Post your artwork here - please read the "rules" : )

interesting looking birthday cake :slight_smile:

Here is some art I made for my 2nd Deaf Index project “The Engine of Creation”. It was all from a psilocybin session and when I came down I had to start sketching.


That image really needs an explanation. It’s making me excited and nauseous at the same time.




Symptoms exacerbated.


A soap ?

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Having a lot of fun with touchdesigner lately


Yo! Love this thread.

I have been busy with some 3D sculpting and little software jams all on my iPad.

I am a Preschool teacher and before the day starts the children arrive and play with toys or have free time. I normally doodle. I have a little time restraint and enough time to get something a bit comical out. I love making kids laugh. I don’t usually have time to color it so I normally take a photo of the sketch I do and use Procreate to turn everything digital and add color there. Then I use nomad create the 3D model. Digital clay rocks!!!

Here’s my latest speedsculpt and jam.




Another flower animation, this time audio reactive. Really happy in particular with the colours in this one.

A still:


Nice one. That first piece reminds me of your avatar.

Description?? as per thread stipulations. I am a sucker for a backstory. It helps me mentally frame the moments shared.

Bro, these are INCREDIBLE!!! Have you heard of MentalCanvas?

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Yes! Both comments about this art are exactly on the money!

Right!? That would be soooooooo good! Since reading that comment I have been happily thinking up a tangible context for these little brain brothers. Like what would they be doing?

They are not as clever as they are brain looking and I love them @re5et


Ren and Stimpy and “Ahhhh Real Monsters” … brilliant shots from the nostalgia gun! LOVED those cartoons.


Sunday morning, we went for a walk with my son and my wife in St Suliac, a nice little town close to St Malo.
I had my field recorder to get some wave and bird sounds.

This picture is a detail of a garden barrier, I hid the sun with it.

My avatar is a detail of a session of visual larsens, with my phone used as a webcam to capture my computer screen :slight_smile:

I’ve seen some amazing stuff people have made on MentalCanvas but haven’t had the chance to play around with it yet.

I had a look but saw the price and thought ‘ maybe I should dig into blender and grease pencil ‘

I haven’t drawn anything for a while. My brain isn’t in the mood atm.

The background image on your profile page is awesome!

Thank you, it’s from the same session of visual larsens. I should do a video of it for the next track… :thinking:

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I love that stuff!
I’d love to be schooled on how to do that stuff. Cool vibe.

With MacOS + iPhone, here you go:

  • plug your iPhone to your Mac
  • launch Quicktime player > new video
  • you have a little menu on the right of the red button : choose your iPhone as a webcam, it will copy the phone screen
  • on the iPhone, launch a photo app and there you go: you just have to film what’s going on on the screen.

Try different angles, you’ll see some amazing animations!
I love it when some blue arrives from nowhere.
If you use the regular iPhone photo app, you sometimes have a yellow square: you can watch it being deformed by the visual larsen, it’s fascinating…
Have fun!