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thats really interesting how it “comes together”

absolutely love what you did … looks phantastic … great!

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cool dreamy character!

Thank you so much! :pray:

especially the first pic

this combination of geometry and water, like how it breaks out, like a wave, a digital wave maybe…

the strong lines and the fading, its like a gentle breaking off , of it*s composure ,…, like you captured the process of change, change of form and change of composure … a metamorphosis from digital to organic - from geometric to natural.

i can totally see this on display in a berlin war bunker

… nuff said

: )

looks to me like you captured many worlds, the night, the day, the darkness, the light, the underground and the sky.

cool painting

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tell us about Josh?

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woooow this is fantastic! phantastic … are there any more scenes now?

Thank you…. :relaxed:

There aren’t and won’t be. Maya was costing me $300 a month. And I can’t afford to keep renting the software. :frowning:

I’m surprised they don’t have a version that would allow people to werk on their demos.


so far it hasn’t done anything to get me hired


Wow, there is so much incredible art in this thread! I really enjoyed seeing everyones work.

I wanted to share this zine/digital flipbook I made last fall. I’m currently taking a computer science, digital art and design program and I made this as one of my assignments.

I made the theme for my zine synthetic audio waveforms. I created most of the project in Adobe Illustrator. I drew the third image (the one with the dog and the instruments that look like Elektron gear) in Procreate on an iPad I had on lone from my school.

I’m sorry to post a link but I’m not sure how else to get the zine in my post as I can’t embed an iframe.


the yellow ball climbing up on a vertical line between predetermined limits?

Kandinsky + Bauhaus


Thanks! I tried to embed it here but it was bigger than the file limit.


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that little book of yours … reminds me, in a very good way, of a child*s book… the cool doggo and the illustrations that follow

i bet there is an audience out there… for daddys (and mommys) to read the sine wave good night story to their offspring

: )

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Thanks! I can totally see that interpretation too. A lot of my visual art is fairly cute or cartoony in style.

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Simply put Josh was an overall fantastic human. A great skateboarder, a wonderful writer and great visual artist. He was the kind of person who gave everyone respect and would give anyone the time of day. Would give friends and family the shirt off his back, was an amazing husband and father and looked after me like an older brother through some dark times in my life. I miss him a lot.

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Screenshot 2021-06-22 103738


I didn’t post in a while. I wanted to show you some work I did last and this year. It’s just four works where there were dozens.
The first two works are oil on canvas, the others pencil on paper.

I currently have my first museum solo exhibition, which is insane to me. Over 60 works on 400m².

More here:


Beautiful work! Congrats on the exhibition!!


Stunning work, congratulations!

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