Oxi One Hardware Sequencer

I’m responding to the other guy. If you can converse with him I’ll be happy to sit back and let you guys sort it out.

no problem, i thought we were having a public conversation here :wink:
(in other words, i was not directly replying to you, merely using your good post as a reference to further the conversation and the understanding)

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Well, I asked because he was making clip and pattern sound like something else. I never mentioned Scene.

Not sure who this is directed at lol but your post is appreciated!

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sorry to keep asking, your response “correct” is replying to “there is no clip, only a pattern” i guess.

Do you also know if there is a “Scene” object?

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Lol sorry. There are only projects.
No scenes. No clips.

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tnx, that definitely helps to clear up my thinking!

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Well, thank goodness that’s cleared up. Thank you all. (It would be a good idea to remove ‘clip launch’ from the documentation then, in that case. )


I’ll be sure to link this thread with my suggestion to remove it. :joy:


Thanks for posting this btw.

I don’t feel strongly enough either way about Clip Launch vs. some alternative. What would be better? “Pattern Jump”? No idea. Yet another reason I never went down the UX/UI career path.


I think this is how my problem started. My experience of sequencing is limited to owning a model:cycles for 6 months. So I have no idea what ‘clip’ or ‘scene’ might mean and I went looking for an explanation.

Which I now have. So thanks to everyone who contributed to the discussion over the last hour or so.


I came up with the therm Clip Launch to reference that function in Ableton, that works basically the same. You can manually jump to different clips individually.

Calling it Pattern Jump may be understood as “all four lanes jump to pattern slot 6” when in reality each lane is independent (or not), different lengths, different time divisions, different clip launch. That’s part of the flexibility of the arranger and it’s explained in one simple sentence:

Clip Launch allows to manually jump between Patterns.

I have to say all these things are far from confusing having OXI One at hand. I’ve seen people try to compare it to things they know instead of approaching it with a white canvas.
It does not help, but can’t be blamed of course :slight_smile:


Thanks. If I get one, i will probably use it with Ableton Live quite a bit, although of course with those CV outs, I’m sure to plug it in directly into my Matriarch sooner or later.


healthy jealous


BTW, is there support for octatonic scales like the Messiaen modes of limited transposition? I started a song with one of those modes but it’s been slow going because I couldn’t find any resources on how to construct harmony on top of such a scale, unlike major scale harmony, for which there are many resources.

It would be quite convenient to enter Chord mode and see chords laid out for a Messiaen mode.

I haven’t read it myself, but maybe check out Messiaen’s “The technique of my musical language”? Easily findable on Google. I would imagine it has something to say on the matter.

Sure, for deep examination of Messiaen’s compositional method, the book is always an option.

At the time, I was looking for something shallower, like this article, except for the Messaien mode instead of the major scale and 3 minor scales:

But now there is this big, somewhat costly book of octatonic scales that I mentioned earlier in the thread that did not exist at that time but exists now.

Let’s just wait and see what Carlos’ answer is. He will say “we can do it”, or “yes we did it”, or “no we’re not doing that”.


It’s possible we will open the list of available scales, and that one could go in.

OXI One Chord mode is a playground for learning and getting inspiration, that’s why we prolly won’t be adding user chords in there, but anything taken from music theory story, why not?
Adding both approaches could be a mess for the UI, and we choose to have a closed but inspiring chord mode.


we will probably add user chords on Polyphonic mode :slight_smile:


so, 3rd week of April is almost over…
any news ?