Overbridge 1.10 Mega thread

Logic 10.2.2, Mavericks, A4: installed and working with no issues (first time ever). Now if you excuse us, me and my new friend Overbridge are about to have a long night ahead :smiley:

After a few niggles (my Mac got a hickup after installing, Overbridge told me to unplug the USB cable from my A4 in Live, Logic completely refused to open the Overbridge Plugin)it works like a charm! Logic and Ableton, tight and responsive. Just delete the AUpreferences to force Logic to rescan your plugins. Geiler shice Leute!!!

-sometimes my A4 does not respond to live key input

  • randomly sounds ā€œbitcrushedā€ and returns to normal after a few seconds (@24 bit, all channels except inputs activated).
  • timing still a little off (1/96th) but way way better and in sync than before.

This gives me hope:-)

I just have a continuous buzzing whenever I switch to OB mode on my A4.

Anyone else got this or know how to fix it?

It only happens when the USB cable is attached.

Itā€™s really annoying

So do we finally have the ability to use overbridge without the ridiculously useless USB 2 audio interface?
Iā€™m really hoping this simple option is finally implemented, eager to run home and try.
How anyone can play an instrument with 44ms of latency is beyond me, and thatā€™s why I purchased a low latency thunderbolt audio interface with lots of inputs for use with Overbridge:(

Cubase also working, but still with the same multiple unit issue.

If I just enable the main outs on A4 and Rytm, Iā€™m OK. As soon as I enable a separate output, Rytm works and A4 stops streaming audio.

Got it working finaly, took me more than a hour (before the update i had the horrific noise thing):

  1. Re-installed OB/drivers, tried a usb 3.0 slot. No noise but also no sound transmitted to the OB panel.

  2. Second usb 3.0 slot, same outcome.

  3. Usb 2.0 slot, driver failed to install.

  4. Second usb 2, install worked, but the noise was back. Noise was just on the main outs, tracks were working. Then i just deactivated the main out in the OB panel, apply, turned them on again, now its working o0 .

Plugin is working fine in FL, lets see for how long ! ^^

OMG, how weird is that. It totally worked.

Nice one Whet, youā€™re my hero tonight :wink:

So far Logic seems to be syncing up pretty useable!!!

My question is, how do I route things to where I have the individual RYTM outputs on different tracks? Iā€™m sure it has been explained elsewhere, but I canā€™t seem to find it. Can someone kindly point me in the right direction? Thanks!

Hey Olle, first of all thanks for all the hard work on this, seems that itā€™s all starting to come together.

I do have a query re plugin latency in Ableton - as I said in a previous post, Live is telling me that the each plug has a latency of around 40-50ms. However, thereā€™s no way the system feels like itā€™s that bad, is the delay compensation just magic, or should I ignore that figure? I normally use external instrument plugins to route the individual outputs and enter whatever the plugin tells me as the compensation value. Am I correct in doing this?


Not sure I can point you at the posts on this - I know some people (including me) were talking about using an aggregate device, which is different from routing out of the plug. Iā€™ve never used OB much in Logic before now beyond a couple of quick tests, but iirc but you need to use the multi-outs version of the plugin, not 100% sure what the routing involves in logic, but it shouldnā€™t be much different from:

Thanks, Benway! Iā€™ll give that a go next time for sure. Unfortunately Overhub still isnā€™t working for meā€¦like, at all.

Yes, logic works with a4 + ar finally. Tested only with stereo master.

Timing is not really in sync but at least seams to be thight, just some ms offset which you can correct afterwards.

happy for all you non-ableton guruā€™s!

Everyoneā€™s talkinā€™ 'bout the RYTM and Logic, but any issues with the Analog Keys/Four and Ableton? Someone above mentioned having a noise issue with the USB connection with the Four. Anything else?

Overbridge seems to work very well on my Imac El Capistan using Bitwig 1.3.9 !
Didnt have the time to test extensively but this release seems to be very solid :slight_smile: Thanks Elektron !!!

Just installed everything like a breeze. Ableton now opens without giving me a crash error! I would always have to press ignore before. Great work OB Devs! UI looks awesome too! Now all we need is that step editor/librarian :).

El Cap on a 2015 Macbook Pro

Just want to chime in to say OB 1.10 and the new Rytm OS is working great on my dear old 2009 MacBook Pro C2D 2.8ghz (which is technically under the i5 spec) running 10.11.4, Live 9.6.1.

Running 256 buffers in Live and OB. Eight 16bit audio streams. Zero issues.

New UI is nice too.

edit: tested at 64 buffers in Live and OB respectively, no issues.

Rytm + Logic X with OB 1.10 via Overhub working great here too.

You also no longer need to have output channels set up in Overbridge, which means you can have every pad on its own input channel (16 bit) using the multichannel AU plugin.

Yay! Congratulations Elektron.

New machines in OS 1.30 are a treat too. I think my Machinedrum is finally going to retire after this update.

0 samples latency!! This is beautiful!

You can turn off all the audio channels in the Overbridge control panel, and the AU plugin will use 0 samples latency. It finally works! Thank you Elektron.

Funny thing is I ordered the Machinedrum UW today to complement the AR+A4 and just few seconds later I read about the AR update. Gonna be machine overload over here :slight_smile:

I installed the new ob 1.1.0 over the old beta on the latest osx elcapitan 10.11.4 and rebooted. Ar and a4 are connected via overhub. I can get now all 8 input channels working for the ar (no need for the 2 outputchannels anymore) but what doesnt work is the multichannel input with the ar AND the a4 at the same time. when they are both connected, I just can use the stereo Inputs to hear them both, when I use the multiple inputs on one device, the other one silences off. on the beta i could at least use 6 input channels of both of the devices at the same time. so its kinda worse now and the usb stack still needs some tweaking. ill give it more tries over the weekend to see if it works on other usb ports and without overhub.

otherwise the mixer in the plugin now works ( mute and solo react)
total recall is anoying when i want to load the state of the ar, as it keeps to try to load it on and on ( using vst for ableton live 9.6), to make it shut up, i gave to load the state of the ar and then the state of the plugin
still i cant save an ar kit to a new slot, which would have been nice, just loadding, realoading, saving and renaming works
latency is still the same on live 9.6, around 45 ms with a 128 buffer and 48 khz.

oh yeah and the new engines for the ar 1.3 are a real motherf***er :D, great work!
does the new tuning calibration also mean that I dont need an LFO anymore to get exact halftone tunings on the ar?


really huge step: itĀ“s now possible to select 6 channels input in 24bit and 0 channels output for A4!!! In OB 1.10 beta 0 output configuration was not possible. thank you for that. My dark energy is looking forward to hook up with the A4 and overbridge :slight_smile: