
Yes but you bought it, preordered it even, forgive me for interpreting that as a judgement of value.

You can’t possibly believe the duality of optimism/pessimism is really that black and white can you? I don’t know who this Steffen is but I struggle to see that point as anything more than opinion parading as fact.

I agree it would be nice to have such a topic, it’s something I think about a lot! All my life I’ve been on gear forums and witnessed all manner of optimism and hype in the name of consumption of often expensive gear and I’ve always found it strange that there is not often room for cynicism in these discussions. To point back to Steffen I see things quite the opposite in these cases, people want to be loyal to brands they like or have dumped a bunch of money into so they get really excited when a new product is offered and drop everything to parrot back ad copy as though they always knew it was their deepest desire, for me this is optimism as obedience.

I’m not sure you parading your opinion of an author you haven’t read or bothered to google is the best argument against this sort of behavior?

Anyway, my apologies for derailing this thread. Please make whatever followups you feel necessary, but I’ll respond in some other topic dedicated to this purpose.

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Cousin just asked me for info about this, so I was prompted to check Youtube.

Found this one with a dude showing his Playdate to his homies over video conference and discussing it

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and another person showing hands-on action. Includes actual gameplay footage. I am indeed part of the (likely) limited audience for quirky games like these. Those who are more into Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption… probably not so much.

Everyone else on YT who has a vid on this thing is just talking about it without having it in their hands (trying to trick you into like-and-subscribe).

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From today’s email that arrived from them:

We’re happy to note that Group One shipping is now complete. That means over 10,000 Playdates are now out in the world. That also means — yes — Group Two began shipping a few days ago!!**

(Remember, we ship Playdates gradually every day, so we expect Group Two should be done by the end of August.)

And while that’s happening, our factory has been building lots of systems for Group Three and beyond. So far, we’re still on schedule. If that changes, you’ll be the first to know.

Also, our special DDP/duties paid international shipping seems to be working, too. Except for a few errors on our end, international customers report getting their systems without any additional taxes or duties.

Put another way: things are going great. (So far.)

So Many Great Games

Early reaction to our free Season One games has also been amazing. Remember, Season One begins for you when you setup your Playdate.

But there’s already so much more for your Playdate!

Over on Twitter we’ve got a thread going of some of the many third-party games and experiments.

Check it out when you can. We’ll be adding even more soon.

(And we’re also working hard on Catalog, a way to discover or purchase new things directly on your Playdate. More later…)

The Current Estimates

Your Playdate Is In: Group #4

Group #1 Systems #1 to 10,000

Group #2 Systems 10,000 to 20,000
Shipping Now

Group #3 Systems 20,000 to 30,000

Group #4 Systems 30,000 to 40,000
2022 (Late)

Group #5 Systems 40,000 to 50,000
2022 (Later) ~ 2023 (Early)

All estimates are subject to change. (It’s a wild time to manufacture things.) We will email you if anything changes.

I’m also in group #4. I got it for my girlfriend and I’m excited to see what she does with it.

I’m in group 2 (even though I literally waited site to be online and bought in within 10 mins ) but still no shipping update :confused:

Got mine about a week and a half ago (I was in the 8200s) – it’s a lot of fun! It very much lends itself to short and immediate play sessions. It’s super tiny. I got the magnetic case, which makes it easier to hold. Screen looks great, though I do wish it were backlit. Controls feel good. I’ve got four games so far, which I have mixed opinions on (no spoilers). At least one of them is great though, and hilarious. The most-advertised game, Crankin’s Time Travel Adventure, is unexpectedly punishing.

Got mine earlier this week… didn’t expect to like it as much as I do, the build quality is really great feeling. I’m a big fan of the screen, feels nice to sit out in the sun and play a little tetris on it. Already started to dive into coding for it.