Poly Effects Beebo (was Digit and Morph)

That was fast! Congrats and I hope you enjoy it!

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When the Universe is with you, things happen :content:

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new firmware 3.20


Thanks! The first line already has me excited to install this as soon as I can!

Hi. It’s nice to have Mutable Instruments modules. I wonder if Beebo can do vocoder stuff using Warps.

Haven’t tried that yet, but it should be possible. I’ll report back, once I get around to giving it a go.

That’ll be great. Thanks in advance.

I set the beebo up as in the video above, using the chords mode of beebos plaits port as a carrier and my voice as a modulator. I can hear both signals through the other algorithms of the warps port (e.g. wave folder) but it turns to silence when i dial in the vocoder algorithms. Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but I can’t seem to get the vocoder to work.

Thanks a lot. I was also intrigued by this video. It is weird if it does not work. I have contacted Poly Effects yesterday but no one has replied me yet. Maybe I’ll try as soon as I get one.

They have just replied me:
“It’s got all the other warps modes but currently vocoder isn’t implemented. I’m planning to add a separate, more flexible vocoder module”
Hope it arrives soon!


I initially got the beebo as an fx unit for my op-1 and to get back into playing more guitar. It’s great for both purposes, but to my surprise, I find myself using the beebo mostly on its own. Held like a Gameboy with headphones on the couch. Marbles, rings, plaits, clouds, tides, so much fun to be had with only the mutable instruments ports. It’s certainly keeping me from diving into the real modular world, even though I really see the appeal now. But having all these modular options in such a small form factor for a just a fraction of the price of the real modules is a true blessing. And most importantly: saveable patches.


I recently got one and have a couple of questions if someone doesn’t mind answering/checking.

  1. Are you supposed to reamp a line level signal before going into the Beebo? I can not seem to get a loud enough signal without the pedal distoring/clipping…

  2. Are these units extremely ‘hissy’, or is it only my unit? I have a constant hiss coming from mine, loud enough to be of annoyance. Perhaps related to question 1…

  3. Some of the modules have only one dot (connection point) on the input side, even though they are called stereo. Is this simply a visual thing, or do I need to duplicate the module to connect the other input for true stereo? If yes, can I link the modules somehow so that the changes I make to one of the modules is updated in the copy/duplicate module?

Would be great to get these questions sorted…

Have you checked the input level under settings? My Beebo took guitar levels fine.

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I don’t use a re-amp box on mine. You can adjust input sensitivity in the settings. I still clip it sometimes, but it’s nowhere near as fussy as some other FX pedals with line level inputs.

No. If adjusting sensitivity doesn’t help, it might be worth contacting Loki (the guy who makes these). He’s pretty repsonsive from what I’ve heard and I’m sure will help figure out of if your unit is faulty

Which modules are you talking about? I think all of the stero modules have two inputs (or 4, in the case of stereo wet/dry)

Thanks for answering.
Nice to hear that no reamp box should be needed.

Are you sure about the hiss? You can even clearly hear it in Loopops review at 5:23.
Or are you using a noise gate before or after going into the pedal?

I was mainly thinking about the Basic Reverb. The description says ‘true stereo reverb’ or something.

Mine is definately not hissy. Is the hiss there even with no inputs attached or modules loaded? I think you should try to rule that out before contacting Loki.

It does make beautiful noises with some of the modules (vinyl!) :slight_smile:

I can affirm that even some stereo fx only have one input point. This puzzled me too.

It’s a great device! It’s such a blessing to have 4 outs and certainly 4 ins! I use inputs 3 and 4 for control inputs often (sidechaining).

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No, I don’t use a noise gate. I don’t find it noticably hissy.

I just took a look, and yeah it’s just stereo out/mono in on that reverb module. I guess if you wanted stereo in/stereo out, you could use two mono reverbs on left and right channels separately (as Loopop shows on his video you linked)

All right, I’ll have to investigate the origin of my hiss further then…

Anyone use midi thru on the Beebo yet? I’m looking to pass some midi sequences from my Norns, thru the Beebo to the Micromonsta. Would like to use some Beebo modules (lfo etc) to control some Micromonsta parameters as well. Would you just connect a path from midi in straight to midi out like you do with audio for pass thru.