Photography geeks, gather round!

ooh, never heard of those. I’ll look em up now. thanks Simon, these are the kind of suggestions I’ve been after :slight_smile:

edit - wow looks amazing. it’s on the list :+1:
moorish geometry is breathtaking.

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I just sold off the last of my film stuff because I just don’t have time to process and scan anymore…used to use a Leica M2 and Pentax LX though. My digicam for the past…6 or 7 years I guess…is the Olympus Pen-F, though I did order a Ricoh RG IIIx with the money from the Leica sale. We’ll see if I like it. I’m literambivalence on insta if anyone’s interested.

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sound, I just opened an account the other day. MichaelKamera.

I’ll follow you now. hope you enjoy the ricoh

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Just followed you…I see you use the Ricoh!! What do you think? I was so glad to see they put out a non-wide version; I really like shooting with a 35 or 50 and this should fit the bill

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I’m in love with the Gr3x. it’s a thing of beauty.

for what I do it’s unbeatable imo. tiny, super light, manual operation with 1 hand, really sharp lense.

the raw files are very flexible. can process em in camera too if that’s your vibe.

lots of customisation, n can set up a bunch of film sims. default positive film is lovely.

focusing isn’t the quickest, but snap focus is incredible for ultra fast snaps once you get used to it.

I have the video button (video mode is pointless) re-mapped to the 50mm & 71mm crop mode selector. one click - 50mm, another = 71mm. really handy.

my favourite camera.

edit - I nearly forgot, the GR ibis is incredible. can take pinpoint sharp shots handheld at like 1/60 - 1/20. Great for low light.

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Oh fantastic! Didn’t even know there was a crop mode, excellent. And snap mode is probably where I’ll live most of the time, v excited about that.

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I picked up a canon m100 for cheap recently. 24mp aps-c.

just snagged a sigma 56mm 1.4 for it today [85mm equiv].

man I love this lense. can’t wait to take it out.

I really like the m100’s monochrome.


Some random imagery from the ‘archive’ :grinning: I’ve not taken any pictures for a while (for one reason or another), but mainly as my digital broke and the price of film has gone through the roof.


Nice shots, Matmcr!

My ex-wife accurately described my photography style as “a charmless scene with something over in the corner.” (This is not why we divorced)


:joy: I like that description.

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Thanks! The charmless the better IMO :grinning:

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Reminds me of Martin Parr’s bored couples :grinning:


What a beautiful series, I did not know.
The third reminded me (unpretentiously) of one of mine,
that had marked me because it was a Valentine’s Day evening.

The same evening, an anthology Valentine’s Day.


Great image, and definitely has that similar vibe going on :grinning:

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A picture of them younger avove ? :wink:

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Agree with this, it’s quickly become my favorite snapshot camera, the gr3x and tg5 (for when the rain starts pouring or I want to do some macro photos) are the two cameras in my outings bag as they’re both super small, great quality, and share the same batteries.

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I had to Google the tg there, I’m not familiar with em. looks like an interesting machine. love a bit o macro.

yea i love small cameras too. my m100 seems massive to me since I’m used to the GR.

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I prefer the smaller bodies too, no plans to ever go back to big dslr style bodies. My ‘deliberate’ camera is a Sigma fp, had it for a few years now. That, the gr3x and the tg5 are probably all I’ll ever need, although I’m interested in if OM Cameras will continue on with the tough cameras, as I probably wouldn’t trust the seals on the tg5 to do well underwater now I’ve had it for 5/6 years!

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I started down the “Toy Camera” pathway a while back and became a little bit preoccupied with the pursuit of seeing the world through as many different lenses as possible. Then I got into Poaroid photography (just as the worldwide stocks of their instant film started drying up) I think it may have become a problem for a while there as I realised when I started dusting my shelves and cameras and put them all in one spot (and the included image wasn’t even all of them!) I had a bit of a presence on and have a website which has crashed and been resurrected so many times I’m amazed it’s still going (though I just found I couldn’t log in as an admin recently so I’ll have to troubleshoot it yet again!)
Now I mainly take photos with my phone and a Fujifilm X100-F.
As mentioned by a previous poster, I do believe pursuing photography helps you see the world in a different way.


Happy to see so many GR 3x shooters on Elektronauts. I’ve got one too and I love it. The raw files are incredibly malleable. I used to have quite a nice collection of film cameras (Leica, Mamiya, Contax), but I sold them all as film development and scanning was becoming too time (and money!) consuming. In retrospect, I should have waited a bit more to sell them, now they are easily worth 2x or 3x more.

I am into my new topographics/human altered landscapes/stepen shore phase, and the GR 3x is perfect for this kind of pictures, as I can bring it with me every time I go out.

Here are some examples: