Oxi One Hardware Sequencer

There’s news, I can’t anticipate now but we will send a newsletter very soon :slight_smile:

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/me - goes to check loopops youtube channel

EDIT: comes back disappointed

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yeah, i see the post in the facebook group. thanks for the update.

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Hello everyone!

It is all set!! launching on 4th of May on Indiegogo.

Loopop will release a review video of the OXI One the same day!

All members with VIP reservations will receive a custom link to redeem their corresponding offer.


P.D.: the VIP extra discounted perks will only be available for those who made the 1€ deposit in the past, with the exact email and contact information they filled in to do it.

Anyone else using these links will got their contribution rejected.


got here late to the party and missed out on the 1€ VIP :slightly_frowning_face:.

Good idea for a way to gauge interest in the product though, hopefully people wont feel to bummed out about missing out the even better deal.

Congratulations @CarlosUnch! I’m looking forward to it!

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Wow ! I had never been so excited about a stand alone sequencer before. :love_you_gesture:

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How many pricing tiers are there exactly? Retail, Indiegogo and 1€ VIP?

VIP had 3 tiers, Indiegogo will have 2 (most probably) and retail.

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Looking forward to ordering mine, managed to get in on the €1 VIP price based on the hype you guys were putting out there. Glad I listened, it’s gotten more and more interesting since then. :smiley:


Thanks for supporting us!
We will be adding even more stuff on top along the way :wink:


Just got into modular. Now I will have a sequencer for my new setup!


@CarlosUnch can you clarify the internal storage? You can:

Store up to 15 projects with up to 16 patterns for all the sequencers

But other places you’ve clarified that the 16 patterns are per sequencer so you can really store 64 patterns per project?

What is a pattern though? If a sequencer has 8 tracks and each track has 128 steps is that a single pattern?

For having more than 15 projects you mentioned the companion app, what platforms will the companion app support?


Each of the 4 sequencers can store up to 16 pattern. A sequencer in multi-mode (8-track) is treated just as the other sequencers.

The app is already working for Linux, MacOS and Windows. We use a cross-platform framework for development so deploying it to iOS and Android will be possible as well.


If I understand correctly, a pattern is all the steps + modulation settings for a sequencer track. So if you have a mono sequencer, it would be all the 128 steps + modulation. For a drum sequencer a pattern would mean all 8 rows (8 different tracks × 128 steps) + modulation settings.

I believe a project would then be the state of all the patterns + modulations across the entire device.

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Is the launch price for indiegogo still set at 400€ ?

But also, the mode (of the sequencer) can change according to which one of it’s patterns it is playing, is that right ?

I think what you’ve described here as a ‘sequencer track’ is more properly called a ‘lane’ or ‘sequencer lane’. But I could be wrong. Certainly it seems to me that ‘track’ is wrong as you’ve used it. A track is something inside a pattern (and there may be 1-8 of them).

Sorry if I’m being pedantic. The terminology of the Oxi One has confused me from the start, but I think I’ve now reached an understanding of the present usage.

EDIT: Actually, I may have may an unwarranted jump with the word ‘lane’ . Check the diagram above. “Pattern lanes” may be part of the arranger … I have jumped to using the word ‘sequencer lane’ for the top 4 rows on the grid in arranger mode … which may or may not be correct. Can @TheGhostCat help ? He posted the picture.


So basically a Pattern stores the seq mode and all its parameters which are far from little. They can be loaded without any delay, same for Project changes.
Each Sequencer has 16 patterns per project, total of 64, and they are saved and loaded independently.

No, the price will be higher, still way under the market price.