Polyend Play

Oh, man, that was the dream machine…I was so bummed when they cancelled it!

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I haven’t even been admitted to this corridor yet. I’m stuck sitting in the vestibule of confusion. Feels like I’ve spent a lifetime in here.


Whatever it is, I’ve gone from curious to annoyed. Polyend, if you’re listening, at least give us some of the basics!

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At this point, Polyend or @reeloy can drop it. At least, Squarp made a longer teaser but concentrated in 24h. If they plan to drag that until SuperBooth, they can call it Polyend Teaser right now.


Or deliver one hell of a reveal.

Yeah it pisses me off too. Not only with Polyend but in general.
This overhyping creates super expectations, and most of the time companies underdeliver. It happened when I got the MPC Live, the Maschine+, and so on.

I don’t mind a god teaser when there’s a bit of fun to it. Elektron have had a few belters, the box being a fav, but there’s always that risk that you over play things and folks start to convince themselves that’ll it’ll be something it isn’t and end up disappointed. That’s also happened in Elektron land (Heat/Drive, whichever one involved the car and string sounds and shit).

Maybe Polyend will deliver but I’m pretty sure what has grown in my minds eye because of these teasers is going to be twice the product that actually materialises!


Polyend is a small company doing whatever they can to bring attention to their upcoming product launch. If you’re getting burned out on their promo tactics, maybe just take it easy on the social media and forum posts for a bit. It’s not Polyend’s responsibility to manage your content intake.

Besides, it’s clear by now that it’s just another virtual analog kazoo engine with granular effects processing. It’s not motivating me to sell my Syntakt any time soon.


I was going to suggest the MPC One too. Rock solid MIDI, well-known sampling capabilities. There are quite a few solid synths as well, but you don’t have to use them if you don’t want to. With all the processing capabilities, it’s very DAW-like, without being a DAW. I know you’re a keys guy, but I have enjoyed playing stuff in using the pads. You can always plug a keyboard in via USB or MIDI too.

I feel like this Polyend device is going to be a sequencer. If it is also a sampler, then I’d be much more curious. I have too many already though. :sweat_smile:


I struggle with the MPC song writing workflow, tho. I’ve given it some serious time, so I feel like I really gave it a fair chance.

But we’ll see. Polyend first :slight_smile: then we’ll see.


I hear ya, MPC’s really are their own thing. I’ve only scratched the surface with mine – just enough to get things recorded, then I move on. :smiley:


You didn’t hear it from me… :stuck_out_tongue:


Virtual analog is cool. As long as it samples too :slight_smile:

Honestly that’s why I’ve returned the Tracker. I missed having some synth engines on board.

That’s why I went for the M8


Yes, virtual analog is cool, but virtual analog kazoos are the future…


A surprisingly complex reed model!


And I guess they listened to us and stopped hyping :smiley:
Now I kinda miss it :)) Stockholm syndrome :))


getting too close

If it has synth engines built in i hope their better than the Deluge synth engines. Or MPC. I want something with a bit more oomph!

Lack of insta stories suggests the team is busy putting the final gloss on the launch assets… or they are completely redesigning the unit based on this thread’s demands :laughing:

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I just wish for a VA synth with possibility to add a sample into oscillator (like the Deluge).
I found the Deluge thin too, and I’m not an audiophile, but for general purpose it was very good for me.