
Yeah that looks great. So to be clear it only runs cartridges, nothing can be stored on there? It looks perfect but tbh these days I’m looking to just have everything inside the box

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i had to stop a few minutes in… the cringe is real! it’s fits so well into the culture of extended childhood we’re all invested in to some degree or other, TE being a huge player in that market.

it’s a nice looking device but man something is off

EDIT: christ… a ballpoint pen?! help…

Crank it

theres a micro SD card slot, and with there other consoles they release a patch to run game direct from that on the downlow.

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I’m for it, it is obviously not for everyone but anything helping people create more isn’t bad in my book. (Haven’t seen the SDK but it sounds really good) I also like the initial idea of giving various devs just free reign to make something that will get into people’s hands. I dunno hating on something like this just seems lame.


I think it looks interesting, but I am on the fence. This type of thing would be more of an impulse purchase for me. So I am definitely not going to preorder for a next year delivery, but if they become more readily available, I may give it a spin. I look forward to reading what people have to say about it once they are out in the world.

I don’t hate it, but have been developing games long enough to just see some nice modern spectrum games.

The demos had some nice animation , 1 bit graphics ( lots of nice dithering techniques )!and used the analogue input to do a few things.
The subscription service may work, the world is more accepting of monthly payments … I guess if you want to sell it you’ll need to transfer license or maybe you don’t actually own anything like Spotify.

Also interested about how devs are paid … again if it’s. Spotify model maybe they’ll all be on welfare once reality kicks in.

Overall… it’s not aimed at someone skeptical and old like me … I do applaud people setting up companies and trying their own thing and I hope it’s successful.

Did they honestly imply a nice high resolution screen ? 400x200 ? Or something.

The name escapes me just now but I can get cartridges just store roms too. Or, at least, you can for SNES/megadrive/etc.

I almost started collecting Gameboy games again two years or so ago but found playing my beloved Speedball 2 was torture with the old screen. How the hell did I put up with it for years?! So really can’t wait for the Pocket to appear. Instant buy for me.

You can get drop in IPS displays for old gameboys, quite easy to fit and a great improvement over the original LCD:


I’ve preorderd. I’m excited!

But if you’ll forgive going meta-sociological for a sec; for everyone with their “No wireless. Less space than a Nomad. Lame.” posts about unreleased devices here and elsethread, what’s the upside do you figure? It’s like, either you’re wrong and the thing is a hit, or it’s a bust and it you were rooting for it to fail. So… you’re a chump or a jerk? There’s no winning move, there. Why play that game?

The subscription service may work, the world is more accepting of monthly payments … I guess if you want to sell it you’ll need to transfer license

There’s no subscription, license, or payments for Season 1 games. Everyone who has a Playdate gets them. There’s no word on whether there will be a Season 2, or what any associated costs would be. How does the game season work? - Playdate Help


There’s someone here (not on this thread though) who rages at me for reposting a link that he posted earlier - even if it’s a month before. I keep telling that person - look, you need to loosen up because sometimes people just forget or flat out miss the link. Maybe they’ll get it someday.

What happened here illustrates this point.

Well I think people are interested in discussing things they read about, more so if they find it puzzling that X device exists or if they flat out don’t like it. I don’t think a healthy forum/brain can only think about things positively and purposely block out things it doesn’t like to maintain a world free of negativity.

Chump? Jerk? We’re talking about consuming/not consuming products here!

Sure, but it’s less about positivity/negativity and more about forming opinions about gear one hasn’t seen, heard, held, or played that are so strong one feels compelled to express them. And, again, whichever way that goes, there’s no upside. The only winning move is not to play. ¯\(ツ)

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Again I still don’t understand this drive to be uncritical of things. They release these types of videos exactly because they want you to form an opinion about the device, hopefully positive enough that you’ll want to buy it. Opinions are not a zero sum gain!

Following the same logic why express a positive opinion of something that you’ve never experienced?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the Playdate when it arrives!

Marketing wank aside, after looking again I can see the appeal of the Playdate, the Pulp environment does look like it might have some potential. Still, I think that there may be too many things going against it for me, aside from the cheesy hipsterness of it, and the subscription model, I’d prefer a physical medium like sd card for storage rather than fixed 4gb flash, although I guess it depends how much memory a game takes up.

Not sure if I’ll get one after all the hype dies down, possibly not but I won’t rule it out, could be handy for some music stuff depending on what potential it has.


Preordered the Playdate and cover package ($9 off)

Something to look forward to in 2022

I lol’d when somebody said the crank makes them cranky, partly because I broke my OP-1 crank last weekend when I dropped it.

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I think it looks really cool and I would never buy one for myself because I’m not much of a gamer, but my girlfriend is. She also likes to code and would likely try making something for it, so I preordered one for her last week.

I’m excited to see how she likes it and what she does with it.


I haven’t. Having never used it, I’m withholding judgment. But if you’re asking why optimism regarding an unknown future is more constructive than pessimism generally, I find this bit by Alex Steffen convincing:

Cynicism is often seen as a rebellious attitude in Western popular culture, but, in reality, cynicism in average people is the attitude exactly most likely to conform to the desires of the powerful – cynicism is obedience.

On the topic of the Playdate, I agree with what you that it’s just a bit of kit — and ultimately an act of (non/) consumption at that. Excepting that the production of the device, itself, is (like most gear) an act of optimism, it doesn’t matter much in the scheme of things.

But cynicism generally is a tool of the oppressor to enforce the status quo. Optimism is a tool of revolution and change. A healthy forum/brain interested in new things should, to my thinking, factor a large ratio of optimism to cynicism.

But I’m curious on your take. Maybe we should start an “Anatomy of the Forum” thread or something.

So if I point out that this hipster games console looks shit then I’m playing into the hands of our oppressive overlords?


That’s just telling us how you feel.

Cynicism be more like “I bet the crank will fall of after 10 minutes”, or if you’re trying to be hipster about it, “They’ll give up on the subscription service after a year and you won’t get any new games”.