compression and distortion together - they are noisy. I love it, but it can always be gated out on the Boum.

Can you explain « gated out » and how? Maybe there’s something I’m missing.

I love it too, but the hissing is annoying.

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I think @BassesAndPads talk about the Boum noise gate.


The hissing is awesome. But if you don’t like it the Boum has a gate. Or you can use a plugin.

Also I roll off the Hi cut to about 3 o clock as well.


I actually bought an old aphex 622 noise gate to put before the boum as well to deal with the noise from noisy gear.

Also I think I remember denis mentioning a new firmware for the boum with more noise gate options but I can’t find it in the OTO website.

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There is a gate release time as well as level. But yes, that is odd that there is no firmware upgrade on the site. Maybe need to email Denis directly?


Boum is sold as a “sonic warmer”, not as a regular compressor and a does a pretty good job as that. lt isn’t a clean compressor, the gain circuit adds noise. It does have a reeeally nice filter and you can get a track to sound better in no time flat. I find it’s most useful for tightening and thickening up the low end, dialing out a lot of the top and blending with the original signal, filter and blend at both around the 10 o’ clock mark. It’s a great tool for glueing things together very quickly without much fiddling about.



I was wondering if anyone can compare the Bam’s thru mode to the more subtle saturations of the Boum?

Need some stereo saturation but already have an analog comp. Thinking therefore the Bam could be more value for money (if the drive is nice). From videos only the Boum’s boost level is what i’m after - some subtle sweetening


Just ordered BAM and BOUM. Super stoked. Have been eying bam for many years and BAUM is going to be tried out as a master compressor for live. Smaller footprint than heat. Curious if it can compete in that way. Thinking it it can.

FYI Baum is in stock again as of today.



Oto machines’ own website


I love them

Amazing effects - i think a lot of people sell them as they do not like the interface

Boum is incredible and Bim perfect for dub techno chords


Ah, now I see it. Thanks anyway. Looking forward to your comparison w/ AH. :wink:

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