Probably should have bought the Syntakt

I bought a Model:Cycles recently. It is my first Elektron instrument. I didn’t want to buy something too expensive initially in case I didn’t really take to it, so the M:C made sense.

Naturally, it turns out that I like the M:C a lot, but I really think I should have gone for the Syntakt. The more full-featured midi tracks, Overbridge, more machines, etc. really would be useful.


There is a paradox that affects most of us, I think. On the one hand, we recognize the limitations of our gear. On the other hand, we know we haven’t pushed that gear to its creative potential.


Syntakt is really nice, sounds like an eventual upgrade is in the cards for you? Do you want the analog side too?

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…u got one of the swedish essentials in ur hand…and the biggest bang for the buck…once u captured and harvested it’s full potential, ur more than ready for another one…st will be cheaper to catch by then, ur already firm wit that swedish workflow, so then, it will feel like flying right from the get go…
and that midi thing, is exactly the same as on the cycles…u always have to kill a machine for each midi track…so, no fomo for now…enjoy that gadget…promise, if u dive deep, u’ll never gonna grow out of it…it’s a serious music instrument with it’s very own and unique sound…
if u’d picked the m:s instead, u could blame urself now…but no such thing with the cycles…


Yes every gear that costs 3 times more than that one you have might (!) be more useful.
However I would only switch to Syntakt if you can program all sorts of EDM / IDM rhythms within 5 minutes, if you know everything about sound design, music theory and if you are bored. :wink:

One can start with expensive gear but there is no need to.

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Same. I bought a pork chop for dinner last night, and I am feeling like I should’ve went with the Syntakt instead.


Is midi the same? I don’t understand how I can sequence/adjust MIDI CC on the M:C, but it seems to be easily done on the fuller-featured Elektron gear.

…cc might be a problem on the models…but apart from that, it’s not really a full fledged midi sequencer since if only mirrors what the internal machine would trigger like…
and that is exactly the same on st…u want midi, u kill a machine track for it…

Dude, i started out with a M:C. Since then I’ve gotten a DT, DN, AH, A4, and recently just bought an OT. I’m so happy I started with a M:C. Not only is it a good way to dip your toe into the elektron work flow, but it’s beauty is it’s limitations. I’ve come up with some many playing techniques that i would not have done (wouldn’t have to) if i started with the more high end machines. Plus it has some features that the digi’s will never have.


for me, M:C fell into eternal «maybe someday» category. it has certain advantages over Syntakt, i e. battery power and moar knobs – but never convinced me to buy it.

Syntakt turned me on and settled on my desk permanently.


You can just sell the M:C and get the Syntakt. I guess “buy nice or buy twice” applies here. It is okay. Wanting a gear upgrade is not always GAS.

The midi tracks and Overbridge are excellent for all manner of workflows. Syntakt became the hub of my studio. The build quality and playability is much better than the M:C.


I could only compare Model Samples and Digitakt, much prefered DT UI.
Didn’t feel comfortable with MS workflow compared to DT.

I’m absolutely sure I’d feel the same with MC vs ST, same MC knobs for completely different parameters being even worse than dedicated graphics / names for ST.

Of course the additional tracks, machines, analog voices, much better midi abilities, FX track are also a game changer.

2 Model Cycle wouldn’t suffice for a fair comparison imho. And I don’t like Models look, form factor…


I think both are fantastic.
It was wise of you to try out the sound with the MC. Go crazy with it for now! If you don’t get burnt out with the sound (that I love) take that upgrade. I was rocking one for a while until the Syntakt was announced.

While I finally feel comfortable with the workflow on a digi box, I miss the knob-per-function aspect of the MC sometimes. That thing can be so fast to work with and dial right into a sound. Enjoy it!


This is the problem with a hiarchal system. You always lust after the next rung up the ladder. Of course Elektron are aware of this.


Curious about whether you like the latest OT as a addition of the setup? Did you find a satisfying way to combine all and make use of it? i am so hesitating to add an OT to my DT/DN/HEAT combo. All my midi and audio is routed in a solid and permanent hookup. Thinking about the OT but 2 pair of inputs holds me off and can’t figure out where to put the AH in the chain. Kinda holding back because i am afraid managing projects to match on 3 devices becomes a hassle and kills the “hands on” hardware experience.

Sounds like someones forcing you to buy an OT :laughing: Blink twice if an Elektronaut is holding you against your will.


AH after OT, sell DT.
Not forcing anyone…:content:

Yeah’ it is their strategy


soo I’m pretty much in the same situation with Rytm mk2 and the TR-6s…

I knew I wanted the Rytm but it was soo expensive and huge, while the TR-6s was small, much much cheaper and on paper it had all I ever wanted… so I got it… makes sense…

after couple of month I’ve realized that yeah… that’s not what I wanted… coming from DN I missed the sequencer, I’ve missed the separate menus for filter, amp, etc…

so I waited for the AR2 to be on sale and I got it. YOLO! and it’s everything I’ve ever wanted :slight_smile:

I suppose the point of my story is that sometimes we make decisions based on “looks good on paper” logic but it’s not working out, don’t be too bummed out, you still have a great instrument which is fully capable of creating music, which is the whole point… use it until you have a chance to replace it with the instrument of your dreams, or who knows… maybe it’ll grow on you and you keep it forever…

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