Overbridge 1.10 Mega thread

yesterday I tried out ob 1.10.1 on an imac with osx 10.11.4 and the latest ableton live. when I connect the ar alone, I can acces the single outputs, but as soon as I connect both a4 and ar both can only send on the stereo main outs. Also in the ob plugin the switches for solo, mute on the mixer tab for the different channels dont work anymore. this is worse than the 1.10 beta.


Multiple outs in Cubase 8.5 O/B 1.10.1
Not sure if Im missing something with this.
Can activate mutli outs all set up in overbridge standalone, activated in instrument panel in cubase.
Where in the overbridge plugin gui are the individual outputs assigned to each Track (i can see fx and main, nothing more)?
What am I missing or is it again not implemented.

My 2011 MacBook Pro seems fine, with the same items connected as my MacPro.

Wonder if the big difference is the USB2 ports on the MacBook?

i was wondering why on the OS X audio/midi preferences OB has a fixed 48.000Hz sample rate… no chance to choose others rates

OB is working with a fixed sample rate 48khz, because the AD converters are working with that sample rate. But you can choose another sample rate in your DAW and OB will up or downsample the incoming audio into that new sample rate.

beta didnt work for me at all (os x yosemite) but now everything works absolutely stable. that ipdate plus rytm update was just awesome.
teally what the setup needed.
as pissed off i was before as happy i am now.

Ok got 1.10.1 working in windows 10 with cubase for multi outs-my bad in Elektron control panel :kissing_closed_eyes:

Gutted frankly,OB is locking my iMac up where it didn’t before. Using the A4 is a no go, AU and VST. RYTM is a bit better - it doesn’t hard lock the Mac - but glitchy as hell and I have little faith in it not dropping out.

I’ve tended to use both before as sound modules via OB and while they could be flakey, I got there ok. Now, they are both useless and in this state they’re no good to me. I think they’ll have to go sadly. Can’t run the risk of losing work.

A4 and RYTM all up to date, Live at 9.6, iMac 5k i7 2015, 10.11, both devices direct into the iMac. Should be text book setup. How it’s got worse I can’t understand.

I don’t use OB, but I wouldn’t be confident direct into the newer Macs, try one at a time initially via a USB 2 hub or a USB 2 extension cable to see if that improves things, use both via a MTT hub if that helps in any way


I use my Analog 4 as a four input audio device in my DAW to record the four track at the same time with overbridge enabled.

When some of my track are in poly mode, i hear the sound of other track in some tracks ???

For example if i set poly mode like this O X X X

i will hear the sound of the track 2 in the track 4!!!

Really strange bug!

I don’t think that’s a bug but it can be a bit confusing. Your poly track has to utilise tracks other than the one you’re working on in order to produce the polyphony, as the A4 is effectively 4 monosynths.

On the A4 itself, a 4 note chord played on Track 1 may appear to sound completely on Track 1 as that’s where the sequencer data lies, but actually this chord would be using the voices of Tracks 1, 2, 3 and 4, and this is what gets recorded in OB - the actual output tracks of the polyphony with ‘voice stealing’ applied.

I think!


yeah it works this way. So if you wanna lets say a chord and a pad with 3 or 4 notes, pan it left or right and take audio via A4 Master Out in OB. Use utility in Ableton to record only left or right singal from A4 Master Out. So you can record max 2 sounds using more then 1 voice / track in OB.

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Ok thanks.

I understand now why it works like that, cause at the beginning it is a 4 x mono synth, but it is a strange behavior when recording with overbridge.

If I disable all audio channels somehow my Rytm stops to listen for MIDI on USB.
I can record MIDI from the Pads via USB, but I cannot play back the note messages from Logic to Rytm.

The sync options in the Plugin stop working too.

Is there another special trick?