Polyend Play

sounds reasonable, but there are as many unreasonable examples as well, for example I’ve been using the sp-404 since it was a 303, I understand the culture of how they work and the limitations people like about them but why in the world would Roland not put a better sequencer in the new model… everyone who prefers the current workflow could keep the current workflow just by not using the sequencer and everyone who wanted to use a sequencer that was on par with the sampling capabilities on the unit would be happy… win win… and in Rolands case it’s almost like they’ve been going backwards since the sp-505 and the cdx-1 disc lab

I know it’s all subjective but to have a sampler that’s on par with the electron sequencer inside a machine with an equally great sequencer that is smaller than the octatrack with a workflow as accessible as the model samples/cycles, should be prevalent in this eras development cycle… maybe polyend and novation will eek it out one of these days, I’m still surprised that novation hasn’t come out with a launchpad that has a screen on it and a sampler inside, they already put a sequencer in one, and they’ve seen for years how people have used launchpads for a more economical version of a monome but somehow they never tried making a stand alone monome?
if they had imho it would have sold better than the whole circuit series.


I’m not sure screens will ever be a thing with certain Novation products. Looking at all of the different Launchpads, and the various Circuits they have made, it seems like they found their corner of the market with screen-less designs. I always wanted some sort of a Super-Circuit, probably something similar to what you envision as a sampling Launchpad with a screen and lots of features. But instead of making a flagship groovebox, they broke it off into the Tracks and the Ryhtym.

the tracks and the rhythm, such a tease haha… after years of them staring at people on every continent pairing their launchpad with a laptop, or an iOS device, I mean they have literally been everywhere in the tiniest of hole in the wall get togethers to the biggest stage… no matter what the genre, nested somewhere underneath masses of modular clusters etc…
and they went as far to add sequencers and even open sourced dev, but no one said … maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe we should add sample import?..I’d buy two even if I had to use that components app to get the samples in, on the other hand if they did sample they’d be worth their weight in gold


They just need to allow you to have a global pool. So you don’t need to sample stuff for each project. And polyphony… And job done. The Circuit rhythm was a fun device. I sold it though

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New video by Isobutane!


Considering that at least they are going to release two products, perhaps this one is a digital drum box and the another one a synth?

The only Polyend device I’ve owned is the Medusa and it left me very unimpressed. The Tracker wasn’t as appealing as the M8 to me either. Everyone seems to be excited for this due to how much they liked the Tracker I’m guessing? It’ll have to sound really good to appeal to me.


Based on that video And the amount of brands he tagged I’m inclined to think it’s a sequencer. Moving on… not my cup of tea :slight_smile:

Where did you read there are two products?

I got that from an email exchange with them, and their Superbooth entry says “devices” (plural), though they might not drop at the same time or one of them might get shelved, etc.

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Yeah but sounds like a more generic way to say we’re here for a long run. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

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Piotr (CEO) said to me last summer: “we are working on two very cool new devices”. Tho, as I said that doesn’t mean both will appear in 2022. Still, exciting times are ahead for Polyend :slight_smile:


where are the drums coming from in this track? does the rm1x have a drum machine or sampler? its pretty confusing that hes running a groovebox alongside this thing

i wonder if polyend was aware of the hapax. still looks cool and probably useful, even for someone like me who uses elektron to sequence all of my hardware. as long as its cheaper than the hapax, it’ll have a good place in the market i think

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Now im pretty sure its a sequencer only since all the videos use other gears.


Yeah, one of the hashtags was #sequencer

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Polyend Xapah?


Polyend Sequel?

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If Polyend teases a sequencer only, with this level of hype considering the sequencer market, it had better be something game changing or they’ve lived in a cave for a year.


I really want it to be something more than a sequencer and not be a sampler or fm synth😊

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My guess is that squarp ate their lunch with the hapax. But what are they gonna do, not market their gear? Polyend will probably win on price, too.