Overbridge 1.10 Mega thread

Hello all !
Ths OB 1.10 might call me back to the Elektron world, after selling all my machines (well, except the MDUW of course !).

One BIG question for me :

i’d like to use AR with Live 9 and OB. I am not sure i totally get the “total recall” thing : does it mean that i could work without touching the machine, just edit the sounds and patterns from the computer, and not save anything into the machine, but only in the Live Set ?

May main concern is that i always hated the saving process in Elektrons. I always end up erasing patterns or kits. I am really considering adding a AR to my live rig, and losing stuff is clearly not an option. So if everything were saved with the LiveSet, reliably, that would be lovely.

Thanks guys !

Nope, you still have to save kits manually

You have to be very careful, I total recalled yesterday and deleted all prior patterns and kits in Analog Four and Rytm!

I confirm overbridge working with 14 usb devices on my macbook pro through 2 overhubs (no power supply on the hubs) stable and tight.

I have it running it tight with the roland tr-8 in sync, too.
OB 1.1.0 // Rytm 1.30 // El Capitan // Late 2013 MBP 13" Retina.

I can’t believe it but it is true !

So, would you care explaining what total recall does exactly ?

I have to say, I found the 1.10 beta to be better than the release. Today all my channels had reset on my RYTM back to stereo and I still get system crashes if I try and change that with my DAW open. Plus no individual outs on AU plugin in Live is really annoying, I’d prefer not to use VSTs.

Still, when it works it’s silky smooth.

I ditched the OB since the last release as I really couldn’t get it working reliably with Live:

  • Losing the USB connection constantly, also with only a few channels activated
  • High pitch ear destroying peaks
  • Total Recall took ages to load, procedure really cumbersome

With the new release, has anyone experienced these anymore?

Wouldn’t want to spend another few days to get it working and disappoint myself again…

yep still getting the error message and the plugins are validated.

Unfortunately yes with the high pitched squeals.

Unfortunately yes with the high pitched squeals.[/quote]

OB is crashing Ableton 9.6.1. multiple times a day since the update.

I know it’s OB because I wasn’t using OB for the past 2 months, and I had no crashes and no issues.

I’d been working with a slimmed set up of only Push2 and LaunchControlXL to play some local open mics… too much gear was causing too many headaches for an open mic environment.

Now that I have the Rytm back in my set up, OB is crashing Ableton on the daily.

I’m now using the AR with just its main outs into my K-mix with no issue.

Ok so I’m gonna share my “signal chain” here, followed by some questions. I have two AR’s.
AR ONE sends L+R, BD, SD, LT, and CH-OH channels to Ableton.
AR TWO sends all 8 voices separately to Ableton.
Ableton Master sends to AR TWO L+R outputs.
AR TWO L+R outputs to my thunderbolt interface inputs(My monitors).

Is this the most efficient way to do this? I’ve been previously using my Tac 2-R interface as the output in Ableton but sometimes i still get this bizarre explosion of sound.

Could this be due to a thunderbolt or USB error?
I have the bass track duplicated and panned, would this cause too much bandwidth to be pulled through from AR ONE?
I have the buffer size set at 128 for everything.

Also just tried doing the same thing with Logic X. I eventually got the same explosion of sound, which I can’t really troubleshoot because it seems like the Elektron sequencers are trying to follow multiple clocks.

“Error while trying to synchronize Audio and MIDI.
Sample Rate 40737 recognized.
Check conflict between Logic Pro X and external device.”

Also can’t figure out how to record-enable the aux midi tracks in Logic.

Any tips? I feel like I’m at the point where I could make a good video, but I’m so extremely tired of getting through 15-20 mins of recording a video and having a random explosion of sound. Really kills the vibe when you’re trying to do a live recording and terrifies me about what issues could eventually happen if I tried to play an actual show with overbridge.

I’d appreciate any input or encouragement, its getting exhausting approaching these machines with the intention of recording a jam session only to have to deal with random issues 9 times out of 10.


Just saw this now, Thanks for the info. Looking forward to the next release, this is so close!

macbook pro early 2011 model, running el capitan.

ableton live 9.6.1 64-bit.

overbridge won’t even connect to my analog 4.

hope this gets sorted soon!


1.10 works fine on WIN7, Cubase 8.5x pro - but as stated earlier they killed the multiple outs, so we’re stuck with one stereo out., which is quite a huge step back from the beta.

Anyone rolled back to the beta to get the multiple outs?

yeah its a shame…tried the ob beta 1.10 but its not working with the new os’es 1.30(rytm) or 1.23 (a4/ak)

yeah its a shame…tried the ob beta 1.10 but its not working with the new os’es 1.30(rytm) or 1.23 (a4/ak)[/quote]
Yeah, also tried it, no joy…
I think there are 2 workarounds for me now:

  1. Just use Analog jacks for a few voices (if it still transmit audio over the analogue outs) - but this will take up more inputs on my preamps.

  2. Mute tracks and record in separate passes the most important stuff (like Kick drum at least on spearate channel)

On the pluss side it forces us to do better sound design on the actual unit, and I can now use the fx (reverb, delay and the compressor) which all sound good and cool. It’s good for retro-romantic-noisy-house music at least :slight_smile:

FYI to everyone using Ableton and trying to record a track where the tempo changes…
I suggest going into your preferences and turning off ‘Auto-Warp Long Samples’ under the ‘Record, Warp, and Launch’ tab.
This was causing Ableton to try and quantize my tracks while the tempo was changing, which takes A TON of processing power I think and what I believe was causing my macbook to overload.
Hopefully this will help someone else, Maybe I’m just a newb. :wink:

yeah its a shame…tried the ob beta 1.10 but its not working with the new os’es 1.30(rytm) or 1.23 (a4/ak)[/quote]
Yeah, also tried it, no joy…
I think there are 2 workarounds for me now:

  1. Just use Analog jacks for a few voices (if it still transmit audio over the analogue outs) - but this will take up more inputs on my preamps.

  2. Mute tracks and record in separate passes the most important stuff (like Kick drum at least on spearate channel)

On the pluss side it forces us to do better sound design on the actual unit, and I can now use the fx (reverb, delay and the compressor) which all sound good and cool. It’s good for retro-romantic-noisy-house music at least :)[/quote]
1.10.1 fixed the multichannel. Looks like it’s working a treat now! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, with 1.10.1, I now can’t get just the stereo output of an A4 and Rytm working.
