BOUM and the AR2 probably generate enough heat to get me through to 2023


I never heat my studio during Winter and I live in Quebec, Canada.

Do you heat your house?

Yes, it’s a must.

I gotta assume you don’t live in the US or Canada? I don’t know anyone here who doesn’t use their heater. Air Conditioning I understand but everyone here has some form of heat.

May I ask where do you live?

That mixer with the Elektron sticker on it really faked me out for a minute.

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I’m in the UK

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BIM is my favorite

nice studio, love the elektron mixer and the fact that elektronauts is on your screen.
you don’t need fancy studios to make awesome music, enjoy mate!

This thread is really bad for my completionist tendencies (got BOUM and BAM but no BIM). I don’t really need another delay, but…they look so good together. Funny thing is I would likely never have them set up side-by-side. My BOUM is always close to the mixer/interface and my BAM travels all over the room, wherever it’s needed. But the BIM does sound good judging from vids.

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I would have said BIM years ago when I was all hardware and resampling everything with OT and BIM and Biscuit to get lofi textures. Now it’s BOUM since I mix itb and don’t find I need external delay or reverb. I don’t need what BOUM does either, but it’s just great to run stuff through or slap onto the end of an Elektron box.

@BassesAndPads have you tried Goodhertz Tupe? That changed my mind about analog distortion and warmth in software. I haven’t used BOUM much since buying it, but still like BOUM for more over the top stuff.

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Bam and boum arrived. Only played with boum so far on the master out of my live set.

One word: dayum


Yep I have Tupe. Its a great plugin, but I use my Boum more aggressively. That is where it shines over plugins.

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I told you Dave. Now, it would be interesting if you compare the Boum vs the Stimming Thing.

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Yeah it’s going to be part 3 in the series :slight_smile: november probably. October is crazy


yes there is a paucity of heat vs boum video’s! would be a good one

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I have neither of them, but from what I know, BOUM might be best in a live situation: efficient, bold and dead easy. But HEAT might be better in a post-prod/mastering context where you can process audio files to external analog devices and back to the computer with audio to USB and many ‘fine tuning’ options.

Well, this is the way I see it.


Depends on what you have. Boum, BIM, BAM would be my order, because of how I use them.

Yeah, the Heat is good for buss use, I didn’t like using it at 100% and ultimately went with BOUM after owning the both. Heat is probably better for those who want that subtle grunging up from within a DAW or for a little additional sheen with a live set. BOUM doesn’t have to be “fuck shit up” levels but that’s where I’d be mostly using it…

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Yes and no. Heat can fulfill the same purpose in a live situation where it’s basically set and forget. The setting up takes careful tweaking and testing but once you have the right settings it works really well.

Obviously they have a complete different set of features where heat can fulfil a broader range of uses and has much more control and modulation possibilities. The main difference that was obvious from the first moment i used boum is the sound though. Neither can sound like the other. Also the routing of FX within them is different. In boum the compressor comes first and then the signal goes through the drive circuit. With heat the input goes through the drive circuit and you can modulate volume after that, or the drive amound to get a form of compression.

Boum is a bit easier to setup but it still takes careful tweaking how loud the signal comes into the boum. Which has a big effect on the compressor as its only one knob that controls 3 parameters.

This is one downside that I immediately found. The input gain setting has a very low resolution with steps of +6db. Which I don’t really understand seen as there could have been 16 steps used for this purpose to get more precise control. Not a huge problem as you can change the volume at the source, but still.

Anyway, it sounds great. The drive really sounds sweet. The compressor sounds great and adds nice punch. Although i would have loved to have more precision between 1:1 and 5:1 ratio. As 5:1 is already very high. The distortion is useless for a live set as it’s completely insane :smiley: . But I’m looking forward to use it for sound design.

First couple of findings so far.