Pads play once

First off, sorry for starting a new thread about this. I literally just got my RYTM and I’m confused and can’t find any info about this issue in the manual or on here.

When I turn it on the pads will only make a noise the first time I hit them, after that they do not respond. The trig buttons will make noise but not the pads, which is obviously much less fun. What am I doing wrong?!

Also chromatic mode just doesn’t work at all, I guess because of the same pads issue?

Is there something really obvious that I’ve missed?

By noise, do you mean actual noise or sound? I found the pads to be too insensitive in the beginning, but they adjust as they are used. Also, sensitivity settings will most likely appear in the future according to posts in another thread.
If you only get noise I think you should contact elektron.

By noise, do you mean actual noise or sound? I found the pads to be too insensitive in the beginning, but they adjust as they are used. Also, sensitivity settings will most likely appear in the future according to posts in another thread.
If you only get noise I think you should contact elektron.[/quote]
Sorry, by noise I meant sound. Each pad produces it’s correct sound the first time I hit them (so it’s not a sensitivity issue). Subsequent hits will produce no sound, and the pads won’t light up either. I wonder if I have a faulty unit.

are any lights on over the 5 round buttons above the keypads?

Nope, all those are off.

If I have one of the preset beats playing and I tap a pad, it basically stops the sound corresponding to that pad from playing at all until I reboot the machine. This behaviour is the same for all pads. Changing kits or banks doesn’t bring the sound back.

Another problem I’ve noticed is that when editing a synth sound and triggering it from the trigger button sometimes the sound will trigger on the button press AND the button release.

Anyone else had anything like this? Very odd…

What OS does it have?

Have you tried doing a factory reset? Sounds like you haven’t been able to do anything so no need to back anything up first.

Also try running the Test Mode to see if there are any issues with the hardware.

Both options can be accessed by turning the machine on while holding Function.

Yes, I’ve tried both.
Test mode says everything is fine.
Factory reset doesn’t change anything.
I’m on 1.0.1, updating was the first thing I did.

i would try creating a new project and see if that helps. initially chromatic was confusing to me and i thought it wasn’t working but you can turn it on and off per pad.

I would try updating the firmware again …

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

New project doesn’t make any difference.

I’ve updated the firmware a few times, using different USB ports on my MBP (I remember my OT was a bit fussy with that) but it doesn’t make any difference either.

I’ve sent Elektron a support ticket so hopefully they’ll get back to me soon.

I’m really bummed out, I was looking forward to getting my hands on this for ages and now I’m pretty sure I’ve got a duff one.

I don’t know much about errors in data, but did you re-download the firmware from Elektron, or use the same file from your computer you used the first time?

Initially I used the same file I’d downloaded originally, same result. Then I downloaded the update again and tried that, again no difference.
Maybe I should download C6 again and see if that helps.
Should I have SDS handshake on? Extended SDS? I really hope I’m doing something stupid that’s easily fixed.

I am having this same problem with mine. It only arrived today so I thought I was doing something stupid since the trigs work to play and the pads light up when pressed. I’ll be interested to hear if there is a solution. Going to try uploading the firmware again.

After speaking to Elektron they decided there was some sort of fault so I’m getting a replacement unit.
I should add that Elektron were very apologetic and quick at trying to resolve the issue. At that point I was the only person to experience any problems.
I’d get in touch with them outlining exactly what’s happening, it sounds like your issue is slightly different to mine, fingers crossed they will be able to get yours working as it should.

Got mine yesterday : my pads don’t trig at all. They’ll work in mute mode, but that’s it. Tried all the stuff you did in terms of resets / updates etc. have posted a support ticket but not heard anything yet. Must be a faulty unit - my 4th Elektron machine & my 1st ever issue to be fair. Still a bit gutted though.

I raised the issue with Elektron last night once I saw this post. Tried re-installing the latest update a couple more times and also tried calibrating the synth. Hopefully I’ll hear back today.

The scope of what this thing is going to be able to do is amazing from what I managed to get out of it. It is still frustrating potentially having to wait longer to get into it properly.

Good luck with getting a resolution to yours xmit

Hi guys,

I’m very sorry to hear that you guys have these issues. Can you please give me your support ticket numbers and I’ll reply to them there.



Thanks for following up ufuk

ufuk : #5504

cheers mate