Owned the three boxes and only kept BOUM but regretted BAM since I sold it last year. Bought another one recently. BIM is also very good but not essentiel In my music (I prefer Audiothingies Doctor A).


Yeah sound wise it’s really right up my alley. I’ve owned bim but indeed the interface was what ultimately made me sell it. That and the lack of variable filters. If i remember correctly the HP filter didn’t go high enough for my taste so it took a lot of room in a mix. For BAM and BOUM the interface is less of an issue as it’s a bit more set and forget in most cases other than the knobby controls . For the BIM I was using the menu structure too much i think.

BOUM (not meant dickish, just that I’ve seen you calling it Baum instead of Boum a couple times)

OTO fx are just so nice. I’m trying to keep my setup small, so no big fx pedals, but if that changes I really want a BIM at some point. Have a BAM already - currently shelved cause I’m enjoying the versatility of my SPACE. But BAM is such a nice pedal. Love those big knobs

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Really looking forward to both, but especially BAM. I have plans with that one

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I´ve keept the Boum on the OT stereo out and the Bam on cue out for the last couple of years, very happy with that. I also love the visual design of the pedals, and almost bought the Bim just for the colors


what plans :-)?

I have all three of the OTO’s, especially love the BOUM and BAM, still finding it hard to love BIM that much, but they look so nice together :wink:

Also have analog heat, but can’t really get myself to sell it cause they are different beasts.
Heat has the benefit of also having EQ, more drive options, LFO, and a headphone output
Boum has the mojo, (true) compressor, very nice sounding filter, and formfactor

Guess I’m keeping both!

haha same here, still haven’t found any youtube video’s either of people doing real awesome stuff with the BIM. I think I prefer Zen Delay & Strymon Volante for a stereo delay pedal.
(but I invite everyone here to prove me wrong!!!)

I was torn between Bim and Zen, got the Zen but returned it and after a jam at Schneidersladen decided on Bin but it wasn´t available…
I the end I got the Zen back and using it as my synth delay/freak out explosion pedal.

I hesitate between this and a Heat for my Digitakt. For the ease of use and immediate results, I’d go with the Boum, but I would loose the ability to record straight to the computer via usb. :thinking:

ok this is pretty cool. hadnt seen this one yet

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IMO BIM is the best. People forget about thru mode. Run whatever you want through it and you can get that 12bit sound (with a variable sample rate controlled by delay time knob!) in real time. So you don’t need to buy an overpriced s950 (that is a pain in the but in actual use).


exactly why I have one on order to explore the sound. I’ve got the BAM and just ordered BIM and BOUM because the thru mode on the BAM just adds so much mojo to everything passed through it.
Gotta have all three flavors haha

is the THRU mode on the BIM different compared to the one on the BAM?

I think the BAM is 16 bit, whereas the BIM is 12 bit.

I don’t have the BIM, but from what I understand the modes themselves are essentially the same or very similar, but the nature of the processing is different!

you can read about this on the OTO product pages for the two devices, but
the BIM’s thru signal passes through input gain, filters and 12-bit AD & DA

whereas the BAM’s thru signal passes through pre-delay, input
gain, filters and 16-bit AD & DA conversion.

Again, I don’t have the BIM so I haven’t done a side-by-side, but I imagine the sound is going to be different.

Yeah, not the same at all. Also no way to adjust sampling rate on BAM thru as far as I know.

I can’t find the infos about this. It’s not in the manual neither on their site. Can you point it out please?

I have another question for the Boum. The Gate has 2 options (dots upper and lower rows) but in the manual, it doesn’t say what the lower row is about. Any clue? Thanks.

read the manual revisions for the newest firmware here:

as for your Boum question, I don’t have a Boum but in the manual it looks like there are only enough Gate options to cover a few dots in the top row, so I don’t think the other dots do anything, if you have any of the OTO machines you’ll see that dots are only accessible when there is an option for them, otherwise you can’t even use the knob to get to them, if that makes sense.

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There are revisions, thank you!

The thing is you can access the dot on the lower row.

you have a Boum and you can access the dots on the lower row when in the GATE selection?

hmm, dunno haha I’ll have one in a couple of weeks, but you’re probably best off writing to OTO and asking that question :smiley:

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