Poly Effects Beebo (was Digit and Morph)

We’re a little late getting a few Hectors out as we were waiting for these face plates to come back from the anodiser. If anyone who’s waiting on a Hector wants a sea foam green version instead of black give me a yell. I’m not sure if these will be in demand so I’m not sure if we’ll just sell them direct and dealers will only have black or if the dealers will want both.


Euclid v chaos note out

would be amazing if it had an option where each module only used single digit values for the decimal places? maybe some would like it to be 2 digits. I personally find that having 3 digit values, makes it very hard to use the knobs to dial things in. I find myself having to pull up the keypad option, to get any precise values.

i will literally never need to use something like 83.247 bpm.

still love my Beebo!


I agree, and some values should be changed to integers. For some reason it is possible to set the midi channel with two decimal precision on some modules. Might just be an oversight, as other modules feature integer values for selecting midi channels.

3.18 firmware


another dope update!

I’ve been playing with this vinyl module. Great fun and very usable for background noise and atmosphere…

If only we had an lfo-able / controllable parametric eq in Beebo (a module with 1 band: free, gain, q), we could make a fantastic moving basic channel machine… Gonna make a try tonight.

Thanks a lot for the update!!

I just realized that I can finally sync my op-1 with my elektrons via the USB-midi capabilities of the beebo. Or sequence the op-1 with the chaos controller. I’ve had the beebo for a few months new and I don’t know how I didn’t get this idea earlier :man_shrugging:

Hi Beebo users !
I don’t own one yet and I still hesitate with Zoia to be honnest. I prefer the Mutable Instruments side and the UI visuals of Beebo but, there is a but…
Now that firmware 3.16 improved the UI sluggishness which would annoyed me a lot, I’d like to know if patch changing is fast. I’d like to use Beebo with midi and I like to plock program change with my OT ans DN.
I know it is instant with Zoia whatever the patch size.

It’s not instant. Patches on the beebo take a few seconds to load up.


Thanks :wink:

Kind of game over for me :pensive: Maybe it is just a firmware matter and it could be improved. I have to ask Loki

I doubt that it‘ll be possible as I think you can rather compare it to switching projects in a DAW than just switching presets. At least that‘s the impression I have.

Ok, maybe Zoia is the answer tho.

I asked Loki yesterday and I received a fast and kind answer. Here it is :

There are ways around it, i.e. disable / enable parts of a patch if you need to change things mid song, or fade in / fade out parts. It’ll never be instant though because patches can be very complicated.


Maybe I have to think more about workarounds. Use big patches containing several distinct parts which can be muted/unmuted with midi cc for example.
It could be work well !
I have to think about it.

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Sounds like a good solution especially since it’s better to run modules parallel instead of chaining them in order to save CPU. So muting/unmuting should work very well and instantly for song changes.

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Love the look of this, but wished it was in a more desktop, rather than pedal, format. Maybe some more knobs and tactile buttons / switches. That’s the problem with GAS, nothing ever 100% scratches that itch :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yeah, more knobs would have been stellar, especially since the two knobs on the device aren’t really used to their full potential IMHO (one for coarse, one for fine adjustments). I’d rather have a dedicated volume knob, but since there are four separate outputs, I understand that this is not so easy. However, mapping CCs from external devices (I am using a DN to control all kinds of stuff on the beebo) is a breeze and works very smoothly.
For example, everything in the macro osc (plaits) module can be p-locked, including the engine. So if you set up a patch on the beebo using the macro osc and map all the parameters to the corresponding CCs, it’s quite straightforward to control it entirely via midi. No need to load up a new patch on the beebo for different songs, I just use different midi track settings on the DN.

Yeah I’ve got a Zoia and control it with a Beatstep, works great, but not really suited to couch play. More knobs and more buttons equals more expensive to manufacture so it’s a trade off I guess.

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Worth a try ! I’m first looking for a second hand (pink or silver are my personal favorites)


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Seems I found one :content:

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