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Some very nice photos and gorgeous woodwork.

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I’ve been really enjoying playing with multiple exposures lately. I recently bought a Fuji x100v, which allows me to make them in camera easily. Here are a few recent ones.

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This is something I’ve cooked up today :slight_smile:

This is an audioreactive patch that I’ve built in Touchdesigner, but the initial part of performing and recording was in AUM on my iPad:

Further info:

uberdrone is a series of études on spatial noise and feedback chains in urban environments.

the sonic material is collected via experimental field recordings such as ground velocity, impulse responses and ambisonic recording. afterwards all the collected forensic material is processed in a hybrid analogue / digital setup, which is recorded as a one-take performance. this final sonic material is the foundation for these audioreactive video setups.


Here we are guys and gals. Yesterday i received a letter from a funding company owned by the Finnish government, telling me that they believe in my project and are willing to back it. Today I got an email from my bank that they’ll lend me the money and I also got a message from a local business advisor that they’ll give me a new entrepreneur-funding for 18 months starting january.

That sealed the deal. I’m going to buy my favourite used book shop in the world and continue to run it from january on, as the founder and owner is turning 70 next year and needs to retire. I can’t really describe how happy this makes me. I’ll get to work with the things I love the most (books, comics, movies and vinyl/cd/cassette) and I’ll be working for myself. No more commisions (unless they’re 100% up my alley) and no more hustling freelance work to be able to pay my mortgage.

I’m pretty sure that I’ll do a lot more drawing and designing now that it’s not my livelihood anymore. I’ll maybe start a new comic series and design t-shirts and stickers for my shop etc. I’ll have instore-gigs, happenings, art shows and courses for teenagers who want to become djays or produce music or whatever I come up with. It’s going to be the nicest second hand pop culture shop in Europe.

I feel at the same time extremely happy and terrified. It’s a big loan and a kinda short time to pay it back. But I’ll never achieve anything by sitting on my ass and not taking any risks. Wish me luck.


Congrats! That sounds like an ideal job. If you start your comic series and are in need of some lettering/calligraphy hit me up, I always wanted to try something like this.

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Wow! Lots of amazing work from everybody!
I havent been making any visual art this year but am quite proud of the block prints I was making last year.
This one started it all, my friend Josh, made for his memorial early last year

And a couple more


Congratulations…that’s awesome! :+1:t6:

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Thanks! I’m over the moon about this.


These are terrific. I’ve been doing block printing for 40 years but never produced anything as good as these! :star_struck:


Congrats, that sounds frigging awesome! You’re in Turku, right?

If I ever get my shit together as regards a live set of sorts, I’ll come and play at your store!

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It’s a deal. Kättä päälle!

Yeah Turku is my hometown. Now more than ever. We’ve been toying with the idea of moving to Reposaari or some other small seaside-town but I guess this latest career move keeps us in this town for the following 20-30 years.

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Thank you! The hardest part of getting this to work out for me has always been summoning the level of patience required to work as slow as needed.


werking on anims…trying to get hired again. I NEED a job!
the models I have are shit tho…

I still need to add web effects. some polish.
and I GOTTA finish soon. Maya is costing me $300/month.


Looking very very good. I’d hire you instantly. I moved to my current hometown in 1997 to study animation but never graduated and ended up in the illustration/design business instead.

That Maya monthly price is just bonkers. I quit Adobe maybe five years ago because I resented that monthly fee model. Been very happy with my Affinity software ever since.


Thanks…heh I started in illustration and design and ended up in animation :slight_smile:

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Here’s some pointcloud-rendering and pixelsorting I recently did:


Thats brilliant - building something like this has always really appealed to me. Fair play for taking the plunge, and huge amounts of good luck to you :slight_smile:
I’ve been running my company for 10 years now, still gets a bit hairy on occasion, but I think I’d struggle working for anyone else now!
Keep us updated with how it goes!

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Looking through this amazing thread again, and so stoked to have this @Scot_Solida original now!

I was once much more of a visual artist than today, working/dabbling in design, rendering, photography, and digital manipulation. This is my idea for the cover image of my first solo release, taken around 10 years ago with a custom tilt lens rig.

Here’s something intended for the back cover of another album, if that ever sees the light of day.

Another digital thing, may be used someday.