Poly Effects Beebo (was Digit and Morph)

Dang, seems like I bought one.

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honestly, the only issue i have had with this machine - is that the lettering wears off with the slightest bit of friction. (at least mine did, who knows, maybe it was a bad batch.) on my unit, letters started wearing off almost immediately, so i went ahead and removed all of em. super easy to do, using only using my fingernail and light pressure, to avoid scratches. Worked great. Now I have a stealth blue box on my desk, and i love it.

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You don’t have crosstalk between the channels?

Was this @Switchmode patches you were wanting? I do think what hes doing sounds interesting.

My patches are all attempting to have relatively straightforward reverb, delay, granular etc for both my mixer synth send/returns and vocal send/returns.

@Dymaxion i am not yet hearing any bleed……

any patches people want to share, i would love to explore. i am probably using 5% of it’s capabilities at this point, mostly cuz there are so many options available. my imagination in this arena is not as robust as the machine would like. I’m sure there are some geniuses out there that are doing amazing things with this box, I am not one of em tho. :sunglasses:

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You have summarized where i am as well!

Of course theres the patchstorage site but i would love it if say switchmode or whoever here posted a patch, a screenshot of the patch and then we could talk a bit about it. Im not modular enough yet to fully grasp a lot of patches without a bit of an explanation.


But wait - here’s another firmware update!


This is guy is just insane! Didn’t even know there was also Euclidean sequencer in there, wow! Looking forward to receiving the pink version soon, I already made a plan of how to best route the ins and outs to allow for resampling with the op-1.

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OK - here’s my main patch - wah, noise gate, tremolo, Hazarai style tapped delay, looper. All controlled by foot switches A, B, an external expression pedal and a midi foot controller. Beebo also filters the incoming midi signal from the foot pedal (via the TRS midi input) and sends out CC to my Pitchfactor via USB to control tap tempo. The pitchfactor then sends Beebo its midi clock via USB. Beebo and Pitchfactor are connected via USB so I only need one cable for midi I/O.

This use case is really about configuring Beebo as a guitar multi-fx unit in what’s called ‘four cable method’. Basically I have Beebo running an effects chain between my guitar and my pre-amp (i/o 1), then another effects chain running between the pre-amp and the power-amp (i/o 3).

The first signal path has a wah which I built using the oberheim filter’s bandpass output (controlled via external cc which also controls the mix between wet and dry).

The post gain signal has a few things going on. The first group of modules gives me a noise gate on my dirty guitar signal. A VCA on this path is being controlled by an envelope follower plugged into the mix VCA that taps i/o 1. It’s basically a sidechained noise gate.

The second group of modules gives me a tremolo synced to midi clock. The various stacked modules filter an LFO that’s controlling a VCA.

The third group of modules give me a EHX Hazarai style multi tap delay. This is kind of like a reverse reverb (think My Bloody Valentine) but with more drive and a bit less washy reverb. Five delays stacked together with single repeats. VCA 3 determines the level of this signal fed into the output.

The final group of (two) modules is the Loopler for tempo synced looping.


Wow! Wow! Wow! Thats deep. Thx for sharing how you did it. I bet it took quite awhile to build that?

sweet! i see this patch utilizes 100% of the CPU. well done.
you should upload this one to patchstorage.


I was wondering if someone would pick up on that! I’d just booted up Beebo before taking the photo which is why the CPU is so high. It drops to about 80% after 30 seconds or so.

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anyone else experiencing the DELAY Module - sub-menu for timing, being upside down - when using the BEATS option? seems like when the code got finalized it had an inverted setting enabled, i imagine because of the ability to invert the screen on the Hector unit, which shares the same firmware. I’m sure it will get fixed on the next update, cuz Loki seems to handle issues quite quickly.

Hey - thanks for the shout out!


Sharing a patch I had started under 3.10 firmware - using Digitakt to send midi notes to multiple Multi Resonators with Euclidean sequencer to trigger some polyrhythms. Posting link below as a new user I can’t post videos yet!!

Getting into 3.12 firmware now tonight!



Oh man gary, nice to have you over here. Appreciate all you are doing on the fb site.

I shall be delving into the euclidean sequencer soon.

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Thank you! I’ll be posting more patches again to patchstorage now that the firmware is feeling stable.

I’ve been doing a lot lately with a Polyend Tracker to Beebo and ZOIA aside from the mega duo of Digitakt and Digitone.

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I love this forum but it’s killer for gas. Beebo always been on my list and now the hector but not been in a hurry to get one

Now I’m thinking of shifting my polyend tracker to buy one after reading these posts and seeing these patches

Must log off forums for my own sanity lol


The fun continues!

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No chance to keep up with the amount and speed of the firmware updates… Good and bad at the same time.

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