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Brussels sprouts…

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My daughter say thank you. When I read her the post, she blushed. Sorry for the late reply.

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No worries! I’m glad she got my complement, I really mean it. :slight_smile:

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Bit of teaser for a piece I just finished with a couple of friends for a show next month.

Bit of an exquisite corpse consisting of ~15,000 paperclips with a shared understanding of how the final piece should look.


What’s the parameters you set, and how is it going towards the final result?

Any corse corrections?

I study art right now and would love to know about your process.

The parameters were largely set by the invitation to participate in the show. We were asked to use paperclips to reimagine a much larger wooden piece that we did years ago depicting 2 individuals embracing.

So we understood the materials that we’d be using and the final shape it should take. Once we decided the size of the final piece, we each selected an element of the final piece that we’d focus on and got to work with each of us figuring out how best to do what we said we would while working individually.

We’d check in frequently and share progress, images, and experiences with what was ultimately a fairly absurd concept.

The exquisite corpse element came about when we came together to combine all of the pieces and flesh out the final sculpture. Each of us working towards cohesion between/around/within/through the distinctness of each of our styles and ideas while staying true to the very basic criteria we had agreed to.

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I love that. Thank you for sharing.

Interesting implications could be had with that idea too!

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Nice colourscheme!

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That’s f*ckin dope.

Got more?

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A few here in the thread. :point_up:
And many on papers and hard drives.


Pretty rad, although I would highly recommend trying out Touch Designer for this sort of glitch audio effects on images (or video) everything is real time so actually get to tune in everything… I suppose there can be some magic with this kind of blind editing though.


some chunky bryce render




Awesome :+1:t6:

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Awesome, I’ll look into it!

These are brilliant! Look straight out of early 90s Saturday morning cartoons.

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Here’s one i did up for a customer the other day, he just wanted something odd

Went with a cockatoo candle top and a medieval armor lower


Took this photograph in Portugal shortly before a rain shower, hence the crazy lighting.