Poly Effects Beebo (was Digit and Morph)

Thank you! That’s a pretty cool place to get some new ideas or just see what the beebo is capable of.
Recently I messed around with the pitch detect function and built a patch where the note input from my guitar controls a mono voice from the plaits module. I still need to tweak it a bit, but the basic functionality works pretty well.


2nd report on the Loopler by Andre LaFosse, longtime master of EDP style looping


Oh man this looks like an incredible usability update. Woohoo!!!


I wonder which ones? to me everything looks the same, but maybe it’s diff modules than I am using.

Really wish you were able to select which slider you wanted to adjust, and then use the knobs for it, WITHOUT it jumping to the value where your finger touched it.

Also really wish I could have a different color than pink on top of the patch. would be cool to be able to have multiple colors to choose from, so i could organize patches be type.

still such a great little box. nothing but love for it.

looks what the party

wrote to Loki a request on glitchub he listens to request very fair

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oooohhhhhhh, I like how that Hector looks. top strip isn’t PINK, and the title is in Blue.

just did a test: when you put the Beebo into Hector mode, it does remove the top color bar, changes the title blue letters, and the interface reduces the # of inputs/outputs to match (4/4). unfortunately the “paths” do not align correctly, with the modules or the ins/outs.

figured I’d share my results.

Switching between patches is waaayyyy faster for me. Woohoo!

Next will be building some new patches to see how that goes…

UI is massively faster for me under the new firmware. The patch I described above with 27 modules works fine but the UI was super laggy (e.g. opening or moving modules). Now it’s just as snappy as a basic 2-4 module patch. Very impressed.


ahhhh faster. gotcha. i missed the word “performance” when reading the blurb above. thought it meant the UI had been redesigned/updated for some modules. my excitement overruled reading skills obviously. :rofl:

Just tried the 3.16 firmware update.
It is incredible, the responsiveness of the user interface feels completely different now, very snappy and smooth, even on busy patches. I didn’t expect the sluggish response time of the interface to change, as I thought it was tied to cpu usage. I’m blown away by what the developer is still able to squeeze out of this thing.


Live Q/A in 20 min (6pm pacific)

3.17 firmware


That’s so great!!!
Beebo is growing and growing! Thank you for that amazing piece of equipment and all the work and intelligence that you put in it!
Great work!

another awesome update.

Wow, interconnecting audio and CV seems like a crazy feature. Do I understand that correctly that I could basically use my guitar signal as a modulation source for other modules?

Good God.

The 3.16 update was already awesome. My latest patch uses 15 modules, and there’s no audible clicking or slowdown. I’m going to have to try this new new!

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15? craziness. must do some wonderful things.

I’ve got the ported versions of Tides and Clouds, and a whole host of envelopes, attenuverters, VCA’s etc. Sending and receiving in all directions. This thing’s insane!


nice 100 beebo presets made by Paul creedy 6 folders of fun enjoy