Post your artwork here - please read the "rules" : )

I haven’t heard of a remix of a picture before. I like that :slightly_smiling_face:

Love it. :+1:t6: I used to bomb in the early 90s. Not nearly a good as yer stuff. Fun times tho.

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A Naif japanese poem with monomachine become a clip


Nice one!! Yeah it’s good fun. I miss it, but there’s no way I could do it these days. 18-year-old me was a nutcase.

Haha ya. I get the bug…but then you think about going out at 4am to bomb…and I’d honestly rather be in bed hahaha
Nice pieces!

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does the “heat” work ? : D

I might have made that term up, few years ago.

Let’s keep it going! This thread has inspired me to get off my lazy ass and do some drawing again. Here’s some older stuff. I have a whole shelf of pens and pencils collecting dust. I tell myself that I’ll get back into it when I retire (early). But I know I should carve out some time. These days, music comes first though.


So cool!
Reminds me of that good ol’ days before CGI circa He-Man, Star Wars and Dark Crystal. Amazing mate.

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Thanks. Brian Froud (Dark Crystal) is a big influence.


Hmmm I’m really into character creation and toys too. I’m watching Masters of the Universe. It’s so inspiring.

EDIT: Masters of the Universe on Netflix.

i was wondering how we could hone these said art skills and I thought hehehehe we could make a UK Garage and Grime crew.
If you or anybody else for that matter) fancy making something out of nothing feel free to drop me a dm. Not worried if not.

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Beautiful work! & beautiful shading!

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Haha truth! Cheers

Cool! Where is it? I’m living in Sweden, could be an interesting trip!

It’s at Dovre. Just pm me, and I can tell you where it is. :slight_smile:


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I’m bumping this thread because interdisciplinarity is great and I’ve loved browsing through it…

Here are some photos of mine. I am by no means a pro, just a hobby for me after I rescued an old camera from Freecycle.

This first one I took at Superbooth last year, it was my first ever event of the like and the venue is just fabulous, especially the woods around it.

This one is at Richmond Park and I like it because I took it at a friend’s 40th birthday and if you look closely there’s a little person stretching.

This final one is from Amsterdam and I love it because of those reflections on the water and because it brings me back to that trip were we visited so many amazing small galleries.

Keep it alive <3



(Best shot as per say few friends)

Seagulls, Shapes and Eleanor Storm by Monsieur Choubs on

150mm - ƒ/5 - 1/800s - ISO 100


(One of my favorite)

Equilibrium (between Sun and Cloud) by Monsieur Choubs on

16mm - ƒ/4.5 - 1/1000s - ISO 100


Have you considered having different ‘channels’ for your art? Maybe something personal and then another ‘channel’ that is your “work” type of work. We all need to get paid in order to pursue our dreams. I think there will always be a balance between what you’re paid to do and what you want to do until you’ve paid enough dues to bang your own drum and be paid for it. My best friend is an amazing artist for years but never took the steps to do it professionally until recently. So while he has GREAT skills - his clients could care less. Most of the work he ends up doing is borderline embarassing - he’s just trying to collect $$ for tablets and other gear. Try not to get discouraged! The arts are all good and beautiful until its time to cut the check!

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I’m in the (very long) process of buying myself an antique book shop. Everything else is in order but I need to find a bank who believe that selling second hand books, vinyls and cds is still a viable business in these times of streaming etc.

I’ve kind of let myself think that when I’m working there, in my special beautiful shop, I’ll have time to do comics and drawing stuff on a whole new level as it won’t be for my livelihood anymore it would just be a hobby that might someday make me some money. Doing art for cash is always somewhat of a compromise. Doing art for art’s sake and then selling that is what I want to be doing. I don’t really enjoy commissions or assignments anymore. I’d like to just do my stuff and if somebody likes the way my stuff looks they’ll buy the poster or the t-shirt. That’s the plan.

This is what my future shop looks at the moment. The owner is turning 70 soon and he just does not have the strength to keep it in order anymore. He’s hoarded the whole place (around 700 square feet) full of stuff which to me as the buyer is beautiful but to a customer is off putting. A lot of work to make that place look like a proper shop again. But I’m definitely up to it.