but you can feel it in the dark :wink:

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I actually hate the Intellijel knobs on this.

Still I can understand how some might not like the OG knobs. I prefer the OTO ones and won’t change it any time soon.

i just wish they had more resistance. they’re so easy to move out of the precise position you just dialed in. it also makes them feel cheaper that they’re so loose

if anyone knows how to tighten these up let me know


The res knob on the Biscuit actually built up resistance and wasn’t super easy to dial in. I added some deoxit which fixed it up nicely.

I actually like how the stock knobs look, but after an hour of use they felt annoying to me. These Sifam classics are buttery smooth.

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Those look great!

Just a quick post out of excitement of having a BOUM now! Whooo

It sounds amazing. I’m currently using a small Mackie 1202 as mixer in my setup, which aux 1 and aux 2 I was already using for delay and reverb.

Figured out that the Mackie Mute=ALT-OUT (stereo) is perfect for flexibly sending tracks to the Boum. Either one track or multiple. It makes my BOUM a really easy mixing tool; somewhere in between single-instrument crunch fx / mixing multiple tracks, for which the filter is also great / up to almost a glueing tool when I route most tracks trough it.

It’s a really fun box. Definitely not as out of control or all or nothing like some descriptions online seem to present. The mix knob is your friend.


Yes indeed, I find that with the different flavors of drive + the direct controls you can get very different flavors out of the same pattern. I really enjoy going relatively hard in drive settings, and taming it with the filter.


If you think of the Boum as a parallel processor, it makes a lot more sense.


Indeed, even the more extreme algos work if you use filtering / blending. I’m really enjoying the Boum


Just another shout a month later about how great Boum is as a performative mixing tool. Whatever sound you want to make stick out, Boum’s combination of compressor, drive, and the filter makes it super easy. Want crunchy hihats? Route them through Boum. Want a riser? Route some stuff through boom, throw some fx-send reverb onto Boum, and sweep the filter.

I’ve been thinking about unboxing my A&H Mixwizard to have more sends, but being able to route any channel to Boum from my small Mackie 1202 through the Mute=AltOut is too good of a tool still for me at the moment.

Great piece of gear

(I guess it’s probably similar to how people would use a filter send on dj mixers? Never had one…)


Yo, could someone school me on this a bit? I just got myself the boum and the bim, and I’m currently connecting them to my interface with 2x this, and it does seem to be working flawlessly. I read that it might be better to use 4x balanced connections just as this. Would that make any difference, especially, that I’m only using cables that are less than 2m long?

As stated in the manuals, Inputs and Outputs are unbalanced.




Confirmed upstream a bit

No benefits for balanced but it won’t hurt either.


Anyone here using a small folding stand for their Bim/Bam/Boum?

I imagine something like the picture below. The holders that I found were for iPads but were either not specifying measurements or were about 10x10cm in the middle plate which might be just too small for the rubber feet of my BOUM.

Anyone found something that they’re happy with?

Reason / intended use: I’ve got all the gear for my portable setup in two 19inch rack cases that angle up to me. Except my Boum, which now sits next to the two cases flat on the table, but would be a bit better within reach on a stand of some sort. (On foldable to fit in my gear backpack)

Yeah, I use the MIRAI Varidock, which are great as you can combine sections to make them more bespoke for different gear, plus they can be angled, and the build is really solid metal. The small one the Boum is on is compact when at the lowest angle which could work.


I like the various kvgear stands for small equipment. Something like the angled stiletto stand would probably be perfect for an OTO.

But those varidock look nice too, just never used one.

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Looks really nice, and the fact that is can grow along with changing gear looks nice. How is the Boum attached on the small one? Is it on one of those synth treys with a lip that holds it? Or did you Velcro it on just the basic small base?

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Thanks - looks nice too. The Mira seems to be EU based like me, opposed to the Kvgear, so that also makes the choice easier.

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