Overbridge 1.10 Mega thread

Overbridge 1.10 is out and no longer a Beta. Let’s talk about it here.

Am interested to see if the problems I was having with El Capitan have been sorted… :slight_smile:

The new version number is the same as the public beta (1.10.0)
Is it indeed the same or should I install the non-beta?

Does it work with Logic yet?

I don’t want to jinx this, but no problems whatsoever so far with both my A4 and Rytm running. First time ever an overbridge release has worked perfectly straight away.

Will need more testing before I say “yaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssss”, but I’m gonna say it anyway.

@SB-Six, you can take it from that that it appears to be different from the beta.

I have my elektrons set up on different usb hubs - only the rytm is on Overhub, while the A4 is on my regular cheap hub. Will test overhub with both once I’m feeling brave enough, don’t really want to mess with things while it’s working well.

Like the new look as well, slick.

Is this different to the Beta version in any way? I was getting the noise issue with Ableton Live and El Capitan using the beta (not a high pitched noise, but a constant low pitched noise requiring the Elektron machines to be switched off and then the Mac reset before OB would work again properly!), so am interested in whether there have been further refinements for the official release.

Also, more info on the Logic compatibility would be ace.

Brief test with logic - it’s clearly much improved from the beta.

Appear still to be appreciable sync issues when running the internal sequencers in logic - better, but not perfect sequencing from logic itself. Disclaimer: this is only just based on a quick test running both devices against logic’s metronome.

But given that I never managed to get both devices running in logic on the beta, it’s for sure a step forward.

I did need to rescan and reauthorise the plugin before they’d work in Logic though.

In Ableton, it all seems to be running smoothly, apart from one quirk - I can’t set up an external instrument device to route midi to and audio from the au plugin. It’s not appearing in the list. I can just route a midi track to the plugin and channel and it’ll work fine, but I can’t route audio from the individual outs to an audio channel in Ableton either. Vst works as expected.

Stated plugin latency in live is 42.9ms for each device at a buffer size of 128, 96khz project sample rate - but weirdly I’m still finding the A4 pretty playable from my Push.

Overbridge 1.10 is different from the 1.10 Beta and it’s way more stable with a lot of squashed bugs.

The VST/AU version is stable but Logic as a DAW still have some known issues with Overbridge.
*Song Position and Clock.
*Side-chain inputs.
*Multiple units.

and as benway says the AU needs to be rescanned.

In Cubase ASIO Guard needs to be turned off.

If your DAW can host both VST and AU use the VST version.

A these issues are being worked on.

I don’t want to jinx this, but no problems whatsoever so far with both my A4 and Rytm running. First time ever an overbridge release has worked perfectly straight away.
Fingers crossed then! Will give it a whirl over the next few days.

It’s not working for me. It stopped working with Ableton when I upgraded the Rytm, I then figured I need the latest OB, I installed it and the Overbridge software is picking up the device but it’s no longer appearing in my 64 or 32 bit vst folders, therefore not showing when rescanned.

hm okay, will give it a test with logic X in the studio today.
would be really great to have a working logic version finally.

if you are in OSX check the plug in folder preferences, there is some security lock that prevents VST’s form being scanned by Live.

Right - I seem to have both Rytm and A4 working under Ableton!


I had to cut down the number of separate channels to just the master channels though to get both units working.

Here’s the amazing bit though - I have a test running, which also has Virus Ti plug-in running!

This is on a 2013 cylinder style Mac Pro, with an Overhub connected via USB3. All 3 devices mentioned above connected via the same Overhub.

I might - at last, have a system which seems to work!


I can’t get it working using the AU-plugin in Ableton (latest). The VST seems to be working though. Following the example in the Overbrigde manual Appendix page B2, I should be able to select individual inputs. But I can’t.

In overbridge control panel all individual inputs are selected. And in the plugin routing is set to global.

I’m having an issue with the AR and total recall. I have several Ableton projects for which I’ve enabled TR in both my AK and AR, and when I open them, my Rytm isn’t acknowledging successful completion of TR. I get the normal dialog asking if I want to enable and how. When I choose “enable plugin state”, it loads for a while and then just reverts to the same dialog box and I see the red light in the VST indicating that the TR session is not active.

In actuality, the session is active though…during the loading process, the correct project uploads to the working state of the AR as it should. The GUI and machine dialogs don’t indicate that it worked though.

Overall not a huge deal since my projects are loading as expected. But a tad disconcerting…

Akeys working properly as it always did.


I will file a bug report on this with Elektron

using it in Logic and it’s the first time it’s responding like it should!!! and that is really the best Interface for a piece of Hardware! that’s cool because Elektron is now away from that bad mood and Stuff!

people, keep dancin’! Rytm feels soo dammmmm Natural this time! 1.30 kicks ass.

For me in Logic it says:
“Failed to load Audio Unit “Analog Four”, please contact the manufacturer for an updated version or further assistance.”

…oh yeah that’s true!

just scan your audio units in logic /preferences/plug-in Manager/look for the Analog AU7VST should be in that list and press rescan and blah blah left down on hat window. :))

But its funny that to get it work you need to make such a specific steps (including updating to new OS 1.23) =)

Had the same exact problem using AU version of OB plugin.
VST version works flawlessly so far.