Oxi One Hardware Sequencer

Somehow I missed that this was going to be battery powered. How wonderful.

You guys have been so forthcoming with details about the development that I decided to go ahead and make my reservation for one now.

Related: we had a power outage the other day and it was the first time my UPS battery backup got to do its thing. What a relief! I had fresh Parts on the Octatrack and a fresh patch on the Typhon that hadn’t yet been saved. Looking at the Oxi One and its workflow + capabilities, that battery will be crucial for occasional power outages.

I hear that! I have a few USB-C devices (a monitor, a laptop) but I’ve never had a USB-C port wear out. And I think that’s because they aren’t phones, so I don’t unplug and replug those daily.
Or move them around a lot while they’re plugged in, putting stress on the jack, like a phone. I expect a similar situation with the Oxi One. Occasional, but not regular unplugging. It will be sequencing gear and an iMac that are plugged in to power.


This is super cool.

On that note, is it possible to load another project without the sequencer stopping overall? i.e. seamless, just like switching between patterns.


Carlos I’ve gotta say, I like your style, enjoying reading about this sequencer with all the questions you’re answering. 10-15 hours battery wow that is pretty sick, awesome feature.


Pricing yet?

From the Oxi Instruments website…

Pretty sure there’s still some slots left to reserve a super hearty discount @ launch also.


curious about that too.
even if it’s not possible to implement at the moment, please implement at least loading another project without interrupting MIDI master clock.
Squarp Pyramid has that feature, and it’s super handy in live situation. (also, due to this feature Pyramid is the only sequencer so far that does not trigger Blofeld arpeggiator bug.)

also curious about desktop app — will there be Linux version?
(if it’s something JUCE-based, should be very easy to do.)

Squarp Pyramid.
but it has another limit — events per project in total (about 10000).

there are USB-C cables with switches.

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@chaocrator @PeteCT

I want to add that the Oxi companion app will be open source software. We implement it using the Qt framework so it will run on Linux, MacOS and Windows Desktops and in near future also on iOS and Android devices. Deploying on mobile is a bit of a hassle.


So glad to hear that! Thank you so much :smiley:

I’m testing it right now and even the transport bar does not reset unless the loaded Pattern has less steps and the one playing is further than the end point.

Loading a project has the exact same effect, the transport bar keeps its position as long as the Patterns loaded are equal or shorter.

Yay! it’s in.

I think it may be possible. If not we can think of open sourcing the app for people to do it.

Edit: nevermind, @klaustrophil is the man


As @TheGhostCat shared, we aim to have the market price under 600€.
On April we will launch a crowdfunding campaign at discounted price, and right now you can get an early even bigger discount by locking it for 1€.


great news, thanks for update, @klaustrophil & @CarlosUnch.

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm …

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Here’s a new video showing Arp recording capabilities.
If you have a polyphonic synth you can record overdub, up to 7 notes per step. This is great to layer up your arpeggios or whatever you throw at MIDI in.

This thing times 4, since you have 4 Sequencers with its Keys and Arp engines :wink:


what exactly is happening here…?

A guy playing with Oxi One when in reality he just wants to play with the Switch there on the right.

Jokes aside, Multitrack on Seq 4 (labeled drums in this proto) is playing drums, Seq 1 is Mono playing some FM mallets, and what you see in the grid is its Keys view. Arp is on, scale is minor so you see the filtered notes by brightness. When Rec is on, the notes played by the arpeggio are printed into the Seq. There’s several passes with Rec on, and at a certain point everything gets busy so I clear the track and Rec one more line before the end. Ah, Seq 2 has that mediocre bass line that I launch at some point. There’s glide, legatos and all the friends in there.

Hope this clears it up a bit.


So you’ve got Seq 1 on a 4-bar loop, and it’s overdubbing each new arp into it? Very cool!

Btw - I’ve got a Moog DFAM that requires a 1/16th note clock. How does Oxi One handle clocking? Can you configure/divide the clock out?


Yes! It’ll be an option in configuration page.


Hi everyone!
Here’s a demo of the Arranger // Song mode.
Let us know what you think.
There’s an easter egg in form of feature, if someone guesses it, we will reveal it :smiley:


Looks great! No idea about the easter egg, but the arranger looks really great! I could have a song structure ready, but jump around the four sequencers individually. So cool. :slight_smile:


The easter egg is far from obvious. It’s related to what it’s sequenced and how it’s sequenced.

Yes! That’s what we wanted to have with Clip Launch. You can do kind of the same by loading sequencers out of Arranger mode, but here it’s more tidy and of course the automation is only possible here.