Overbridge 2.0.24 Public Beta

Good boy!

I have the same problem most of the time. Sometimes, I just close everything and restart my computer and the latency disappears (most of the time). Itā€™s not only with the AR, itā€™s with all my Elektron devices. So it is an overall latency.

I also noticed that when I load an already existing Project in Ableton (made with a previous version of OB) with the latest version of OB, there is always a noticeable latency. But if I create a New Project, there is no latency.

Will we have an official support for Catalina? I need a new laptop :confused:


Same exact problem here.

Elektron stated that the final release will.

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production has ceased (if iā€™m correct)

What makes you say this? Very bad news if true. I own one mk1 unit and itā€™s absolutely essential, but also I am a bit paranoid so itā€™s reassuring to know if it is manufactured indefinitely.

I keep having the same problem ā€¦ then i saw a post saying that it wonā€™t be supported on win 8.1 ā€¦ wow ā€¦ is that true do you know ā€¦ pretty poor show by elektron if that is the case

AM HAving the same problem ā€¦ did you manage to get this installed on win 8.1 ?

OH well ā€¦ I have a digitakt and was looking at a digitone or perhaps an octo II ā€¦ I run everything on win 8.1 and have been sequencing my synths using the digitakt over midiā€¦ now that i have found out that elektron arenā€™t supporting anything below win 10 with overbridge i guess I wont waste my money on more elektron products ā€¦ will look for a different solution and use the cubase daw for recording everything through the mixer inputs to my pc ā€¦geee this is is disappointing for elektron to ignore anyone under win10 ā€¦ have a good life elektron ā€¦ will go somewhere else for my hardware in the future

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I think you can update from 8 to 10 for free. At least i have done it at the beginning of the year. Its worth it win10 is smooth, i cant think of any reason not doing it :slight_smile:

They said they made it up.

Just ignore self-sourced internet rumors.

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Can you explain what your problem is?

Not saying that their new ticketing system isnā€™t garbage and poorly integratedā€¦

Digitakt (OS 1.11) will eventually freeze while using Overbridge. Only a reboot will bring it back to life. Behavior started a few versions of OB ago, after upgrading Digitakt to the 1.11 firmware. First official ticket about this was completely ignored, second took months to get a generic response.

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in the app i am unable to see the usb bandwidth and access the control panel like to choose sample rate in ob control panel, and also when trying to run ob engine app it does not start. pls help

edit: and also when trying to record in ableton individual tracks (for rytm mk2) it records everything on 1 audio channel instead of 8. iā€™ve routed everything correctly. what would be the audio preference settings in ableton? am i missing something?

Does anybody have OB 2.0.24 working with AR MkII 1.50A ?

The driver installed, and bitwig loads the VST but it does not display the UI, and doesnt detect the AR. I made the mistake of installing 1.50A before I noticed that it only specifies 1.50 support in the OB release notesā€¦ so I guess what Iā€™m seeing is expectedā€¦ but thought Iā€™d ask anyway.

UPDATE 1: After a bit of messing around changing settings in the control panel I was able to get the stand-alone UI working. And then also got the VST to work in bitwig. But that got me to the next problem. If I open the A4 VST first, then I cant open the AR VST, unless I restart bitwig. Then if I open the AR VST first, I cant open A4. And when I attempt to exit bitwig I get errors about it not being able to save the state of which ever one didnt open.

Both seem to work correctly when they actually do load. So thereā€™s that. But its not very practical.

UPDATE 2: More messing around. I was finally able to get the AR and A4 vsts running at the same time in bitwig. This requires me to load an instance of each into a project. This works. But if I save and reopen the project, neither connects to the overbridge engine. But if I delete one and then undo the delete it connects. Repeat for the other one. I think total recall is even working when I do thisā€¦ But I need to sync manually. Enabling the ā€œsync on exitā€ seems to crash the plugins.

Its been an interesting night. Iā€™ve been waiting 2 years to get to this point. Almost there :slight_smile:

UPDATE 3: (48 hours later) Good News! :clap: Tonight I figured out something that I had been doing wrong. When I started bitwig tonight I left the overbridge engine window open in the corner of my screen so I could monitor when my devices change from ā€œidleā€ to ā€œactiveā€, and more importantly based on previous experience, which one remained ā€œidleā€, which is what I thought had been happening. I was surprised to see that both devices became active as soon as bitwig finished the ā€œloading pluginsā€ stage. When I looked across to the actual hardware I noticed both the AR and the A4 were prompting me to accept a USB sync request. On every occasion up until now I had been too busy trying to get the VST UIs to open in bitwig and did not notice that the hardware was waiting for me to respond and this would prevent the VST from continuing - previously I would just assume it had failed and delete it and create a new instance. So I click ā€œyesā€ and ā€œyesā€ and we are in business! Cant believe I didnt see this before now.

This discovery has made me very happy!

I love a good UI and overbridge does a great job of exposing the inner workings of both these synths that allows me better access than through the little lcd displays. And bitwigs excellent modulation system works really well (so far) with the overbridge vst devices.

UPDATE 4: (a couple of days later) Just adding this in case it is useful for anybody else using overbridge and bitwig studio.

I noticed that if one of the tracks containing an instance of either the overbridge A4 or AR vst is selected (ie current track) when I save my project in BWS, then when I reopen that project, neither of the overbridge vstā€™s connect to the engine. When this happens I can do one or two things to force them to connect: 1. Deactivate/ReActivate the vst - this works sometimes, or 2. Delete each vst and Undo - this seems to work consistently. But, the best workaround is to make sure, when saving a bitwig project, that the current track does not contain an instance of an overbridge vst. Then everything works correctly when you reopen the project (also see my note earlier about confirming the sync on the hardware).


digitalgeistā€¦ I hear you butā€¦ two months out and crickets is kinda ridiculous. My computer was locking up because of not switching to Catalina. Finally had to do it, which then rendered the digitakt via over bridge an expensive brick. Itā€™s coolā€¦ but every other plug in manufacturer has finished the transition so it stings.

for some reason, Iā€™m not getting AH to work. it just doesnā€™t sync with the hardware. here are my specs:
OSX Sierra, Macbook Pro Mid 2015, 16GB RAM.
Digitakt on 1.11, Analog Heat on 1.20, Overbridge on
Ableton Live 10.0.1
Iā€™m using it on a powered hub along the DT and a Virus Snow (these two seem to work just fine)

Analog Heat doesnā€™t display any alerts on the lower part of the AH plugin.
Theyā€™re both in OB mode.
for some reason though, it looks like this in the OB panel:

Iā€™ve tried restaring the unit, the software, the computerā€¦ seems to behave the same way.

If I open the AH plugin, I can see signal coming in (I set it up in a Send channel in Ableton)
but it doesnā€™t show any signal coming out, and itā€™s not reflecting any of the parameters on the hardware either (this, in conjuction with the idle status on the OB panel makes me think that itā€™s not connecting)

anything I should try?

EDIT: I already tried using it on the other USB port, by itself - no changes.
I now tried creating a new project, and just adding the AH pluginā€¦ says ā€œsynchronizing with the deviceā€¦ā€ at the bottomā€¦ never goes away

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Itā€™s the same here but on win10.

Iā€™ve been testing Overbridge with the VST on my system, and Iā€™m hoping someone can chime in and tell me whether the following behaviors with my system audio (music playing over Spotify, etc) are normal and expected. Perhaps I have configured something incorrectly?

It seems that Overbridge forces my computer host audio through the Overbridge device. There are some obvious benefits to this (easy sampling), but there are also drawbacks (system audio audio alerts are recorded, any effects applied to the Overbridge VST are also applied to system audio). I donā€™t see an option to disable this feature, but the word choice of ā€œallowā€ seems to imply that there should be a way to disable this. Ideally, it would be nice to toggle this feature on and off, but I understand if this is a technical limitation.

  1. Overbridge device off:
    Overbridge device is off
    Overbridge engine is running
    DAW is closed
    Computer host audio is audible

  2. Overbridge device on, no DAW:
    Overbridge device is on
    Overbridge engine is running
    DAW is closed
    Computer host audio is not audible

  3. Overbridge device on, DAW & VST on:
    Overbridge device is on
    Overbridge engine is running
    DAW is open, Overbridge VST is running
    Computer host audio is audible and is playing through the Overbridge VST.

Additionally, I have a few questions about latency. Iā€™ve noticed that latencies reported in Bitwig are higher than the estimates reported in Overbridge Control Panel. Control Panel reports estimated of 9.7ms input, 15ms output, and Bitwig reports 35.6ms latency. Which latency is likely correct?

Iā€™ve also read that Bitwig and Overbridge both compensate for latency for recordings. If both Overbridge and Bitwig perform compensations, doesnā€™t this mean that the compesation will be applied twice? Thank you for any thoughts.

Iā€™m using Windows 10, Bitwig, Babyface Pro, Analog Rytm MKII OS 1.50A, Overbridge 2.0.24 Public Beta VST.

Not really a confirmation, since I have a different setup, but the individual outs are working here for both A4 and AR in bitwig 3 on win7.